Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 325 A Deal With The Enemy

Chapter 325 A Deal With The Enemy



"I will give you the formula that Jiang Corporation uses in making their skincare products."

Mr Lin was stunned. The formula to the production of skincare products produced by his rival company, his forever nemesis, his enemy. He looked at Juang Bojing with a sceptical eye.

'Is he really ready to sell out the secret of a company he so badly wanted? Why? What does he want to achieve so badly? At what cost this time around?'

Mr Lin became so confused. He was longer sure if he could trust this man sitting before him. But this is a very good opportunity to get back at his rival, no?

After all, he has been trying to make products as good as Jiang Corporation. But the solution came right to his office. It was served on a silver platter.

"What do you think about it m, Mr Lin?" Jiang Bojing asked.

Deep down, he was smiling triumphantly. He knew how to get want what he wants. This was an offer any Mr Lin would not dare to refuse.

"I will take the formula and then I get fifty-five per cent of the profit of your project, right? I will do it. I will invest in your new company," Mr Lin agreed.

"Hehehe. Not so fast, Mr Lin. I am not a fool like you think that I am," Jiang Bojing laughed lightly.

"What do you want now, you cunning fox?" Mr Lin said with a hint of irritation in his voice.

He hated it when someone try to outsmart him. That was his game to play. He was the boss of that. He hated how Jiang Bojing was trying to steal his tricks by getting things out of him.

"If I am a cunning fox, then you must be a sly fox. We are of the same species but we have different ways of handling our games to profit us," Jiang Bojing said.

Now that he held the trump card giving him the upper hand, he became even bolder than before. He let his arrogance seep out of him. He will be the one to make the rules and over for him and not Mr Lin.

"Hmm. Speak up already."

"What is the rush, Mr Lin? You did not seem to be in a hurry when I was discussing the profits earlier."

Jiang Bojing leaves on the desk and clasps both hands together, intertwining his fingers in the process. His look dropped from the mocking one and change into something more serious.

"If I give you the formula, Mr Lin, you will get to receive a percentage profit of forty while my company gets the remaining sixty."



Mr Lin slammed his palms hard on his desk. On closer look, you could see a vein popping beside his head and the back of his hands as he clenched them into fists. His eyes had started to turn red because of anger.

"Are you mad, Jiang Bojing?" Mr Lin roared.

"Temper, temper. There is no need to blow my eardrums now, Mr Lin."

"Shut up. Why would my profits reduce to that level? All the way from fifty-five you plummeted it down to forty?"

"Yes, I did," Jiang Bojing answered.

"Why? Let me remind you that you are the one asking to be helped. You want my company to invest in yours because I have the money and the name as well as fame. And yet you have the guts to reduce my profit," Mr Lin laughed hysterically.

"Why should I not? Let me also remind you that you are the one having an issue with Jaing Corporation. You are the one that is hell-bent on being in the lead. Let me also tell you that I am the one who holds the only thing that would make all these dreams of yours a reality," Jiang Bojing daringly said.

"And I am the one that will make your company shoot to the top twenty in a matter of weeks. I am the one that will make other companies come knocking at your office to do business with you. You need me."

"I know that very well. Why do you think that I am here in the first place? I need you as much as you need me. We both win in this proposal that I have offered you. We can achieve more if we become a team. You help my company rise while I give you what makes your rival company's product on the market today," Jiang Bojing tried to convince him.

"Think of it. We both get what we want. Their fall and our rise. In fact, we could even still work together to ruin the market for them. Come on, Mr Lin. Think smart and think big. You are better than what you are showing me now."

Mr Lin sighed. He did not know what to do. But this was a really good deal he has here. If he can get his hands on that formula, his products will improve.

Also, if he and Jiang Bojing join hands together, they could remove the only obstacle in his way. With Jiang Corporation out of the way, he could turn the tides and clear the way for his product.

"So... do we have a deal, Mr Lin?" Jiang Bojing asked.

He had observed all of the emotions that surfaced in Mr Lin's face. Jiang Bojing knew he had gotten Mr Lin where he wanted him to be. All that he wanted now was an answer. A positive answer.

After pondering on the whole thing while saying the pros and cons, Mr Lin looked up at Jiang Bojing.


"Alright? We have a deal, Mr Lin?"

"Yes," Mr Lin nodded. "Yes, we have a deal, Jiang Bojing."

"Hahaha. I knew you would make the right decision. Thank you for agreeing to this deal, Mr Lin," Jiang Bojing said as he stood up from the chair.

It is time to finalise the deal.

Jiang Bojing adjusted his suit and stretched his hands to Mr Lin for a handshake. Mr Lin also stood up and shakes his hands. He smiled.

"Thank you for choosing me to have this opportunity. I wait for the formula you promised," Mr Lin said.

"Do not worry about that."

"Hmm. I can't imagine this. If someone were to tell me that the formula for the wonder skincare product of Jiang Corporation will be promised to me by the vice president, j would have laughed and called that person a dreamer," Mr Lin said.

"Hahaha. Things change, my friend. And people also change. The world will not be good for one if one stays at home and cries over what has already been lost," Jiang Bojing said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hmm. You are a wide man. I hope your business and this project we are about to carry out will go well for both of us."

"I hope so too. But I promise to do my part very well."

"And so will I."

"Alright. Thank you for your time. I will leave you now. I will send the formula to you soon. Have a good day, Mr Lin."

"You too. Let me just see you out," Mr Lin offered.

They talked about their future project together as they walked to the elevator. After that, they said they bid each other goodbye.

On getting outside the company, Jiang Bojing had a pleasant smile on his face. He looked up at the clear sky and sighed in satisfaction. He did. He did it. He was just a few steps closer to getting his revenge.

After he called the driver to bring the car to the front of the company, he called his wife. He must tell her the good news. He could not wait.

Ring! Ring!

"Hello, honey. Have you seen that man? Are you already done? How did your meeting go?" Luo Xue, Jiang Bojing's wife asked.

"Hahaha. One at a time, darling. I can't answer all at once now, can I?" Jiang Bojing said. He was in a good mood.

"I am sorry. I was just too anxious, that's why. So, tell me. Did you see him?" She asked.

"Yes, I did."

"Okay. How did it go? Tell me quickly."

"It went... It went very well. Smooth sailing, if I must say," he said.

Just then, h8s car pulled over at his front. The driver got out and quickly walked around tge car to open the door for Jiang Bojing to enter.

"Oh my God! I knew you could do it. I knew my husband could help the deal off. Oh! I am so excited and proud of you, my dear husband," Luo Xue said in ecstasy.

"I am also proud of myself. Sigh. We would soon be enjoying our revenge and our wealth."

"Yes, we will. That is good. Come him early today, okay?"

"Are you going to spoil me if I do?"

"If you want to be spoiled, then you have to come from work early. I am going to make quite a feast for dinner. We have to celebrate our success, no?"

"Of course, we have to. I look forward to this evening."

"You should. Alright, bye. I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

With that done, Jiang Bojing inhaled deeply and exhale through his mouth. He adjusted his body in a very comfortable position and places his head on the headrest of the chair.

He closed his eyes dropped closes as he began to think of how much better the future of his company will be. He would rise the chart of successful businesses in this city and others.

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