Protagonist? Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 325: Invasion Of Black Demons[III]

Su Lin and Gwen who were standing aside, suddenly froze as they saw a black aura bursting out toward them...

It was so fast that they weren't able to react and the pressure exerted from it was horrifying.

The black mass appeared right before the two girls. A murderous glint flashed in its eyes as it raised its arm to strike but before it could touch them.

Jess who was dealing with others just looked around rolling his eyes but he didn't make his move.

Due to having light elements, he had a great perception of dark negative things so he could feel a nefarious energy around the two girls but since it didn't pose any harm or had any ill intention he let it go.

The real reason he was made secretary was to keep an eye on Leon.

He was just present to make sure to make hostile forces lessen their hostility against Leon so the fight doesn't turn into war.

Under Su Lin and Gwen's surprised gaze, they saw a black mist appearing right before them and punching the enemy appearing before them.


As the black mist punched the enemy, a shockwave rippled through the air, causing debris to scatter in all directions. Su Lin and Gwen watched in awe as the mysterious force engaged in a fierce battle with the dark entity.

Soon, the black mist condensed into the figure of a vampire.

"Madam, don't worry. You will be alright."

As soon as they muttered this, a saint-level figure along with many ghosts appeared around them.

Su Lin was dead frozen but Gwen who was already adapted to this, reacted quickly.

"Umm...Thanks...Your name.."


Saying this, Terpas flapped his wing and shot forward.

Soon, several black demons rushed ahead.

The clash between the two forces sent tremors through the ground.

Blast echoed resonating all around.

Suddenly, the Terpas surged forward with incredible speed, delivering a barrage of powerful strikes.

Each blow landed with precision, driving the black demons back with force making them blast against the walls and floors.

However, to his shock, he found that despite being beaten to dust many of them were able to get back again.

"Higher-level black demons had a core inside their body. If you need to kill them, you need to crush their cores."

Terpas question was answered by Jess's high-pitched roar.

"Core..."His eyes flashed with curiosity but in the next instant, a bloody smile appeared from his lips.

With Leon's advancement, Terpa's upper limit also increased, however...

Since Leon hadn't broken through to the divine realm, at best his strength was equal to the peak of the Saint realm but despite this, he could take down many ordinary Saint-level figures.

Coagulating crimson aura on his claws he directly slashed.


The air before him was torn apart into pieces and shot around tearing everything.

Terpas figure enlarged and blood coagulated on his whole body.

Then the blood around slowly rose up and started morphing in shape.

He waved his hand and soon, blood around them condensing into sharp spikes stabbed the back demons nearby impaling them in one place.

Just then blinding light erupted that blasted everything.

Warm energy like rays of sun pierced through everything and soon filled the entire stands blinding

The light grew brighter and brighter until it enveloped the entire area, momentarily blinding Su Lin and Gwen.

When the light finally faded, the dark entity was nowhere to be seen.

In its place stood a figure bathed in radiance, its features obscured by the glow of pure energy.

Jess stared at the huge corridor filled with blood and ashes with a solemn expression.

The Black demons were burnt to death along with cores but to his shock, he saw Leon's ghost standing still without being affected.

'How is this possible?'

Countless questions arose in his heart. His martial spirit had a primordial power of light that annihilated everything, specifically destroying the darkness.

The last move wasn't meant to harm the ghosts; rather , he wanted to see if his light attack was effective against them.

But despite originating from darkness, the ghosts remain untainted.

Terpas cast an eerie malevolent smile at Jess as if signalling, he understood what he was trying.

"Hehehehe!Better luck next time, kid.."

"You are too early to harbor such attention."

Jess felt goosebumps seeing these eerie dark fangs.


The clash between the Saint realm warriors and the Black Demons intensified, the sky above the arena shook due to chaos.

Lightning crackled, and the earthquake beneath the onlookers' feet. Each blow reverberated through the air, a testament to the immense power being unleashed.

Spectators watched in a mix of horror and fascination as the combatants engaged in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Swords clashed with resounding clangs, rebound from the attacks illuminated the sky, and fists met with bone-crushing force. The atmosphere crackled with tension as each side fought with unwavering determination.

Amid the fray, Demargon, the ominous leader of the Black Demons, towered over the battlefield like a dark spectre.

His malevolent laughter echoed through the air, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it. With terrifying ease, he evaded the attacks of his opponents, striking back with lethal precision.

"You pitiful mortals stand no chance against the might of the Black Demons!" Demorgan's voice boomed, his eyes ablaze with malice. But the Gen and other warriors refused to yield.

A strong wave of energy surged as an axe met a wooden staff. Surprisingly, instead of breaking, the staff repelled the axe, creating an opening.

"Your average weapon can't beat my top-tier staff," taunted Demorgan.

Seizing the chance, he blasted Bolthar backward with a powerful strike.

Meanwhile, Lumen faced off against Demorgan's allies, launching an energy blast. But the foes were prepared, erecting barriers to shield themselves.

Lumen's attack weakened with each barrier shattered, leaving him frustrated.

Observing the scene, Gen pondered if Arwin's power could affect Demorgan.

[…What do you mean?]

Arwin inquired in her mind as talked to Gen using telepathy.

'If I got you close to Demorgan, could your power weaken hers?'

Contemplating, he hoped it might give others an edge.

Arwin being an elf also power of purification but that wasn't her fort so her power in terms of purification fell short.

[That's impossible.]

Arwin dismissed the idea, pointing out the vast strength difference.

'You're right…'

Gen realized that his plan was unrealistic.

[Have me go toward those little creatures.]

Arwin suggested, offering an alternative.

Processing her idea, he saw the potential advantage.

'Alright, let's go with that plan.'

Deciding quickly, Gen quickly moved to act to clear an area for Arwin to strike.


[..How are we supposed to do this?]

'Leave it to me..'

After injecting energy into Arwin, Gen turned to Lumen, signaling to start.

As Lumen prepared to attack, Gen threw Arwin towards the giant Tusac unnoticed.

A moment later, Lumen unleashed a devastating strike, aided by Arwin's distraction.


A massive wave of energy like waves of cyclones flushed around destroying everything in its path like a tsunami.

With the black demons surging around defeated, the tide turned in our favor.

As Lumen fought, Gen urged him to unleash a powerful attack, revealing Arwin's role.

The combined effort led to victory, unnoticed by Demorgan and Bolthar in their intense duel.

As the clash between them intensified, Lumen's voice cut through the chaos, commanding with authority, "Bolthar, clear the path! We need to reach Arwin and Gen!"

Bolthar nodded, his massive form barreling forward with a thunderous roar, sending black demons flying in all directions with each swing of his colossal hammer.

With each thunderous clash, shockwaves rippled through the air, distorting the clouds and sending them swirling in chaotic patterns.

As Lumen, Bolthar, and the towering giant forged a path through the chaos, dispatching black demons with ease,

Arwin focused all her energy, channeling her light qi into Gen sword.

The clash echoed through the hall, sending shockwaves of light and sound reverberating off the walls. As Demargon staggered back, the forces of light and darkness clashed in a breathtaking spectacle, illuminating the battlefield with a radiant fury.

Meanwhile, Arwin's brow furrowed in concentration as she poured every ounce of energy into the Gen sword, her voice strained with effort, "Gen, now is the time! Strike with all your might!"

Gen, his eyes ablaze with determination, gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, feeling the surge of power coursing through him.

Arwin poured all her qi converting it into a brilliant Qi light which he infused into Gen's sword.

With a swift motion, he lunged forward, his blade gleaming with radiant light as it met Demargon's dark armor with a deafening clash

With a resolute slash, Gen's blade cleaved through the darkness, striking Demargon with blinding brilliance.

As their weapons locked in a fierce struggle, Demargon snarled, his voice dripping with malice, "You dare challenge me, pathetic bastards.? You are nothing compared to the might of the shadows!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you!It's you who challenged us son of bitch?"Lumen roared angrily.

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