Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 324: Invasion Of Black Demons[II]

In a dark cavern, dwarves, elves, and humans gather, studying runes changed by imposters.

They work together, focused, tracing the symbols to set the conditions right.

It was going well until mayhem and chaos filled the space as one of the elves who was analyzing the runes was struck by a dagger.

"What th…"

Even before he could scream, his throat was silt.

Soon, several grunts and screams resonated in the whole place startling everyone

Among the group of people working out here, lurked imposters, disguised as dwarves and elves, altering and attacking others.

Soon, everyone spotted people shedding their skins, and tearing apart their visages they exposed a grotesque figure.

Tension fills the air as the genuine allies must stay vigilant, ensuring the safety of their mission while thwarting the deceitful schemes of the bastard.

"Damn! I feel my whole life has been life."

"Shut up fucked…Everyone lines up to deal with them."

As the tension mounts, the whole underground cavern erupts into chaos, and the imposters strike, catching the allies off guard.

Elves swiftly draw their bows and shot arrows rustling through the air, piercing the black demon imposters. With short swords in hand, they hoofed amidst the chaos as their blades cutting through the dark magic with each strike.

Screams echo as dwarves unleash their wrath, swinging the hammers and axes that come crashing down, shattering enemies. The cavern trembles with each thunderous blow, debris raining down as the dwarves fiercely defend their home.

Humans call upon the martial spirits prowess that allowed them to use elemental powers like fire, water, earth, and air. With each strike, they unleash elemental fury, their movements fluid and deadly.

The cavern becomes a battleground, blood soaking the ground as allies and imposters clash. The air crackles with attacks colliding in bursts of light and darkness, tearing through the surroundings in a whirlwind of destruction.

"We can't keep going like this," a dwarf says, his voice edged with frustration. "How do we know whom to trust?"

The elves exchange uneasy glances, their usually serene expressions clouded by doubt. "We must proceed cautiously," one of them advises, her voice barely above a whisper, "Despite all this, don't speak all this nonsense now.

The humans nod in agreement, their resolve tempered by the sobering reality of the situation."We need a plan," one of them suggests, his tone tinged with urgency. "We cannot let the imposters succeed."

On the other side, black demons shouted, "Quickly reverse the runes and teleport ones stuck inside the mirror world back."

"Kieekek….I hope they had more fun.."

"Just do it…"

The human side was bewildered when they saw black demons taking control of a huge array out of nowhere and then using it.


As the array was reversed and everyone was transported back, the human forces immediately made a move but out of nowhere, black demons started appearing from the human sides attacking them causing a collapse.

Soon, a bright light erupted, and who appeared from the teleportation were only the black demons which made everyone scream.

In the stands, the instructors also made a move.

Argent, who had retired, took the command centre immediately. He knew how crucial it was to have a command centre in such a mess.

"Everyone, quickly form a defence line and evacuate the candidates...Also, deal with the blah...."

His words paused in the middle, as one instructor in the stands shot at him from his back.

"Sir Argent...

Screams echoed but everyone felt it was too late as the instructor was already on his back and was about to swing his hand but before he could touch.


A vertical line is drawn in the air and the space is distorted.

Blood erupted as the head of the instructor burst out and his body fell down on the ground.

Behind Argent, a long-haired black man wearing specs appeared.

"HA! I hadn't been there for a day and this had happened."

Argent gave a bitter smile looking at his secretary's putrid expression.

He had suffered grave injuries causing him to retire. Due to his great accomplishments both in the military and politics, though he was retired from the frontlines he was still given other jobs.

To prevent any crisis, he was given his bodyguard Jess who also acts as secretary.

He didn't know Jess' true background or origin, but he knew that this wasn't ordinary.

He had a feeling that even in his peak days, he would be crushed by this guy easily.

"Jess, contact the headquarters and ask for reinforcements immediately. Order every soldier we have nearby to appear here. Who knows how deep these bastards had hidden themselves."

Jess nodded but he didn't move and kept staring at the corpse making everyone confused.

As they wondered what was going on, Jess materialised a sword of light and pierced the corpse.

"Stop pretending and come out..."


A divine figure of a knight bathing in golden light materialised behind him and struck his sword.

Following a loud bestial scream echoed from the corpse it started wriggling.

The weapon condensed from the power of light directly tore the corpse and turned it into a pile of asses.

Next, Jess raised his eyes which gleamed dangerously.

[Divine Aura of Light]

As Jess stood there, his form emanated a radiant glow, the divine aura of light surrounding him pulsating with power. The golden luminescence expanded, casting a holy brilliance that bathed everyone in the stands. The instructors, initially bewildered by the sudden turn of events, found themselves engulfed in this ethereal radiance, a shield against the encroaching darkness.

As the light washed over them, they felt a surge of hope and strength, their resolve bolstered by the purity and intensity of Jess's divine presence.

It was as if the light cast by Jess had a magical effect on them.

The air crackled with energy, the very essence of righteousness pushing back against the del forces that sought to overrun them.

But amidst the sanctified glow, a chilling realisation dawned as screams pierced the air.

The once-human forms of the instructors began to contort and twist, and his bodies morphed into grotesque, shadowy figures. Skin tore apart, revealing the abyssal darkness within, a corruption that defied comprehension.

Amidst the chaos and the clash of light and darkness, screams of terror mingled with roars of defiance.

"What the fuck is this?!" cried out one of the instructors, his voice trembling with disbelief as he watched the horrific transformation unfolding before his eyes.

Awe mixed with horror as another instructor whispered, "It's as if their very souls have been corrupted..."

But amidst the panic and confusion, Jess's expression was unwavering as he faced the oncoming tide of darkness.

With a voice cold, he shouted, "Stop panicking. The miasma won't harm you."

Soon, a group of black demons emerged one after another as if they were spawning out of empty air.

As the black demons charged forward, their eerie shrieks reverberated through the air, mingling with the defiant cries of those determined instructors against them.

The black demons, now appearing in their true form after shedding their human skin surged forward with profane power.

Their visages contorted with malice emitting a trail of darkish smoke as they charged at Jess.

As the black demons surged forward, their dark forms twisting and writhing with malevolent intent, Jess stood unfazed.

His lips curled upwards with a deep sneer.

With a swift motion, he called upon the power of his Martial Spirit, the Divine Knight of Light, summoning forth its radiant essence to aid him in battle.

A halo of golden light enveloped Jess, enhancing his already formidable presence as if he were the embodiment of divine justice.

His movements became fluid and precise, each step imbued with the grace and strength of a warrior blessed by the heavens.

The area around him trembled.

With a flick of his wrist, Jess unleashed the spell of light, channelling the pure essence of divine energy into a concentrated beam that lanced out toward the encroaching darkness. Wherever the beam touched, shadows dissipated, revealing the true brilliance of his divine power.

As the black demons closed in, he raised his hands upward as if calling upon the heavens to aid him. In response, golden glowing swords materialised in the air around him, each blade pulsating with the raw power of celestial light.

With a wordless command, Jess directed the swords to thrash his foes swiftly and precisely as they cut through the darkness with great accuracy.

Each strike was accompanied by a burst of radiant energy, driving back the black demons.

While they fought, Gwen and Su Lin stood close to one another with a pale expression.

Just a few moments ago, everyone was enjoying and cheering the fight but in the next instant, hundreds of black demons poured out of nowhere.

The situation had turned into pure chaos out of nowhere.

"I never knew Black demons could disguise themselves as humans," Gwen muttered in horror.

"Me too!"Su Lin nodded as this was so shocking.

Doesn't that mean that black demons had infiltrated into humans?

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