173 The Clearwater Siblings’ Talk

Man and woman, every Alpha that ever ruled in any werewolf pack was crowned in the Holy Temple of Moon Goddess.

It was an intimate ceremony that was attended by a small number of people from each pack, among which were the reigning Alpha and Beta.

For the pack that was about to crown a new Alpha that day, the rule was slightly different.

The former Alpha must be present to hand over the pack authority to the next Alpha. The next Alpha was to name the new Beta and new Gamma on spot.

Since Deacon Clearwater, the former Alpha, was no longer there and Lucien took over the Alpha’s responsibility during the second war, Lucien was tasked to perform the handover to Annalynne.

On the day of Annalynne’s crowning ceremony, the air was unbelievably fresh because it rained heavily the previous night.

The sky was splendidly blue, dotted by fluffy clouds that gently drifted with the wind.

A temple priestess played a soft ethereal melody on the piano while the gathering crowd waited for the ceremony to start.

The powerful men of all werewolf packs greeted each other politely and engaged in small talks to update each other on some news from the human world.


In her preparation room, Annalynne was trembling all over. She was beyond nervous. Her nervosity grew more and more every time she took a peek at the gathering Alphas and Betas outside. All of them were males. Annalynne was going to be the only female Alpha after generations of male Alpha, and the prospect terrified her.

“Lulu, I am so scared,” Annalynne said while grabbing her brother’s sleeves just before the ceremony started.

Clothed in an immaculate white robe with her long hair put up beautifully, Annalynne Clearwater looked more like a Luna than the Alpha.

“You are only now worried about this? Didn’t you think about it before you joined the competition?” Lucien teased.

Annalynne pursed her lips. “Lulu!” She shouted, stomping her feet full of indignation.

Lucien laughed. He put an arm around Annalynne’s neck and kissed her forehead.

“That only means that you have the making of an Alpha, unlike the other alpha she-wolves who prefer to marry good men instead of competing against men.”

Annalynne made puppy eyes at her brother.

“Really?” She whispered. “Do you really think that way, Lulu?”

After all, Lucien was against her joining the competition in the first place. She always thought that her brother considered her to be beneath the alpha males in the pack.

Lucien tucked a stray strand on Annalynne’s forehead behind her ear with an indulgent smile.

“I was against your participation in the competition because I did not want you to get hurt.”

Lucien bumped his forehead against Annalynne’s lovingly.

“Who would have known that my own sister is such a magnificent fighter? Your brother is very, very proud of you.”

Annalynne’s lips trembled. Her eyes started to become glassy from unshed tears.

“Lulu, I... I...”

“Oh, don’t cry now, you will mess up your face,” Lucien said. He hastily pressed a handkerchief against the ends of Annalynne’s eyes.

“Look at you. You are about to become the next Alpha of our pack. Why are you still such a crybaby?”

“Just... I am only a crybaby in front of you,” Annalynne said in her defense.

“Oh really. Have you never cried in front of Lowell?”

Annalynne’s face turned pink right away. She looked like a steamed lobster.

“I... No, I...”

Lucien started to giggle. “No need to be shy. We are all adults.”


Annalynne took her brother’s hand and squeezed it.

“Say, Lulu... Umm...”



Annalynne’s cheeks were burning from shame, but she asked what she wanted to ask anyway.

“Can Lowell and I not get married after, say, three months?”


Lucien’s smile drained from his face within an instant, replaced by a scowl.

“Anna, it is too early,” he said full of determination.

Annalynne’s face fell.

“Then, can we mark each other before we get married?”

Mark each other?

By marking, was Annalynne talking about establishing a mating bond?

A mating bond was established by marking each other during orgasm.

Orgasm happened during sex!

Annalynne was literally asking for permission to have sex with Lowell!

A dangerous light flashed across Lucien’s eyes. His handsome face was distorted into a mask of fury.

No way in hell!

Lucien squared his shoulders and glared at his sister. “Is this his idea? I am going to beat some sense into him once we get back.”

“No!” Annalynne grabbed Lucien’s arm hastily. “It’s just... For werewolves, the mating bond is more important than the wedding itself. It doesn’t require any ceremony.”

Lucien grabbed Annalynne’s shoulders and spoke to her in a serious tone, ” Exactly because it is more important that you must not take it lightly. If Mom and I do not allow you two to get married so soon, of course you two are not allowed to mark each other yet!”

Annalynne bit into her lip while she listened to her brother’s scolding.

“I don’t know what makes you think that you can do it. I demand that you uphold your chastity until Mom and I decide that he is the right man for you.”

Annalynne groaned.

“But Lulu...” The woman started to protest.

“But what?” Lucien snapped. There were no buts. Annalynne must not be careless and make a mistake that she could not undo.

Annalynne pulled her lips into a thin line. She took a deep breath a few times before she managed to muster all the courage to say what she was thinking.

“Lulu, you slept with Ronan Silverback many times,” she said in a low voice with a hint of displeasure. “You haven’t marked each other, but you might as well have. I can smell his scent on you.”

Lucien facepalmed.

“All the time,” Annalynne added, emphasizing each word to indicate that it was still happening.

Blood shot to Lucien’s face. He wished the earth beneath his feet could open up and swallow him whole.

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