Meng left the ground, ignoring the cannibalism.

Now everyone's heart is not too cool, originally this team did not like Meng Li.

It's just that it's not easy to attack now. It's just that they don't have enough measurement when they are watching.

Because Meng Li made up for the last time and got angry, there was no position.

Everyone has to mend it. Meng Li mends it. They're not happy. Isn't it obvious that they don't agree?

Meng Li rate advanced cave, we are not willing to lag behind, all followed in.

As soon as I went in, I saw the colorful deer.

The colorful deer is really colorful, and its light is like a rainbow. Love, kugu sighs:

"it's beautiful."

Meng Li felt a little pompous.

Love, kugu boast, the colorful deer is also boasted by the game.

However, the eyes of the colorful deer are really charming. The lines of the deer are very beautiful and cute.

Girls are more like, is to take around, like more than a soul pet in general.

Love, kugu wanted the colorful deer, but there was only one. She didn't take it. She was afraid that Yang Haoxing thought she was greedy.

Yang Haoxing looks at Meng Li. Meng Li looks back at him in his spare time.

We can see the hesitation on Yang Haoxing's face.

Yang Haoxing's mind is God annoyed Meng Li, almost can't control the bear's disgust.

Now he still wants to hate Meng Li like his grandson. Yang Haoxing feels that he is looking for guilt.

However, the strong revenge still made Yang Haoxing squeeze out a gentle tone:

"warm, you go to rescue the colorful deer."

Meng Li laughs: "forget it, give it to the other three girls. I'm satisfied with my experience."

I don't want the colorful deer. After all, it seems that Yang Haoxing gave it to her, using diaphragm to respond.

Yang Haoxing asked Meng Li again:

"do you really want it?"

Meng Li shakes his head. Since Meng Li insists not to, it's hard for Yang Haoxing to ask again.

Although it's a good thing for such a cute creature as the colorful deer, the team is full of straight men of iron and steel, so I'm sorry to ask for it.

Moreover, Meng Li said to the other three girls, they are more embarrassed to say that they want it.

They all told Yang Haoxing to give it to the other three.

Yang Haoxing looked at the three girls and made a mistake, but soon threw the pot.

He said:

"any of you want to get it."

It's not for anyone.

Qingsi looks at love, kugu, love, kugu also looks at her.

Dark fragrance floating also looks at green silk.

It's a little embarrassing between friends.

With a smile, kugu said to Yang Haoxing:

"then I'll get it."

when Yang Haozi is still holding his face, he nods slightly.

Take the colorful deer, the dark fragrance floating and green silk's face is not good-looking.

A few people picked up the equipment and went back to the team. Yang Haoxing looked at today's reward harvest and felt less depressed.

Also want to say a few words with Meng Li, Meng Li did not give Yang Haoxing opportunity, directly off the line.

But the secret fragrance floating and green silk are not happy because of love and kugu's taking the colorful deer. They think that she's just making soy sauce when she's fighting strange things, and she shouldn't get it.

In fact, the colorful deer is not rare to the extreme.

But it's because it's the first one to be brushed out in this game. It has a unique nature.

If there is one person in the back, no matter how good it is, it is not so good.

No matter how many times Yang Haoxing invited Meng Li and how many messages he sent to Meng Li, Meng Li would reply if he was in a good mood, but not if he was in a normal mood.

It's even more impossible to team up with them.

However, the contradiction between Qingsi, love and kugu is getting deeper and deeper. They often make a lot of trouble and even fight each other when they are doing tasks.

Love, kugu also secretly upgrade and spend a lot of money to buy equipment. After all, they don't want to be beaten by green silk.

This makes the players speechless. How charming is the God of withered bones? Only in this way can two women make trouble like this. No one leaves the team in frustration.

Meng Li said that this is really a small fight. In some times, their wives and concubines are fighting each other in the backyard of dignitaries, but no one will say they want to leave.

She focuses on upgrading, watching the level rise day by day, Meng Li still has a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

The most important thing is that if the level is enough, you can abuse Yang Haoxing in the game.And the day of offline meeting is coming. Meng Li plans to abuse Yang Haoxing once before that.

Meng Li felt that he was a little bit sure, and directly quit the Lubu team, so as to give Yang Haoxing a challenge.

She didn't fight for life or death.

Yang Haoxing was still shocked when he suddenly received the news that Meng Li had quit the team, and then he received Meng Li's challenge.

Immediately send a message to Meng Li:


Meng Li: "how?"

Yang Haoxing: "what's the matter with you? It's wrong. I'll bring you in again. "

Meng Li: "please don't question me. I'm here to challenge you."

Yang Haoxing Don't make trouble. It's not good to say something. "

Meng Li: "who's making trouble? Don't you dare to take my challenge?"

Yang Haoxing: "Nuan Nuan, how can you understand me..."

Meng Li: "how do you know?"

Yang Haoxing: "I'm not afraid."

Meng Li What is that

Yang Haoxing: "I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to make you hurt."

Meng Li Why are there always confident teenagers like you

She seems to have met several such teenagers.

Yang Haoxing:?? You guys?

Is there anyone else?

Yang Haoxing was alert in his heart. During this time, Meng Li was not as good as a stranger to him. He was so cold that he suddenly became like this.

Is it because I met another man?

Yang Haoxing's face was twisted and his hands were clenched. This woman is cheap.

Still eating in the bowl, watching in the pot.

He endured to the extreme, still good temper:

"Nuan Nuan, what's the matter with you, is it something wrong with me?"

Meng Li: "are you afraid of being beaten, so you dare not take it."

Yang Haoxing: "if you want to fight me out, I'll let you fight. You can fight as you like."

Meng Li: "what are you hesitating about? Stand on the stage and let me fight."

Yang Haoxing is angry and powerless. It's really impossible for people to answer.

"Wennuan, what's the matter, please tell me." The tone is humble.

If you look at Meng Hao's conversation with her, it seems that it's unreasonable.

But it doesn't matter.

Meng Li: "just one last question, do you want to compete with me?"

Yang Haoxing: "don't do that. Do you know that the last thing I want to face is to compete with you on the stage?"

Meng Li

Yang Haoxing is too involved in the drama.

It's just a game.

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