Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 323: Invasion Of Black Demons

In the closed circular chamber beneath the underground base, a group of blackish demonic gathered around a stone table covered in ancient runes.

Their clawed fingers delicately traced the intricate symbols etched into the surface as they muttered incantations in a guttural tongue.

One demon, larger and more imposing than the rest, stood at the head of the table, his crimson eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. "We must synchronize the coordinates with the underground base in Sector 3 to the Colosseum," he growled, his voice reverberating off the walls.

Another demon, with wings folded against his back, nodded in agreement. "The humans above ground must not suspect our movements. We need to ensure a seamless transition."

A third demon, hunched over the table, furrowed his brow as he studied the runes. "The connection is almost established," he hissed, his forked tongue flicking out. "But we must be cautious. Any disruption could alert the humans to our presence."

"Still, I don't understand why we are going out all of a sudden."

A somber atmosphere prevailed for a moment.

They have been lurking in human society slowly and steadily.

They crept in and hid themselves to slowly corrode the humans and act when the time appeared but all of a sudden they were asked to make a move.

"Don't question the superior. Just do as you say?"

A hoarse voice echoed from an obscure demon entrails a reddish gleam from his eyes.

The blackish demons exchanged wary glances before the leader spoke again. "Once the link is secure, we will give the signal," he declared, his voice echoing with authority.

With a unanimous nod, the group continued their meticulous work.

As the last rune fell into place, a surge of energy pulsed through the chamber, signalling the completion of their task.

The leader of the group raised a clawed hand, and with a sinister grin, he uttered the final command. "Prepare for the signal," he commanded. "It's time to kill some mongrels."


The runes glowed and a translucent barrier appeared.

Suddenly, a black demon, towering and formidable, stepped forward. His obsidian horns glinted in the dim light as he approached the shimmering translucent barrier at the edge of the chamber. With a sense of purpose, he extended his clawed hand, pressing it against the barrier.

A surge of energy crackled through the air as the barrier yielded to the demon's touch. With a menacing grin, the blackish demon stepped through the translucent portal, disappearing from the underground chamber.

In an instant, he reappeared within the ancient walls of the Colosseum above. His presence sent a shiver down the spine of any mortal unfortunate enough to witness his arrival. With each step, the ground trembled beneath his feet, and the air grew heavy with the scent of brimstone.

The blackish demon surveyed his surroundings with an air of superiority, his eyes alight with malice.

In his vision, an image of a large number of humans packed in the place appeared.

As he raised his clawed hand, the signal reverberated through the chamber, echoing off the ancient stones.

Above ground, the earth seemed to groan in response, as if anticipating the impending chaos.

With a triumphant roar, the black demon unleashed his forces upon the unsuspecting world above, heralding the beginning of a nightmarish reign of terror.


Ael and Morbius clashed fiercely with their swords rubbing against each other.

Just then, they were snapped out of their thoughts.

A rumble shook the ground, and dark figures emerged from the horizon.

The two immediately stepped back with the same expression screaming"What the fuck?"

Emitting an eerie laughter, a group of maniacs rushed towards them.

Morbius, eyes wide, whispered, "Black Demons... We need to stop fighting now."

Ael, begrudgingly, nodded in agreement. "Fine, but don't think this means I'm letting you off me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a shadow flickered near him.

A Black Demon closed in, their dark presence suffocating, Morbius reacted immediately.

With a fierce battle cry, he unsheathed his katana once more and screamed.


Ael's body reacted instantly and with a sickening speed his image blurred after which a thick swelled around.

Ael watched in surprise as Morbius charged forward, his blade cutting through the miasma with a swift, precise slash.

With a thunderous roar, Morbius clashed with the largest Black Demon, his katana gleaming in the darkness.

"Morbius, wait!" Ael called out, but it was too late.

With a series of lightning-fast strikes, Morbius dodged around the Black Demon, finding its weaknesses with each precise blow. With a final, powerful slash, he cleaved through the creature's dark form, shattering it into oblivion.

Ael, stunned by Morbius's sudden turn, could only watch in awe as the black demon was hacked into pieces.

"Looks like we are in trouble," Morbius said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Ael, begrudgingly impressed, nodded. "Indeed you are in trouble. But we still have a long way to go before this battle is over."

With a swift motion, Morbius sheathed his katana and focused his energy. "We'll deal with our feud later. Right now, we need to protect ourselves."

As the Black Demons drew closer, Ael stepped forward.

Ael, sensing the urgency, unleashed his spells alongside Morbius.

"Great Light of Purification!"


The air rumbled and from Ael, a blinding light shot forward pushing past the miasma.

The Black Demons coming behind the Miasma hissed in pain as they felt the burning sensation but despite the pain, they jumped out but soon a slash cut through the air dismantling them.

Morbius then jumped onto a large tree to take a look. His voice almost cracked seeing the gruesome scene.

In his eyes, he saw people of various races slowly transforming into grotesque figures.

It was totally sickening.

"We can't hold them off forever," Morbius shouted over the chaos.

Ael gritted his teeth. "We need to find others and form a team. Dealing with them wasn't a problem but this miasma is troublesome."


Outside the place...


Out of nowhere, a blast immediately shook the place, and a pillar of miasma rose.

"What the fuck?"

Everyone in the VIP stand stood up in disbelief, unable to process what was going on.

"Black Demons!"

The moment the term appeared on everyone's lips, a shiver went down everyone's spine.

A bright light illuminated from which a group of black demons poured out.

It was so shocking that many of them weren't able to react.

Most of the screen covered Morbius and Ael's fight thereby ignoring other matches and by the time they noticed the anomaly, an explosion erupted at the center of the Colosseum.

Soon, smoke and flames covered everything.

They didn't fear the black demons but what they feared was the aftermath of dealing with them.

"Son of bitch!"Lumen screamed.

Because once killed, the entire place may be turned into a wasteland until Elves help but even with their help it mayn't be easy to cleanse the place.

"Gen, what's going on..."

"How can I know?"He shouted aloud while trying to wipe the beads of sweat forming over his head.

Not only did the Black Demons infiltrate the place but it had been in large numbers which doesn't make any sense.

"Let's save the blame and fight for another time...We need to act right now."Arwin intervened with.

Gen nodded and immediately moved to give orders.

"Quickly bring everyone back. Rang the warning signal.....Also, find the root cause of this.."

[Sir, the Black Demons disguised taken over lower base and had changed the rune coordinates.]

A thick vein bulged on Gen forehead and he controlled his urge to scream.

"Quickly send people to eliminate them and ask all the instru…"

Gen paused in speech as he saw the situation and stands.

"Damn!Just ask for support."

Gen put back the communication device and looked back.

"Then everyone, let's act right now…"

With that Gen took a step followed by others.

The space fluctuated and large tremors started offsetting the place.

With a flash of light, the moment they came out they were met with a sinister grin of huge black demons.

"How did you get here?"

They immediately appeared above the sky

The air crackled with tension as Gen, Aerin, Lumin Minatour, Bolthar Orc, and Tusos the Giant race faced off against the formidable Black Demons.

Their eyes met the sinister grins of the massive creatures, each one exuding an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down the spines of even the bravest warriors.

Gen clenched his fists, his jaw set with determination. "We may not know how you came here, but we will not let you wreak havoc on our land!"

Aerwin, pulled out her staff prepared to attack and nodded in agreement. "Vile demons…I don't understand where did you get your courage from."

The Black Demons chuckled ominously, their voices reverberating through the air like thunder.


"You really think you stand a chance against us.So what if you all join your hands..You all will die at end.You haven't seen the true wrath of black demons."

With a sudden burst of movement, they lunged forward, their dark claws slashing through the air with deadly precision.

Lumin, with his massive axe, charged headlong into the fray, his roars echoing across the battlefield.

Bolthar muscles bulging with power, followed suit, swinging his heavy mace with devastating force.

The Giant race, towering over the others, bellowed a war cry as he unleashed a barrage of earth-shaking punches, each blow sending shockwaves through the ground.

Sparks flew as weapons clashed, and the ground trembled beneath the weight of their struggle.

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