

Jiang Bojing has spent enough time thinking of what he would do you get his revenge on Bai Renxiang and Old man Jiang. He had finally come up with a good strategy to execute his full-scale revenge.

Jiang Bojing stood in front of the mirror in his walk-in closet as he tied his grey coloured necktie. His wife helped him wear his suit jacket.

"You look very professional, my dear," Luo Xue said.

"Of course, I do. I need to make a very good impression on that man. He is the only one that can help me exact my revenge," Jiang Bojing said.

"I know. I still can't believe that that little girl removed you from your position in the company and even threw you out. The nerve," Luo Xue sneered.

"Hahaha. That is a thing of the last, my dear. You do not have to keep pondering on that. It is like you are rubbing salt on your wound," Jiang Bojing laughed.

"But still-"

"Leave it be, honey. We are getting our revenge now, right?" Jiang Bojing held her face in his palms.

"Yes, you are right. Anyway, there would be no need to fight for the position of vice president in a company that is about to go down very soon," Luo Xue said.

"That's my woman. You understand me very well."

"That is why I am your wife. If I do not understand you then who will?"

"Well spoken. Okay, I need to leave now. I do not want to be late and miss this opportunity to ruin that old man and his puny granddaughter," Jiang Bojing did before placing a kiss on Luo Xue's forehead.

"Hmm. Good luck, honey."

An hour after Jiang Bojing left his home, his car drove into the parking lot of a company. Giving his driver an instruction to wait for him, Jiang Bojing walked toward the entrance of the very tall building.

"Today, my new company, Jing Xue and LT Corporation will be the downfall of Jiang's Corporation," Jiang Bojing said with a cold voice.

Adjusting his suit one last time, he walked confidently and arrogantly onto the company. Stopping at the reception, he tapped on the desk.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?" The last was the computer asked.

She had a polite and welcoming smile on her face.

"I am here to see your boss, CEO Lin," Jiang Bojing said.

"Do you have an appointment with him, sir?" The receptionist asked.

"Yea, I do."

"Can I know your name, please?"

"Mr Jiang Bojing "

"Please give me a few seconds to check it out. Kindly, wait patiently," the receptionist offered him another smile.

"Alright. Do your job," Jiang Bojing nodded to show he had no problem with it.

Seeing as he was willing to wait, the receptionist checked if he really had an appointment with the CEO. While the receptionist was typing away on tge computer, Jiang Bojing took that opportunity to fill his eyes with the interiors of the company.

"I got it. Sir," the receptionist called his attention.

"Yes," Jiang Bojing redirected his gaze to the receptionist.

,m "You do have an appointment with CEO Lin. It is by one o'clock which is almost time."

"Yes, it is."

"Alright. Please take an elevator by the left to reach the CEO's office," the receptionist gave him directions.

"Thank you very much."

"You are welcome, sir. Have a nice meeting.

Jiang Bojing gave the last nod before he left for the elevator.


The elevator opened and he stepped out. The secretary at the CEO's office was informed of his arrival. So as soon as he got there, she asked him to go in.

"Mr Jiang Bojing, CEO Lin is already waiting for you. You can do in," the secretary said.

"Alright. Thank you."

Inside the CEO Lin's office.

Seated on a black leather swivel chair was a man in his early fifties. His chestnut brown hair was combed backwards. One could see that he was a man of class with a high-quality three-piece red suit.

Jiang Bojing was sure that CEO Lin was aware of his presence in his office. But it had already been five minutes since he came in and the man had not paid him attention.

His head was hung down as ge stared and sometimes typed on his computer. It was getting Jiang Bojing infuriated.

"Good afternoon, Mr Lin," Jiang Bojing made his presence known by greeting him.

"Ah...If it isn't Mr Jiang Bojing," Mr Lin said with a smile. "I thought you were not going to greet or say anything to me and just stand there keep a servant boy," Mr Lin said.

"Ahem! Please do not say that, Mr Lin. I did it just want to disturb you seeing as you were engrossed in your work, Mr Lin. It is a pleasure meeting you," Jiang Bojing masked his anger with a smile.

"The pleasure is all mine. Please have a seat," he gestures to the chair in front of his desk.

"Thank you," Jiang Bojing took his seat on the chair.

"So... To what do I owe this meeting? You were very adamant about this. I hope it is as important as you said." Mr Lin started.

"It is very important, Mr Lin."

"Very well. Carry in then. I am all ears," Mr Lin gave him the go-ahead.

"Ahem. I want you to do an investment for me. It is for-"

"Ah! That reminds me. I heard that you got kicked out from Jiang's Corporation after you were stripped of your title as vice president. The worse part us tgat it was the new CEO who seems to be of a young age tgat did all this to you," Mr Lin said in a mocking voice.

Jiang Bojing was seething with anger but he had to keep his calm. Yes, he had gotten over the incident but the way this Mr Lin was saying made it disgracing.

He looked down for a few seconds to quickly hide the anger in them. He felt like shutting Mr Lin up. But could he do that to the one who could make his revenge successful?

"Ahem! That... That was a mistake on my path," he said.

"A mistake, huh? I see. So, I supposed you are here to ask for help for..."

"An investment," Jiang Bojing completed his words.

"Ah! An investment. What for? Do you want me to invest in Jiang's Corporation?" Mr Lin asked with a slightly distorted face.

"No. Not Jiang's Corporation. I men you are a rival to that company. How could I ask you to invest there?" Jiang Bolin asked.

"Hmm. Then, what business do you want me to invest in? As far as I know, you do not work in another company."

"You are right. I do not work in another company. Instead, I have my own company.," Jiang Bojing said with a certain pride and arrogance.

"Tour own company? Are you kidding me, Mr Jiang?" Mr Lin ashes in disbelief.

"Do I look like one who came here to make jokes? I am very serious, Mr Lin."

"Oh my! So you are this capable? Hahaha," Mr Lin burst into laughter.

"What do you mean by so I am this capable? Are you trying to say that I have never been capable, Mr Lin?" Jiang Bojing asked.

"Oh! Do not get me wrong, my former vice enemy. I was just surprised to hear you have achieved such a good thing. I men you have been fighting for the position of CEO of Jiang Corporation for a long time," Mr Lin explained.

"I understand. Anyway, I came here to make a bargain with you. A very enticing one at that. I want to invest in my company or do a business with me," Jiang Bojing said.

"Hmm. What is in it for me? If I were to invest in a new company like yours that is still growing, what benefits will I reap? Will it be a good one or a bad one?" Mr Lin leaned forward on his desk.

"The benefits will be according to what you put into my company. If you invest big, you get big benefits. I am currently working on a project. The only thing that is slowing down the progress is the lack of enough funds."

"Okay. Like how much profit will I get if your project hits big?"

"Fifty-five per cent. If I hit big, we will split the profit. You get fifty-five and I get forty-five."

"What? That is too small. I am afraid that I can't agree with you on this one, Mr Jiang," Mr Lin leaned back into his chair.

"Hahaha. I predicted that you would say that, Mr Lin. That is why I came here prepared. I have a backup proposal and this one, you can't refuse," Jiang Bojing said with a smirk on his face.

"And what is this backup proposal that you have?"

"The formula that Jiang's Corporation uses to produce her skincare product."

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