Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 348: space battleship

Chapter 348 Space Battleship

Under the deliberate induction of Mal'Ganis, Alsace now only has the idea of ??revenge in his heart, and he will never stop his steps until he achieves this goal.

But once the revenge is successful, he will start to reflect on his recent behavior because of the achievement of the goal. Emptiness and guilt are the most vulnerable times in his heart.

Ner'zhul, who was secretly manipulating everything behind the scenes, had figured this out. Through Frostmourne, he continued to carry out thoughts comparable to a Tang monk, and Arthas finally fell completely.

Under the close attention of Charlemagne and others, it didn't take long for Lor'themar and Emmoreel to return on the giant eagle to report the latest situation.

"Alsace and Muradin, who studied the iron dwarves in the Howling Fjord, have moved both the sea and the army from the Dagger Sheath Bay in the Howling Fjord to the Forgotten Coast in the southeast of the Keel Wilderness, and the Moya we usually use The base port is just not in one direction."

Dagger Sheath Bay was the earliest base of the Alliance Expeditionary Development Team. After Sandara was rebuilt and Moa'ki Port was allowed to be used by Tuskarren, all adventurers and merchants moved to Moa'ki Port and Sandara. Those savage vrykul are just too annoying.

Charlemagne asked curiously after hearing Lor'themar's report, "Isn't there a lot of Dovikul in the Howling Fjord, and he just moved the base so simply?"

Emeril said with a hint of doubt, "It's strange to say, I don't know why those Vrykul didn't attack Arthas's troops, but let them directly into Dragonblight."

Charlemagne's eyebrows twitched, and he had some bad guesses in his heart, 'Could it be that Ner'zhul has already connected with these Vrykul by this time? But yes, Val'kyr, a unique product in the Vrykul legend, is definitely not so easy to copy. Ner'zhul should have gone through a long period of research... Unfortunately, it was cheaper than Arthas in the end. '

In order to avoid being discovered by the dreadlords, Emeril spends most of his time hiding in a certain cave, observing from Xueyu's perspective through the eyes of beasts, Lor'themar is rather reckless, he simply sneaks into It's a good thing he wasn't spotted when he was closely observed by the Alsace army.

The subsequent plot direction is not much different from the original one. Arthas still discovered Frostmourne with Muradin under the deliberate guidance of Ner'zhul, and killed Mal'Ganis with this magic sword...but in fact this A dreadlord escaped by feigning death.

Muradin was also injured by Frostmourne's unsheathed sword energy as before, but a strange thing happened. When Charlemagne sent people to recover Muradin, he was nowhere to be found.

Charlemagne felt very distressed by this, "Could it be picked up by the ice dwarves in advance, then I will be in trouble... I dare not go to the Storm Peak."

There is an army of Titans under Loken's command on the Stormy Cliffs. After Charlemagne was established in Sandara, except for sending air troops to investigate, he never stepped into this area once.

Just as he was about to go back and tell Magni about Muradin's possible whereabouts, he suddenly remembered something, "Wait, Magni seems to have mixed his hatred for Arthas in creating the Ashbringer? Or... Tell him after the artifact is born?"

This matter was a bit unkind after all, Charlemagne specially asked Alleria and Cirvanas to discuss it together, and the attitudes of the two were very unified.

"Then tell him later, artifacts are not so easy to make, and without the obsession with revenge, I'm afraid he really can't make them."

Aurelia also agreed with her sister's opinion, "It's just a few months later anyway, didn't Magni always want to forge an artifact by himself? Let's just think of it as fulfilling him."

Charlemagne, who was a little guilty at first, was relieved when he thought of the original oath made by the dwarf king. It would be a pity that the Ashbringer, an artifact with a great reputation in the future, could not be born.

After Alsace got lost in the snow field, the troops he led were divided. Some loyalists believed that the prince should be retrieved, while others thought that they should go back to Lordaeron and tell King Terenas about the situation.

In the end, the two sides decided to split up, because Muradin's "death" had already made the dwarves who had prejudice against humans and the part of the Lordaeron soldiers who were about to leave go back, and the remaining troops were approached by the two princes Farric and Marwyn. Led by the captain of the guard, he is responsible for searching for Alsace's whereabouts.

Because more than half of the ships had been burnt down, and the few remaining ships were in dilapidated condition, at the suggestion of the dwarves, the group of soldiers decided to go to Sandara to ask the high elves for help.

Although the soldiers of Lordaeron had heard of such a city before, when they arrived, they found that the city had already developed very prosperously. Merchants and adventurers of various races talked and laughed loudly in the city. Even met some tauren and nightborne that I hadn't seen before.

After learning that Sandara City had blocked some gargoyles for them, the leading general immediately expressed his gratitude to Charlemagne.

"You don't need to thank me. It's a pity that Sandara's defenders are too defensive but unable to provide support to you. I feel very sorry for the disappearance of Prince Arthas. I believe that the remaining troops will find him sooner or later."

Charlemagne, who was full of nonsense, was still slandering in his heart at this time, ‘Of course I can find it, but it’s a pity that it’s not a good thing to find it. '

The matter of Northrend is over for the time being. After witnessing that Alsace embarked on the original path, Charlemagne led Aurelia and others back to the town of Far Travel.

There are still a few months before Alsace returns to the Eastern Continent. Considering Ner'zhul's nonsense plan to use the Sunwell to revive Kel'Thuzad in the original history, he must discuss with the high-level officials about the deployment of defense. The disgrace in it happened again.

Of course, just in case, people in all villages should also be prepared to evacuate at any time. It is better to save people and lose land than to lose both people and land.

The return of the Northrend Expeditionary Force once again caused an uproar within the alliance. The disappearance of his son has already made Terenas sad enough, and at the same time he has to face extremely angry questions from Magni and Brian.

Although the officers and soldiers of the expedition explained many times that it was not the fault of Prince Alsace, it was just the manslaughter of Frostmourne's sword qi, but the two Bronzebeard brothers, full of grief and indignation, refused to accept it and cut off contact with the Kingdom of Lordaeron ever since.

The crown prince is missing, and his allies are alienated. Terenas seems to be 20 years old overnight, and he has completely become a dying old man. His previous ambitions no longer exist, and now he can only go to the Holy Light Cathedral every day. Pray, I hope Alsace can return safely.

On the Quel'Thalas side, under Charlemagne's suggestion and King Kael'thas' decision, all the war potential was fully unleashed. The X-series captain machines and mass-produced mechas rolled off the production line one by one. Guided guns have also begun to be supplied to various troops in large quantities.

Finally... There is also the space battleship jointly developed by the high elves and the gnomes last year.

Due to time constraints, there is only time to rush to build one. King Kael'thas personally named it the Solaris, hoping that it will bring merciless blows to the enemy like the scorching sun in the future.

Charlemagne stood in the gantry of the Lieyang, looking at the two rows of air combat mechas neatly half-kneeling around him, showing a confident smile.

"Come on, Ner'zhul and Arthas, if you want to treat Quel'Thalas as a persimmon, then you are looking for the wrong person!"

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