Seeing Qingsi's face full of disbelief and displeasure, kugu could not help saying:

"what I said is true."

Qingsi still doesn't believe it.

Kugu was angry, but when he thought that he had just come in, it was not easy to attack, so he sipped his mouth and put it down.

Yang Haoxing said:

"OK, let's do the task."

At a glance, Meng Li's character is no longer in the team. Yang Haoxing invited Meng Li several times, but Meng Li didn't see it.

Originally wanted to pester Meng Li, but the team asked Yang Haoxing to brush the task together, Yang Haoxing is not good, go directly, can only ignore Meng Li.

All kinds of people brush their faces in front of Yang Haoxing, and all kinds of people come together for attention.

Always looking for topics to talk to Yang Haoxing, Yang Haoxing's attitude is very cold, even love, kugu said ten, Yang Haoxing just returned one.

Green silk looked very upset, thought Meng is not in the team, everything is OK.

I didn't expect to get a more annoying person than Meng Li.

I can't help it any more. I can't help saying that love and kugu didn't attack at that time, but I kept them in mind.

Love, kugu is not a brainless person. Although she is skilled, she is really a real RMB player. She has given equipment to all the boys in the team.

Of course, I didn't give it to Qingsi and Yinxiang. In love, kugu's heart, there's no need.

It's a bribe.

The players feel that love and kugu have made some contributions and taken her things, which is not so exclusive to her.

In addition, love, kugu is sometimes arrogant. In fact, he is very flexible in nature, and he can praise others with nice words. He soon became familiar with it.

It's noisy.

Moreover, with the arrival of love and kugu, the number of onlookers increases when they are allowed to watch.

Want to see how to drive love, kugu this pig teammate.

It also brings benefits.

It's not nothing.

The more smoothly love and kugu stay, the more unhappy Qingsi will be. There are contradictions between them. Love and kugu are not willing to endure Qingsi any more and begin to hate each other.

Love, kugu's personality is arrogant and poisonous. Sometimes speaking can make people angry.

Of course, if Qingsi wins the fight, she will cry pitifully. How pitiful it is for a girl to cry.

Just tell Qingsi to say less.

Green silk

In short, because of the arrival of love and kugu, Qingsi is really upset.

Meng Li occasionally watched them fight each other in the team. Now Qingsi no longer holds her, focusing on fighting with love and kugu.

Meng Li said that it's very easy to find a popular green silk, you don't need to move your mouth, it's easy.

Sometimes he will help love and kugu speak, Meng Li helps love and kugu speak, and Yang Haoxing can only be forced to help love and kugu speak.

Looking at Meng Li, kugu feels that although they had some problems before, they are still talking for her now. It feels like they are united front.

The most important thing is that Meng Li's performance in the team is not as dogged as the outside world.

It's more like the God of withered bones, who haunts Meng Li.

According to the girl's intuition, love and kugu also feel that Meng Li doesn't like the God of withered bones at all. Although he is angry that Meng Li doesn't like such an excellent God, with the contrast of Qingsi, love and kugu feel that Meng Li is not so hateful.

The firepower is aimed at Qingsi, which makes her feel worse.

Green silk also because Meng Li and Yang Haoxing and the team of boys are helping love, kugu speak, but also to love, kugu hate.

Sometimes Qingsi is secretly in the team. Love, kugu has suffered a lot of injuries. Love, kugu is very vindictive and keeps her evidence.

Quietly sent on the Internet.

Then he denounced Qingsi cunning bitch.

Bullying new people.

A lot of people follow suit.

A person who scolded Qingsi developed into a group.

It seems that if you don't scold Qingsi, you can't keep up with the trend and it's not fashionable.

Then we watched the Lubu team and saw that Qingsi didn't smile very much all day long, with a gloomy face and love. Kugu sometimes deliberately showed that he was bullied by Qingsi, which made us feel that Qingsi was scheming.

Don't like a person how to do?

Abuse, language attack.It seems that this is the only way to be happy.

The rubles are more lively.

Three women, a play, love, kugu, Qingsi and Meng Li.

There are also people who talk about their love and hatred.

During this period of time, he didn't pay much attention to Yang Haoxing. He focused on upgrading. After struggling day and night, Meng Li's level was higher than that of Qingsi.

Of course, there is a lot of money in it. Meng Li only cares about upgrading, but he has no income. Sometimes he has to go to his parents to ask for money.

It's time to find a way to earn the money back.

At the same time, the level of the whole Lubu team has risen. Yang Haoxing estimates it and feels sure. He asks Meng Li to go to the brave Valley to brush the blood pupil jackal.

Meng Li thought and agreed.

Then green silk looked at Meng Li's level has been higher than her, just surprised that during this period of time, her energy is almost used in love, kugu.

And when I really upgrade myself, I don't have much time.

Jealous eyes scan Meng Li, Meng Li has no feeling.

Yang Haoxing looked at Meng Li's level. He didn't expect that she could upgrade so quickly without her own belt.

What I thought at that time was that since the other party wanted to upgrade herself willfully, let her run into the wall by herself. The undead monster always came back to beg him, right?

But it didn't.

It's depressing.

Yang Haoxing wants to make a profit, love, kugu is now a member of the team, and is sincere for the sake of Yang Haoxing. Before Yang Haoxing spoke, she said:

"why don't we come back tomorrow, make an announcement tonight and let them watch."

"It's not impromptu to be formal."

Yang Haoxing thinks this attention is good, he said:

"what time do you say is appropriate."

Love, kugu tilted his head to think about it, and said:

"at eight o'clock tomorrow evening, there will be more rest and entertainment, and more online players. Now they can send notices to each other to expand their popularity."

Qingsi said sarcastically:

"we are all for entertainment, and we don't need this money, so the business purpose is too heavy."

Love, kugu said without hesitation:

"Why are you so vulgar? I'm not trying to make money. I've said that. I'm trying to expand the popularity of the God of withered bones and let more people know that he is excellent."

Green silk

Yiyinian teases Yang Haoxing:

"tut Tut, tut tut..."

Yang Haoxing thought the sentence "love, kugu" was very good. He looked at Meng Li and said, "what do you think?"

Meng Lichi looked at love and kugu lovingly and said gently:

"girl, I agree with you."

Love, kugu rolled his eyes in his heart. What's the tone? Fortunately, he didn't say the opposite.

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