Meng Li looks at the border that is protecting Linghe. He is also eager in his heart. It's useless to fight with cangyou all the time.

She can't do cangyou now, but cangyou is likely to hurt her badly.

But Linghe was protected by the border, and she couldn't get close.

Yao Qing trapped the huge sword, constantly input strength to the whip, just can't let go, a little negligence let the huge sword back to cangyou's hand, increased cangyou's strength, Ningguang will be more dangerous.

Cangyou is really difficult.

Cangyou saw that his huge sword was invited to die, but he was not worried. A black sword appeared in his hand, which was consistent with the shape of the huge sword, but it was a reduced version of the huge sword.

He waved a sword at Meng Li. Meng Li's expression was dignified and he flew back to the air. The power of cangyou's sword was a deep gully between Meng Li and cangyou.

Meng Li's eyes turn red and his hair ends turn red slowly. The area is getting bigger and bigger, and his whole body is filled with hot air. Cangyou can see that he has drawn his lips. The opponent's strength is almost consumed.

Yao Qing's heart is also tight when he sees this. It's hard for him to cope with Ning Guang. If he has to deal with it so hard again, he has to show his heart.

Yao Qing takes a look at the huge sword. As long as cangyou has combat power, the huge sword still has power.

Now Meng Teng wants to destroy the sword. He Lisheng's idea is to destroy the sword.

Still deadlocked, a huge sword as high as a man separated Meng Li and Yao Qing like a door.

Meng Li raised his long red sword and wielded his whole body's magic power to wave a wave of fire. The wave of fire rushed towards cangyou. Where the wave of fire passed, the grass, trees and soil were gray and scorched.

Cangyou also wielded a sword at the same time. The two forces collided and made a bombing sound. A deeper gully appeared on the ground.

Meng Li's figure retreated a few steps, but before retreating, another sword was brewing, and he had already gone towards the boundary of Linghe.

This kind of extremely short time sends out two big moves, the harm is extremely great, does not have the fatal play method.

Moreover, Meng Li used two extremely powerful moves in succession, which made Meng Li's meridians ache like being cut. In particular, the injury to his chest recurred in that year, spurting out a mouthful of blood. Meng Li showed his bloody teeth and gave cangyou a cold smile.

But it's hard for Meng Li to maintain the status quo.

Her hair was dancing, every hair was red, her eyes were red, staring at Linghe.

Cangyou has no time to stop, looking at the fire wave collision in the boundary of Linghe, the boundary plating a layer of red, like a fireball.

But there was no sign that the border was about to break. Seeing this, cangyou felt very calm. He gave a sneer and looked at Meng Li coldly:

"you met the emperor's rebellious scale! You have to pay the price. "

Meng Li looks at cangyou, and a small silver cone appears in his hand. If cangyou has weakened the power of the border, and cangyou has not strengthened it in time, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

Meng Li instilled divine power into the small silver cone, and then gave an order to wenqingteng.

Meng Li brings the shadow of the rosefinch in front of him and says to Yao Qing:

"help me."

Yaoqing clenches her teeth and nods. She drags the huge sword with one hand and helps Meng Li cope with cangyou with one hand. She sends a message to Meng Li:

"I won't last long."

This huge sword is a big killing weapon of cangyou.

Meng Li said:

"just stick to it for a while."

Meng Li throws out a small silver cone full of divine power and goes towards the border. At the same time, from Meng Li's body, there is also the Wisteria.

Cangyou didn't notice wenqingteng. Now Meng Li's red hair is flying. Even if you see it, it should be Meng Li's hair.

Yaoqing sees Meng Li throwing things at the border. Although he doesn't know what he's going to do, he guesses that cangyou is going to stop xiaoyincone, but Yaoqing lets go of the purple whip of the huge sword and waves it at cangyou.

The huge black sword took off and began to stab Yaoqing with a harsh buzzing.

Meng Li gives a strange cry. Suddenly, there is a huge red rosefinch in the space. There are flames all around him. Meng Li grabs the handle of the sword with his claws.

It can avoid Yaoqing being hurt by it.

And Yaoqing entangles cangyou, so he does not hesitate to bear cangyou's attack with his body. Cangyou is tightly entangled by Yaoqing, and he can only watch xiaoyincone touch his border.

The small silver cone meets the boundary, and the boundary explodes, and the small silver cone is also destroyed.

Although Meng Li was a pity, he didn't care so much. With the disappearance of the silver cone, the wisteria also fell at the foot of Linghe, whose face was frightened.

One by one, the wisteria sprouted out of the vine and twined Linghe. One of the vines went in from Linghe's flesh. Linghe was terrified to find that his power was disappearing.

"Master, help me."

She rushed to cangyou for help, with an eager face.As soon as Cang you turns around, he doesn't expect that such a thing will come out to entangle Linghe. He is very angry. He releases his pressure on the vine and slaps it. Yaoqing takes the opportunity to slap Cang you, but it hurts Cang you.

Meng Li, with a happy look on his face, puts down his huge sword and rushes to Linghe trapped by qingqingteng. He turns into a human and takes away Linghe's blood.

In an instant, Linghe couldn't support it and turned into its original shape. A bloody ginseng was lying on the ground, while the wisteria

A vine is still tied up in Xuantian blood ginseng, the color of blood ginseng is more and more dim.

Meng Li quickly stopped wenqingteng from taking Xuantian Xueshen

I didn't let the vine absorb it at the beginning. Maybe the vine didn't hold back

When Yaoqing saw that Meng Li was successful, his face was happy, but cangyou was crazy. His usually cold face became slightly twisted, and his whole body burst out with terrible momentum. On the same day, the thunder in the air sounded, and cangyou's whole body's terrible momentum faded a little.

If it continues, I'm afraid it will lead to thunder punishment.

In fact, the whole process of Meng Li's taking Linghe's blood is also in the blink of an eye, but Yaoqing is also in a mess during this period.

When Meng Li came back to wenqingteng, he was accompanied by Xuantian Xueshen. With a wave of his arm, Meng Li's huge sword, which was about to pierce Meng Li's body, was even more powerful. Meng Li quickly turned into a rosefinch, but the sword still pierced Meng Li's wings. Meng Li wailed and resounded through the sky.

Wenqingteng is back to Mengli's soul, but Xuantian Xueshen is taken back by cangyou.

Meng lifeI goes to Yaoqing, connects Yaoqing to his back, rushes into the sky and runs away madly.

Fortunately, the rosefinch itself flies very fast and builds a space channel. Although cangyou keeps up with him, he soon loses him.

In fact, the reason why he didn't catch up with Meng Li is that on the one hand, cangyou kept inputting divine power to Linghe, hoping that Linghe would not be more seriously affected by the loss of his heart and blood, and forced to save.

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