174 Annalynne’s Crowning Ceremony

Ronan Silverback and his Beta Jake stood with other Alphas and Betas in the vast, verdant grass field. They formed a trust circle, with those from the Silent Walkers Pack kneeling in the middle. Their backs were stiff and straight, but their heads were slightly bowed.

An air of solemnity washed over the werewolves when the High Seer made her appearance with a few priests and priestesses in tow. Despite her old age, she was blessed with an everlasting youthful appearance. For this occasion, she wore her long silver hair in a French braid bun that was accessorized with flower hairpins.

After the High Seer took her place in front of the kneeling werewolves from the Silent Walkers Pack, she extended both of her hands in front of her.

“Welcome, all Alphas and Betas,” she greeted everyone with a voice that was both light and commanding at the same time.

All Alphas and Betas crossed their right arms over their chest and solemnly answered, “We are here to answer to the Moon Goddess.”

The High Seer had a pair of beautiful turquoise eyes that were unfortunately non-functional. Those who the Moon Goddess elected to be High Seers lost their worldly sights but gained the godly eyes instead.

Nevertheless, when her gaze drifted around the crowd, she did not appear blind at all. She saw them, just not with her eyes.

“The Silent Walkers Pack has gone through a drastic growth in the last few months.

Today, we are here to crown a new Alpha of the pack, and welcome the pack back into our midst.”


The High Seer’s empty eyes were directed at Lucien Clearwater at first, and then her gaze drifted slowly to Annalynne Clearwater who was slightly trembling in front of her.

The High Seer put one of her hands on top of Annalynne’s head, and the other on top of Lucien’s head.

“The Alpha position is often associated with pride and fame. While many chase the honor, little realize the amount of burden and responsibility that Alphas must carry behind their back.”

“Lucien Clearwater, in name of Deacon Clearwater, you are here to hand over the Alpha position of the Silent Walkers Pack to Annalynne Clearwater.

Is this what you wish to do?”

“Yes, it is,” Lucien answered, his eyes shut tightly.

The High Seer then turned to Annalynne.

“Annalynne Clearwater, you are here to take over the Alpha position of the Silent Walkers Pack.

Is this what you wish to do?”

“Yes, it is,” Annalynne answered with a broken voice.

“Are you willing to serve the Moon Goddess with all your heart and soul?”

“Yes, I am,” Annalynne answered again, this time with a firmer voice.

“Are you willing to abide by the Blood Oath and enforce the Blood Oath among your pack members?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Are you willing to serve and represent your pack in the werewolf community?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Are you willing to commit your life to your pack, never to turn your back on your pack members no matter what happens?”

“Yes, I am.”

Annalynne flinched when something cold was transferred from the High Seer’s palm to her head. The icy sensation flowed down her head, spreading slowly to the ends of her fingers, her legs, and the ends of her toes.

Both Lucien and Annalynne when the High Seer removed her hands.

“By the grace of the Moon Goddess, the handover has been performed successfully.

Alpha Annalynne, please stand up and greet your fellow Alphas and their Betas.”

Annalynne rose to her feet and turned to face the many Alphas and Betas whose pairs of eyes were directed at her.

“I, Annalynne Clearwater, henceforth will serve as the Alpha of the Silent Walkers Pack. I humbly beg for the guidance of all Alphas and Betas.”

As the custom demanded, Annalynne thus approached the Alphas and Betas one by one and exchanged deep bows to signify an introduction of the new Alpha to the currently reigning Alphas and Betas from the other packs.

They all whispered their congratulations and good wishes for the new Alpha as they exchanged bows.

At last, it was time to announce the Beta and Gamma of the Silent Walkers Pack.

Annalynne picked Kendra Firemoon as her Beta and Acatha Goldenfell as her Gamma.

This decision undoubtedly invited questionable looks from the surrounding Alphas and Betas. All the powerful positions in the pack were filled by women. It was, to be frank, a very bold and interesting move.

Then again there was no guarantee that women could not do the job as well as men.

At the end of the ceremony, there was a celebratory banquet for socializing purposes.

While everyone else was interested to talk to Annalynne, Kendra, and Acatha, Ronan only had eyes for Lucien.

The Alpha of the Infinite Eclipse Pack scanned the crowd for his lover and found Lucien near the staircase. He was chatting with Bjorn.


Ronan circled an arm around Lucien’s waist from behind. A soft sigh escaped his lips when he inhaled the sweet, familiar fragrance from Lucien’s body.

Bjorn could barely suppress a smile.

“Well then Lucien, we will talk later.”

Bjorn left without waiting for Lucien to answer.

“Thanks,” Ronan said while grinning at Bjorn’s back.

The man in his arms was not as thankful.

“Ronan!” He hissed. “We are in a public place!”

“Alright, then let’s go somewhere private,” Ronan decided. It had been a week since he last sampled Lucien’s sweet body. Ronan could not wait any longer.

The Alpha wanted to lead Lucien away from the grass field, but to his bewilderment, Lucien refused to come along.

Ronan furrowed his brows in confusion.

“What’s wrong?” He asked while caressing Lucien’s cheek and drawing a soft sigh from the latter.

After making sure that no one heard him, Lucien cleared his throat and spoke in a low voice.

“Ronan, I am trying to set a good example for Anna. Let’s not do anything beyond kissing for now.”

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