Meng Li relaxed a little.

Meng Li and Yao Qing are good-looking even if they adjust their shape. Who wants to make themselves ugly is not without strength to protect themselves.

Wherever they go, there are people looking at them. As long as they don't provoke them, they ignore them.

Meng Li also understood the highest cultivation system in the world.

It is higher than the yuan baby period she expected before, similar to the apotheosis period.

But when they fight, they must be much more powerful than the people in the apotheosis period. There is an essential difference between divine power and spiritual power.

Meng Li thought about it and turned into a man. He stood beside Yao Qing and said to Yao Qing:

"in this way, people think I'm your Taoist partner, and they don't have some bad eyes."

Yaoqing nodded slightly, and they wandered around. When they met some lingcao lingyao, Yaoqing didn't bother to reach out for it.

Meng Li, with the mentality that no matter how small a mosquito is, is also meat, made some spirit grass. Yao Qing was puzzled and asked:

"these things are like weeds to us. What's the use of them?"

Meng Li: "play."

Yao Qing smiles:

"just be happy."

Yao Qing said it seriously, but Meng Li has all kinds of modern words in his mind. It's strange to hear Yao Qing say it.

But I put away the spirit grass.

Don't know how to ask for love, Meng Li feels like he is raising a child, also don't know what the child is like.

Stop being a villain.

Don't listen.

They have a strong breath. Even if they walk in the forest, the wild animals will give way consciously. It's dark when they don't meet them. When they go to a city, they can see the prosperous place of the world.

Peddlers selling monster bones and skins can be found everywhere, and restaurants and lodging places are everywhere.

People come and go, there are a lot of clothes in all kinds of clothes shuttle in the city, you can feel that they belong to a faction by looking at the clothes.

Yao Qing said:

"shall we have a rest?"

It doesn't matter to them whether they rest or not.

Meng Li said:

"cangyou and Linghe probably want to rest. We can take this opportunity to find them."

Yaoqing said a good thing. Meng Li and Yaoqing are looking for cangyou while they are walking. But it's really hard to find them. Meng Li and Yaoqing haven't seen anyone for half a month.

They are not in a hurry. For Yao Qing, half a month is just a flash.

Meng Li hopes to find someone early instead of acting like a headless fly. She says, "we have nothing to do but go to the restaurant. The restaurant has the most gossip. If something strange happens, cangyou and Linghe may join in the fun."

Cangyou may not be interested, but Linghe will be.

Yaoqing agreed.

They found a restaurant and sat in the lobby in order to get the news.

This restaurant has a good business. Almost every table is filled with people. As soon as Meng Li and Yao Qing are seated, they attract people's attention.

Yao Qing is really beautiful here.

It's so eye-catching.

Little two ran to ask:

"two guests, what would you like to eat?"

Yao Qing said faintly:

"just order what you are good at in the restaurant."

"All right

"I'll give you two a look and make sure you're satisfied."

Yaoqing waved his hand and the second boy left.

Yaoqing frowns and looks at a man. The man stares at Yaoqing with aggressive eyes. Yaoqing hooks the corner of his lips. The man suddenly holds his head and screams out. Yaoqing's eyes become full of fear.

He was so scared that he took the people around him.

Meng Li's expression is light.

It wasn't long before Meng Li and Yao Qing's dishes came up. They were all demon meat with aura. Yao Qing just took two bites and didn't eat them.

I'm not interested in food. It's not good.

Meng Li also had a taste.

An 11 or 12-year-old child with ragged clothes came in. Looking at Meng Li and Yao Qing, they didn't want to eat any more. He begged to Meng Li and said:

"childe, don't you eat any more?"

Yao Qing let out a cry. The child swallowed and said:

"can you take it away for me? I'm very hungry."

Yaoqing takes a look at the child and nods slightly. The child immediately bows his face to thank him. The joy on his face can't be covered and he begins to pack the dishes on the table.

She is small and bony, but Meng Li feels that there is a faint aura surging on her child.

He is also a man of cultivation.

There was a voice that was difficult to distinguish between male and female, with some doubts:

"why don't you buy a new one for your children, and let them eat what they have eaten."

Meng Li and Yao Qing look at the same time. They see two men walking down the stairs. One man looks red lipped and white toothed. Yao Qing's face doesn't change, but he can't help feeling happy.She voiced to Meng Li:

"the one talking is Linghe."

"Next to it should be cangyou."

Meng Li picks an eyebrow and immediately takes back the look at cangyou and Linghe, staring at the child who is cleaning up the dishes in front of them.

It's really hard to find a place to break the iron shoes.

What a surprise. At the same time, calculate the next step again in mind.

Even though cangyou has changed her appearance, she is still cool.

There was no explanation for Linghe's question.

Seeing that cangyou didn't pay attention to her, Linghe turned his lips and went to Meng Li's table. He looked at the child with pity.

Say to the child:

"if you are hungry, I'll buy it for you. You don't have to eat what others have eaten."

The people around me were surprised to see that they were so kind to a beggar.

The child who was packing food was stunned and looked at Linghe. He was a little timid. He took another look at the food here, hesitated and said:

"thank you, young master. I don't need to. I'll take this back."

Seeing that the child was so timid, Linghe was even more compassionate. She said:

"it's OK. Please have a new one."

She glances at Meng Li and Yao Qing, condemns them, and sees that their clothes are not bad. But she has the heart to ask a child to eat what they have eaten.

And it's not as delicious as it was at the beginning.

Yaoqing is infuriated by Linghe's eyes, but she and Meng Li keep silent for fear of exposing flaws and causing cangyou to doubt.

Otherwise, I would have refuted Linghe.

The child hesitated and dallied, and finally went to Linghe.

Linghe asked the waiter to serve some dishes, and kindly asked why the child was so poor, and what was the situation at home.

The child relaxed slowly and answered one by one.

Meng Li and Yaoqing simply ask for some more food and wine. In this way, they continue to eat and drink, waiting for Linghe and Yaoqing to go out.

Meng Li left an eye in his heart and left a mark of divine consciousness on the child. If he can use it, he can use it. If he can't, he won't get in the way.

The child's life experience is pitiful. There is a sick father and mother in the family. Linghe looks at cangyou. With one look, cangyou can understand Linghe's meaning.

Silent sigh, all the world is bitter, mostly for self crossing.

He came to ferry the world. Who will ferry him?

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