172 The Alpha Wanted To Make Things Official

Lady Fangblade had a smug grin plastered all over her face as she walked into the restaurant with her ashen-faced son.

Ronan was so embarrassed that he could die on spot.

On one side, he was extremely happy to know that Lucien took pictures of their intimate times together. He wanted to transform into his wolf form, howl at the full moon, and jump from roof to roof to celebrate.

On the other side, this was the kind of picture that should be reserved for his and Lucien’s eyes only!

If Lucien knew what happened, he might go rampant and scold Ronan harshly for allowing anyone to see the embarrassing things that they sent each other in private.

And then, he might refuse to sleep with Ronan for a few weeks just to punish him.

Ronan did not dare to imagine what would happen if he told Lucien that his mother feasted her eyes on the picture before he did.

Lucien was going to kill him.

The Alpha groaned in his heart.


In the end, it did not matter whether Lady Fangblade saw the picture before or after Ronan saw it. It would not be less embarrassing, or less awkward.

And because Lady Fangblade knew just how much it distressed Ronan, she could not stop talking about it.

As soon as they arrived, they were greeted by a concierge with a smile. They were led to a private cubicle on the second floor, the same cubicle that they frequented every week.

The restaurant was used to receiving Ronan and Lady Fangblade every week, so the staff always took care to get the cubicle ready even without any reservation.

Two glasses of water and a plate of snacks were quickly served while the mother and son pored through the restaurant menu.

“I see that things are going well between you and Lucien,” Lady Fangblade commented after they placed their orders and sent the waiter on his way.

“Mhm,” Ronan mumbled while taking a sip from his glass. He was suddenly so thirsty.

“It’s good that you are actively exploring each other’s bodies,” she teased.

Ronan almost choked on his water. He had a coughing fit while his mother could not stop grinning.

The only saving grace was that she didn’t know that the two men “explored each other’s bodies” as early as seven years ago.

The Alpha cleared his throat a few times before he answered his mother, “Yes. It is going splendidly.”

“Sooo, any plans in the near future?” The elder woman could not help but ask.

With a sheepish smile on his face, Ronan shyly looked up at his mother.

“Mom, I plan to ask him to marry me.”

Lady Fangblade’s eyes lit up in surprise.

“Oh, Goddess! This is the best news I get to hear since ages! When???”

“Soon. He has been busy with his pack, smoothening everything for his sister who is about to be crowned as the next Alpha.”

“Ohh... Is that so?”

Lady Fangblade only managed to catch a glimpse of Lucien’s sister a few times. She remembered that the woman shared similar features with Lucien, despite being less attractive than her brother.

Most Alphas were rather famous before they even became Alphas. Speaking about the Silent Walkers Pack for example, everyone had been expecting Lucien Clearwater to inherit the Alpha position from his father, Gordon Clearwater. He had thus been in the middle of the spotlight ever since he was born. His sister on the other side was always hidden in the shadow.

Speaking about Lucien...

Lady Fangblade reached over the dinner table and grabbed her son’s hand.

“Ronan, have you talked about the future with Lucien? It is good that he does not become the Alpha, but he should not fill any powerful positions in his pack. Otherwise, he will leave an opening behind when he marries into the Infinite Eclipse Pack.”

Ronan squeezed back at his mother’s hand.

“Mom, don’t worry. Lucien is very sensible. He is not going to serve as Beta or Gamma either. He can leave the Silent Walkers Pack anytime. All that is left is for me to propose.”

The corners of Lady Fangblade’s lips were pulled into a wide smile.

“That is wonderful, Ronan. So wonderful.”

“It is, Mom.”

Their conversation was cut short when a waiter came by to bring their dinner.

For years, Lady Fangblade never failed to order her favorite grilled salmon steak over a bed of roasted mini potatoes and finger carrots. She generously poured the creamy lemon garlic butter sauce all over the steak before she dug in.

Ronan’s taste changed every week. This week, he ordered a plate of grilled lobster tail topped with thyme, complete with a bowl of cheese and white wine sauce.

At the end of the night, Ronan took his mother back to St. Clarence hospital. As usual, he planned to wait until his mother was asleep before he went on his way. This time though, Lady Fangblade did not plan to go to bed early. She sat up straight on the bed with bright, sparkling eyes that held unconcealed expectations.

In her hand, she was holding a black, velvety box.

“Mom? What is that?” Ronan asked, staring at the tiny box in his mother’s hands.

“This, is something really, really special,” Lady Fangblade answered mysteriously.

The box opened with a gentle click, exposing a beautiful diamond ring that nestled elegantly within.

“This is...”

“The Silverback family’s heirloom, ‘Maiden Of Endless Purity’. It was handed over to me when I married your father. Now it’s time to pass it to you.”

Ronan carefully took the ring out of the box and examined it. The huge brilliant-cut diamond stone was embedded in a white gold ring that was inlaid with exquisite, smaller diamond stones in marquise cuts. They looked like sparkling leaves that framed the huge diamond stone at the center.

“Thanks, Mom,” he said, grinning bashfully from ear to ear.

Lady Fangblade tussled up her son’s hair affectionately.

“Happiness is within your grasp, Ronan. Mom wishes you and Lucien all the best in your marriage.”

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