Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 346: Arthas Stoner Menethil

Chapter 346 Alsace Shi Lezhi Menethil

Regarding the plague that broke out in Lordaeron, Charlemagne has written to remind Terenas more than once, and even Keelsar has given him a warning through the alliance channel.

However, the king of Lordaeron who did his own way didn't take the plague seriously at all. He was still annoyed by the shattering of his dream of the orc slave army. Searle went after the orcs.

As a result, Uther returned without success. Instead, the prince did not have a spiritual mentor by his side. He was easily induced by the words of Kel'Thuzad and Mal'Ganis, and had an affair with Krasus, the investigation leader sent by Dalaran. conflicted.

Charlemagne, who was stationed in the town of Yuanxing, has always paid the greatest attention to this incident. He even specially recalled Emeril from Sandara, and asked the old man of the secret passage to witness the progress of the situation in person.

Aurelia felt very distressed when she saw Charlemagne rubbing the center of her brows fiercely. She walked behind her boyfriend, and gently stretched out the catkins to massage his temples on both sides.

"You don't need to be so depressed, you have already done what you have to do, and it is only Terenas' own problem whether to listen or not."

After reading the report, Cirvanas also raised her head and agreed, "We are outsiders after all, and Terenas might take this warning as Quel'Thalas' ridicule and sarcasm for Lordaeron. , after all... Today's Terenas is no longer the talented and wise king he used to be."

Like the former Sun King Anasterian, Terenas also committed the common problem of most old people after he got old—stubborn and unwilling to listen to advice.

Liadrin and Alonsus also warned Terenas through Uther's channels, but he ignored them as well. Terenas didn't even listen to his own people, let alone the high elves. A group of aliens.

Onyxia breathed a sigh of relief after correcting the document in her hand, she took a small sip of the magic wine beside her and said, "Master, it's up to people, we just need to take care of our one-acre three-point land." , As for Lordaeron, we have done everything we can do anyway, and we can only see their own choices afterwards."

Charlemagne sighed helplessly, "That's the only way to go. I'm afraid this poor prince will eventually go the way he planned..."

As Lord Theron expected, the Alsace group who arrived at the gate of Stratholme had a huge disagreement.

When Alsace discovered that the entire city was infected, and was provoked by Mal'Ganis again, the rational prince, who had been overwhelmed by revenge and anger, directly issued an unbelievable order—to massacre the city.

Uther and Krasus sternly refuted his idea immediately, and Uther, who was Alsace's mentor, also tried his best to persuade him.

But Alsace, who had already made up his mind, couldn't listen at all. After Uther refused to carry out the order, he immediately dismissed Uther for treason and ordered the disbandment of the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Finally, Uther and Krasus left angrily. On the same day, Arthas decisively and without hesitation led his loyal subordinates to start a massacre with Mal'Ganis.

Without Jaina from the original history, Arthas's behavior remains unchanged. His girlfriend, Rhona Crowley, is still leading the people in Gilneas to seek an explanation from King Jinn. There is still no doubt about his lover's crazy behavior. Know nothing.

This incident caused a huge shock in the alliance countries. When Alsace led the troops to Northrend by boat, the leaders of the alliance countries gathered in the royal city of Lordaeron and raised righteous words against Terenas. condemnation.

Terenas, who knew he was wrong, could only explain to his son with a bitter face that everything was to avoid the spread of the plague. At the same time, he also comforted Uther who had returned, and would restore the status of the Silver Hand after a while .

After all, his son had just issued this order, and if he overthrew it so quickly, it would definitely hit Alsace's prestige.

Seeing the attitude of Terenas who was once high-spirited and desperate to protect the calf, Charlemagne shook his head secretly, preventing Kael'thas from continuing to ask him for an explanation.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to waste any more time. Terenas has already made up his mind to find excuses for Alsace. There is no point in questioning him any more. Let's go back. The disaster mentioned by the great magister may be about to erupt completely. "

After the meeting, Varian, Magni, Falstad, and Antonidas all found Kael'thas and his party, hoping to share some information with each other. As for Gelbin and Daelin, one of them was in the capital. Fighting against the cavemen hard, one went out to sea to chase the orcs but did not return.

Varian looked a little sad at this time, "I really can't believe that the benevolent and wise King Terenas would teach Alsace such a scum who slaughtered his own people, even if it was to eliminate the plague, his behavior It's too aggressive."

Magni smoothed his beard, and said with a sad face, "Prince Arthas's martial arts were still taught by Muradin. I don't know why the innocent and kind prince came to this point."

Charlemagne interrupted the kings' remembrance at this time, "Your Majesty, forgive me, now is not the time to discuss the reasons, we must prepare for the next."

Kael'thas also nodded and said, "Charlemagne is right. Although the plague mainly appeared in Lordaeron, there must be some signs of the Cursed Sect in all countries, right?"

Although Kel'Thuzad focused on Lordaeron, he did not completely give up on the rest of the countries. Countries such as Dalaran and Khaz Modan also discovered some heretics to some extent.

These cultists pursuing false immortality undoubtedly dragged the attention of the countries of the Alliance. Apart from Quel'Thalas, which was the first to find out that the problem had been cleared up, even the southernmost Kingdom of Stormwind was busy with internal affairs.

Although the kings have already aroused vigilance, they who don't know the future obviously don't know what kind of disaster the Scourge will cause when Arthas returns.

Charlemagne vaguely gave some reminders, but it is not clear how effective it will be. Just like the Black Dragon Princess said, it is up to man to make things happen, and God to make things happen. He still needs to make preparations in Quel'Thalas first. Work.

If there is no accident, Alsace will return in a few months, and by then Lordaeron will have a larger wave of undead, and then it will not just be those mindless walking corpses, ghouls , Abominations, Gargoyles, Spider-Man and even a small amount of Ice Dragons may appear.

Before that, Kael'thas and members of the council first led the magisters to arrange a large barrier to completely hide the Sunwell, and Charlemagne was ordered to start preparing for the likely future battle of Kalimdor.

Kael'thas still clearly remembered Medivh's warning about the Burning Legion and Archimonde. If he didn't unite most of Azeroth's forces, he would be far away from this terrifying demon recorded in the ancient books of Syndra. The end of the world is not far away.

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