171 The Alpha’s Date With His Mother

It was 4 PM Friday at St. Clarence hospital.

Lady Adele Fangblade hummed a tune in a low voice while she worked on a dark green sweater for her only son.

Said son always came to have dinner with her every Friday evening. Today was no different.

Three knocks at the door announced Ronan Silverback’s arrival.

Lady Fangblade quickly put the unfinished sweater aside and sat up straight.

“Come in,” she said in the direction of the door.

A tall man with dark hair, a pair of greenish-blue eyes, and a face that was practically a copy of her own appeared at the entrance with a bouquet of red carnations.

“Mom,” he said, greeting his mother with the same gentle voice and smile.

Lady Fangblade stretched her arms out for a hug.


Ronan Silverback handed the bouquet to a waiting Edith and scooped his mother up in a hug.

“Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Lady Fangblade nodded with a smile.

When Ronan loosened his hug, his mother’s legs shook a little but then she stood up firmly and put one of her arms around Ronan’s.

“Shall we?”

“Of course.”

Lady Fangblade threw a glance at her nurse.

“Edith, you don’t have to wait for us. Ronan will send me to bed today.”

Edith dutifully bowed. “Very well. Thank you, Lady Fangblade.

Ronan led his mother to the luxurious black car that had been waiting at the hospital entrance. For his weekly date with his mother, Ronan always drove by himself. During the trip to Lady Fangblade’s favorite restaurant, mother and son exchanged news from their lives.

Ronan had an update regarding the mysterious belt. Unfortunately, it was not a good one.

After they found out that Shayla Plainheart, the young woman who had kept in touch regularly with Gavin Ashmore, went missing, all hell broke loose.

Ronan went back to the Silverback Corporation Headquarters to clear the mountain of paperwork while Jake and Quinn mobilized scouts and select pack members to find the missing girl.

It was all for naught, for Shayla seemed to be swallowed whole by the earth on her way to the university.

None of Quinn’s foster children noticed anything amiss with that young woman. She was behaving normally day in and day out, up to the day she went missing.

Despite extensive search day after day, they were back to square one.

“Is that so?” Lady Fangblade sighed. “This belt is rather curious. Do we know anything else other than it bore the Silverback family’s sigil?”

“Oh, yes. I have some pictures of the belt on my phone. Lucien sent them to me. Take a look, Mom.”

“Alright then.”

Lady Fangblade opened the chat message between his son and Lucien.

“Oooh~” she said when she saw the last conversation on the previous day.

Ronan took a while to realize, but when he did, he almost smashed the car against a nearby traffic pole.

“Mom! Don’t look at those!!!” He shouted in panic.

Lady Fangblade chuckled.

“Too late,” she giggled as she showed Ronan the latest picture that he sent Lucien.

It was a picture of him, naked as he soaked in his whirlpool at his apartment in the pack house. A glass of Champagne cocktail was held loosely between his fingers.

The picture came with a caption : “I wish I could drink you up, right here and now.”

Lucien’s answer was one single word, “Shameless!”

Ronan rubbed at his reddened face with a hand while the other was holding the steering wheel.

“Mom, please stop. Give me my phone back, I will show you the belt pictures later.”

“Pffft. I have seen every part of you when you were growing up. I still remember the location of every mole in your body.”

“Mom! Goddess, that is so embarrassing,” Ronan murmured under his breath.

Other than wanting to spend intimate quality time with his mother, this was his other reason to send everyone away when they were going for dinner. Ronan could play the mighty, respectable Alpha in front of everyone in the werewolf community as much as he wanted to, but in front of his mother, he would always be her little boy.

Ignoring her son’s plea, Lady Fangblade continued scrolling down the chat until he found the pictures that Ronan was referring to.


“Well? Any clue, Mom?” Ronan asked, glad that he could talk about something else than the sexy pictures that he had been sending Lucien. He was secretly grateful that Lucien never replied with a picture of his own. Imagine how humiliating that would be!

Lady Fangblade tapped at her lips as she looked at the pictures.

“I feel like I have seen it before, but I cannot be sure,” she slowly said.


“Yeah. The design is very nice, too. Simplistic but elegant. I like it.”

A soft ding sound was heard coming from the phone, followed by a tiny number 1 that appeared at the bottom right corner of the chat.

“Oh, Lucien sent you a message.”

“Really? How rare,” Ronan remarked.

Lucien rarely took the initiative to message Ronan. When he did, it was usually something serious.

“What does he say?”

Lady Fangblade scrolled up to see Lucien’s latest message. Once she saw what it was, she gaped at the screen with her lips slightly parted.

Ronan furrowed his brows when he saw his mother’s reaction.

“Mom? What is it?”

Lady Fangblade cleared his throat. She waited until Ronan finished parking the car in the parking lot before she showed him what Lucien just sent.

It was a picture that Lucien took while he and Ronan were relaxing on the bed after a passionate lovemaking session.

In the picture, Ronan was resting with his eyes shut. He had his arms wrapped around Lucien’s waist while half of his face was hidden behind Lucien’s shoulder. Lucien’s naked upper body was seen clearly along with the lovebites that were scattered over his fair skin like flower petals.

Under the picture, Lucien wrote, “I miss you. See you soon at the appointment ceremony.”

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