Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 347: your body my heart

Chapter 347 Your Body My Heart

Today, the sentinels of the night elves are still using gnolls and ogres to train in Feralas, and most of the druids are assisting the dragon army to clean up the nightmare in the Emerald Dream. No warning was given to them.

The tauren and the sons of the night had already been informed by Charlemagne of the natural disaster in Northrend and the "prophecy" that Medivh told him in advance, and they also began to prepare for battle at this time.

In fact, this guardian who claims to be a prophet didn’t see any fragments from the future at all, but simply overheard the plan of the Burning Legion in the Twisting Nether with his soul form…

Charlemagne was playing with Estalia in Astlana at this time, waiting for news from the night elves' high-level officials. Unexpectedly, after waiting for more than half a month, only Shandris, who was supposed to lead the army in Feralas, arrived. · Feather month.

"Duke Theron, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. My mother is presiding over the Luna Ceremony. Please tell me if you have anything to do. I will tell her after the ceremony is over."

Shandris looked very polite after turning over from the Hippogryph, but what she said made the corners of Charlemagne's mouth twitch.

Although I don't know if Tyrande is really hosting any Luna Festival, but since the other party's attitude has been shown, Charlemagne has no time to spend time with Grandma Tai.

"General Feather Moon, the guardian Medivh's soul was resurrected, and he went to the entire eastern continent to warn that the Burning Legion is coming."

Shandris, who was only maintaining a polite smile, changed his face, and asked seriously, "Is the news accurate? When will it come?"

Charlemagne nodded solemnly to confirm, "The time is not clear yet, but when Medivh was wandering in the form of a soul in the Twisting Void, he heard the demons say it himself. There should be no falsehood, and even the name of the general who the other party is going to invest in has also told us." .”

Shandris had a bad feeling in her heart, she frowned and asked, "Who is it?"

"The second person of the Burning Legion, Archimonde the Polilator!"


Sandis stood up from the chair, and the usually calm Sentinel General showed a rare panic.

No wonder, even the most powerful demigod in the War of the Ancients, Malorne the White Hart, the father of Cenarius the King of the Forest, was no match for Archimonde, and now Cenarius is the only one left in Azeroth The wateriest demigod, how can this world defeat him?

Shandris walked back and forth in the town hall a few times anxiously. After adjusting her emotions, she turned to Charlemagne and said, "This matter is of great importance. I must report to my mother immediately. If what you said is true, Then Azeroth might really be in danger."

Shandris has had a lot of contacts with Charlemagne through secret channels in recent years. She knew that the Duke of Quel'Thalas in front of her was not someone who would make jokes about big things, so she immediately said that she would go back to Mount Hyjal and tell Tai about the situation. Rand.

"General Laushantis is here, and please wake up the druids as soon as possible. When the eastern kingdom is deeply troubled by natural disasters and wars, Archimonde should take the opportunity to come."

After notifying the night elves, Charlemagne didn't care about continuing to play with Estalia. He took out a few story books and handed them to the young lady whose psychological age was no more than 12 years old. After that, he teleported directly to Shanda in Northrend. pull.

When he walked out of the mage tower in the city, he found that the city was a bit messy, and it seemed that something had happened.

Grabbing a passing human adventurer, Charlemagne learned the truth from this native version of the "foot man" who wanted to make trouble.

"Undead attack? Are you sure?"

Charlemagne felt a little surprised, shouldn't the Lich King be playing with Arthas at this time, your body and my heart, how could he have time to attack Sandara?

"It's not counted as attacking us, but the marching route of the group of gargoyles happened to pass over Sandara, so they were ordered to intercept by the high elf ranger general guarding here."

"Don't talk about it! If you go late, I won't have my share. These living gargoyles are very marketable in Dalaran. I'm going to take the opportunity to make some money!" Flashing with the light of money, they bypassed Charlemagne and ran out of the city.

Charlemagne shook his head amusedly. He used Eagle Eye to look around the sky, and found that the place of battle should be near the Crystalsong outpost by the Twilight Lake, where the giant eagle of Sunstrider Wing and a small number of Griffin Knights were fighting.

But now that Ner'zhul has no body, Kel'Thuzad, the best subordinate, has temporarily received a lunch box. The number of ghouls that can be dispatched in Icecrown Citadel is actually not many, and they have been suppressed by the Wing of the Sunstrider at this time up.

The rangers commanded by Sylvanas also hid behind the fortifications and shot precise arrows into the sky. It was only a matter of time before all these gargoyles were wiped out.

Maybe Ner'zhul knew that he couldn't rush from this direction. After losing dozens of gargoyles, he ordered a retreat remotely. Seeing that the high elves did not pursue him, he simply let these stupid stone monsters detour from the storm cliff to Zul'drak and Grizzly Hills travels to Stormheim where Alsace lands.

Charlemagne looked at the retreating gargoyles, and didn't intend to control them at all. He went straight to the crystal song outpost and found Sylvanas. At this time, Alleria and Valeira were also there.

Seeing Charlemagne's arrival, Cirvanas raised his head and showed a reserved smile, as if he was asking for credit for his boyfriend. Charlemagne stepped forward with a gentle smile and gave her and Alleria a hug.

Then he looked around and found that there was one person missing who should have been here. "Where is Lor'themar? Why didn't I see him? Didn't he hide in a corner again?"

This time, Vereesa was left in the country to look after Lilas and help Onyxia and Lisson deal with the territorial affairs, while Lor'themar was temporarily transferred by him to help defend Sandara.

"Pfft...why do you always think he will squat in a corner?"

Valeira couldn't help laughing after hearing Charlemagne's question, but what she got was three pairs of lifeless fish eyes.

Charlemagne waved his hand weakly, "You and Lor'themar don't usually get along much, and you'll know after you get to know him well, so what about others?"

Alleria gently held Charlemagne's right hand and replied with a smile, "He followed Emmoreel to monitor Alsace. With his stealth ability... he should not be discovered."

At the end, Alleria and Cirvanas had strange expressions on their faces, and Charlemagne could only shake his head helplessly and smiled.

Lor'themar, a ranger who is full of hate, obviously didn't practice camouflage and stealth much, but because of his strong aura bonus, his stealth effect is actually better than Emerel, which makes Ms. Shadowguard Eye-popping.

After talking and laughing, Alleria asked the main question, "Are we really not going to provide support to Alsace?"

Charlemagne said resolutely, "No! Alsace's mental state is obviously problematic now. I'm afraid that he will not only be ungrateful but will make no distinction between the enemy and himself."

In the original history, the prince of Lordaeron recruited a group of local mercenaries. In order to prevent his army from following Terenas' order to withdraw to the eastern continent before completing his revenge, he ordered the mercenaries to burn most of the ships.

After that, the gradually blackened prince threw the scapegoat for destroying the ship to the poor mercenaries, and then commanded his direct army to kill them all.

Considering that most of these Arctic expeditionary troops became the first undead army under the death knight Arthas, Charlemagne didn't want the high elves to send troops to Ner'zhul.

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