A game storehouse can only use one number, and it needs identity to apply. This number has occupied her identity, and it also needs to change a game storehouse. The cost of changing numbers is very high. Meng Li just thought about it and gave up the plan of changing numbers.

From time to time on the game to see, as long as you look at Yang Haoxing in, Meng Li immediately under.

However, Yang Haoxing has been here for a long time, probably upgrading. He really wants to brush the brave Valley again.

Face is still very important, must win, and strive to become the first team to win the brave canyon.

Meng Li is just practicing.

During the period, Yang Haoxing sent all kinds of information to Meng Li, and let Meng Li play the game. Meng Li was bored and blocked Yang Haoxing's information.

Yang Haoxing is also depressed, women are changeable, but it has become too thorough.

Two days ago, I talked to him in a soft voice. I was very shy. In a twinkling, I became so cold.

It's like you don't care.

From liking him to dislike him, even dislike him.

Is it easy to control all the emotional things?

The more he thought about it, the more he hated Meng Li.

Before watching her step by step fall into their own gentle trap, feel very happy, a sense of achievement.

But now the other party always give him face, he also want to hold a breath in the heart, endure nausea and patience to continue to weave traps for her.

It's amazing!

Meng's absence from the team not only made the Lubu team unaccustomed, but also made the players watching Yang Haoxing feel less interested.

When Yang Haoxing had a rest, Meng Li was in the game. In fact, the process of upgrading was boring. Meng Li's eyes were dull.

It has been upgraded several levels. Today is not as easy as yesterday.

Then I received a request to be a friend.

It's a request from love kugu.

Meng Li:?

This girl is haunted.

Meng Li wants to see what the girl wants.

I beat her before, but if I come back again, she may exploit love kugu's equipment.

Meng Li through love, kugu's request.

Love, kugu gives Meng Li a smile.

Meng Li: "what can I do for you?"

Love, kugu: "how did you join the Lubu team at that time? I didn't mean anything else. I just asked."

Meng Li was a little surprised. I didn't expect that this girl was looking for her because of this.

And automatically ignore their previous conflicts.

Meng Lihui: "you want to join our team."

Love, kugu: "yes."

"Do you have a way?"

Meng Li thinks that the girl likes Yang Haoxing, and Qingsi also likes Yang Haoxing.

In the plot, Qingsi doesn't give the client too much blocking. If you don't pull the girl in, you can just add blocking to Qingsi.

Love, kugu's temperament is pretty, green silk is a little scheming, two people together must be lively.

Qingsi certainly didn't like another person in the team who liked withered bones.

Since he can reach Qingsi, why not Meng Li.

Meng Li said:

"if you want to go in, I'll pull you in."


The surprise came so fast that love and kugu didn't respond.

She didn't know how she came to find Meng Li again. She felt that Meng Li was so low level that she must have other reasons to join the Lubu team.

I just wanted to hear how people got in, but I didn't expect them to tell her.

Love, kugu: "are you really going to pull me in?"

Meng Li: "I don't cheat you. I'll be online at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon. I'll pull you."

"But I can't guarantee that you can always be in that team. Don't blame me for being kicked in the future."

Love, kugu: "Why are you kicked?"

Meng Li never came back.

After a while, kugu sent a thank you expression.

Meng Li didn't pay attention to love, kugu, and went to practice himself.

The next day, Yang Haoxing still sent a message to Meng Li to let Meng Li go online, and then Yang Haoxing all kinds of warm and cold.

Meng Li was indifferent.

Seeing that Meng Li's level has been upgraded, everyone knows that Meng Li has been upgraded secretly.

In this regard, the whole team is not very happy.

Yang Haoxing still has a kind of loss in his heart. He didn't expect Meng Li to become like this and upgrade behind his back.

Finally, Meng Li said:

"can I bring someone in?"

Before Yang Haoxing spoke, Qingsi immediately asked:

"pull who?"Qingsi is afraid that Mengli will bring in her best friend. She brings her best friend herself. She is not alone, but also a united front. Her momentum is different.

Now is actually two people face Meng Li one person.

If a good friend of menglila comes in, it's two to two. If he pulls another one with strong mouth and high skill, it's not their turn to be bullied.

Meng Li: "love, kugu."

Green silk surprised: "she???"

They were all surprised. After all, they had a duel yesterday.

Although it's a game, forgetting is fast, but it's too fast.

Meng Li ignored Qingsi and asked Yang Haoxing, "is that ok?"

Yang Haoxing pursed his mouth. He didn't know what Meng Li meant, but now he didn't follow Meng Li. He thought he would ignore him for several days.

Yang Haoxing didn't want to fall short, so he could only say:


Love, kugu is always in the game. Seeing the invitation message from Meng Li, he shakes his hands.

The world channel has also exploded. My God, the Lubu team is going to add new members.

At the sight of the members' names, they were speechless.

This is a warmer person than beikui.

The Lubu team is so brave that they dare to take two pig teammates.

In this game, the great God team is not only Rubu team, but also Rubu team which has the courage to take two pig teammates.

As soon as kugu entered the team, the members of the team looked at love and kugu's name.

A green silk tangled husband, a love, kugu, a bright confession.

Dai bawled out to Meng Mei and said angrily:

"it's really the death of drought and the death of waterlogging."

Yang Haoxing is helpless.

Qingsi and Yinxiang are not happy with their floating eyes. They stare at love, kugu.

But love, kugu seems not to feel it. She is very excited and looks at Yang Haoxing:

"dry Hello, God of withered bones. " Her voice was shaking.

Yang Haoxing nodded politely:


During the conversation, I took a look at Meng Li. When laqingsi came in to block her, she was also depressed for a few days. Now she took the initiative to pull a girl who likes herself in.

Love, kugu nodded wildly and said:

"we will be teammates in the future. Please take care of me. I will practice my skills well and never delay you."

Read it one by one, tut tut twice.

Meng Li is not interested in seeing it, so he goes out to take the task without saying a word.

Qingsi couldn't help asking:

"why does Nuan Nuan want to pull you in?"

Love, kugu looked around, but he didn't find Meng Li. To be honest, she said, "I said I wanted to join your team, so she said she would pull me in."

Love, kugu is telling the truth, but Qingsi thinks it's not so simple. It's love, kugu is perfunctory.

Kugu's eyes are not happy when he looks at love.

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