When the child was full and settled, the three of them went out.

Meng Li and Yao Qing look at each other and invite the second child to settle the bill. Yao Qing finds out a sacred stone and plans to settle the bill. Meng Li says, "this thing is not suitable for the lower world."

Yao Qing was a little depressed and said:

"then we have nothing else to pay."

Meng Li quietly takes out the elixir he got before. The restaurant sells monster meat. The second child naturally recognizes some of them and agrees to pay with the elixir.

After all, the store also made money.

Meng Li and Yao Qing come out of the restaurant door. Yao Qing is a little embarrassed and says, "I forgot these things. I just remember to find them."

Meng Li said: "no harm."

Yao Qing looked a little annoyed, and she said:

"we just have to settle accounts, but we can't feel the special breath of Linghe when we come out."

Meng Li:

"it's OK, come with me."

Meng Li feels that Linghe and cangyou should go to the child's home to save the child's family.

Moreover, Meng Li's thinking can't be controlled to spread out. For example, when the child's family is saved, the child gets something that Linghe gives at will. Relying on this thing, his cultivation advances by leaps and bounds, and he becomes a master. If one day Linghe is in trouble, then the child who becomes a master will help her

Meng Li hastened to stop his thinking, and then it would be gratitude and resentment.

Meng Li, with the brand of divine consciousness, goes towards the children. He feels that they are not moving for a long time and should be at the children's home.

The children's home is in the suburbs, where the environment looks depressed.

Meng Li has arranged an array around the children's home. As long as cangyou passes by, you can sense cangyou's direction.

He decided to ambush cangyou directly. According to cangyou's character, even if he met them, he would not run away.

There must be a war.

Meng Li and Yao Qing had been waiting for an hour before cangyou and Linghe went in the same direction.

Meng Li said to Yaoqing:

"if you find an opportunity later, you'll take the blood from Linghe. I'll drag cangyou. No matter what happens, you'll take it. Success or failure depends on this."

Yao Qingdao:

"no, you go to get your heart blood, I'll hold him down."

Don't worry about Ning Guang at all. After all, Ning Guang still has old diseases.

Meng Li:

" If we continue to fight, we will not find cangyou. "

Yao Qing bit his lip and said, "go first."

Two people fly up directly and go toward the direction of cangyou.

Cangyou stopped, and Linghe asked:

"master, what's the matter?"

Cangyou hooked his lips:

"there are still some people who never die of theft. Well, it's just in the lower boundary. Let them die together."

Linghe still doesn't understand what's going on. A huge black sword suddenly appears in cangyou's hand. The tip of the sword is shining, and the whole body is full of majestic momentum. The huge sword is as high as Linghe alone. It can be seen that Linghe is afraid of the huge sword.

Cangyou threw out his huge sword and said, "go!"

He also set up a border for Linghe to avoid being hurt by others, and he didn't want her to be affected by the power.

The huge sword is toward Meng Li, who plans to attack cangyou and Linghe.

Meng Li didn't plan to fight with Jujian. He released the shadow of rosefinch and went to the dark. Yaoqing had a purple whip in his hand, which was also with great momentum. He waved a whip to the sword. Jujian avoided Yaoqing's purple whip and went to Yaoqing's body.

Cangyou looks at Meng Li's rosefinch's shadow. He gathers a huge palm and goes down from the middle of the sky towards the body of rosefinch's shadow, intending to destroy it.

The shadow of the rosefinch is changing its direction, and the palm of its hand is changing its direction. The terrible momentum of the three people makes them rustle around. I don't know whether people are running away, or whether animals and birds are running away.

Linghe looks at all these things in disbelief. Seeing that cangyou wants to control the giant sword to fight with Yaoqing and the rosefinch Xuying, she worries about whether cangyou will lose and wants to fight. Cangyou says: "no, just stay at the border."



Cangyou: "your hand will only add chaos to the emperor."


Cangyou said to Meng Li:

"Ning Guang, why are you so stubborn?"

"Do you know what will happen to the emperor?"

Meng Li said in a cold voice:

"instead of being cut off by you, you'd better fight to death. Even if you die, it's worth it."

Meng Li takes a look at Yaoqing. The huge sword is fighting with Yaoqing all the time. A sword appears in Meng Li's hand. The body of the sword is as red as blood. He attacks cangyou.Cang you has to deal with Meng Li and the shadow of rosefinch. He controls the huge sword and uses it in three ways. Meng Li uses it in two ways. The shadow of rosefinch and himself fight with Cang you.

"Go back to the divine world quickly, and I will let bygones be bygones." Cangyou looks at Meng Li fiercely.

Meng Li:

"since I have already started, I have no way back."

Cangyou is a little angry:

"it's for you to succeed today. Unless you don't go back to the divine world, I won't forgive you."

"Why give up everything now?"

Meng Li:

"speak less and fight hard."

Cangyou said:

"in this case, don't blame the merciless emperor."

He gathered an attack and went to Meng Li. Meng Li couldn't avoid it, and let the rosefinch Xuying collide with him. Two huge forces collided and offset most of them. The rest of cangyou's strength pushed to Meng Li's chest, which made Meng Li back a few steps. Meng Li swallowed blood in his mouth.

Fortunately, it's in the mortal world. If we had such a contest with cangyou in the divine world, we would have been defeated long ago.

Rosefinch virtual shadow also disappeared, and cangyou condensed out of the big hand toward Meng from the back.

Meng Li quickly builds a space channel and changes his body shape. Looking at Linghe's face beside him, he nervously watches them fight. Meng Li uses rosefinch's empty shadow again to deal with the huge hand condensed by cangyou.

Meng Li fights with cangyou again. You come and I go. Cangyou is also surprised that the other party can deal with him so much.

After all, in the divine world, they have no chance of winning against themselves.

What a mean man.

Yaoqing deals with the huge sword alone. After several times, the strength of the whole body of the sword is weakened. The last whip is tightly wrapped around the sword. The sword is trapped, making a buzzing sound, and the sword body vibrates. It can be seen that Yaoqing is also very hard. He twists his brows, and his hair is flying because of the power waves all around.

Seeing this, Linghe was in a hurry. He wanted to help cangyou, but he was blocked by the border when he moved forward.

She was a little anxious. Cangyou looked at Linghe and said:

"you can rest assured that the emperor will be fine."

Linghe looked at the expression of cangyou indifferent, as well as the tone of the firm, just biting his lips, looking at Mengli and Yaoqing.

These two are bad guys, huh.

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