Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 326 [Bonus Chapter]I Still Want Kids



Things were going to be easier and harder now. But it will all be worth it. But for now, he wanted to go over to his office and handle a few things that needed his attention.

"Old man Jiang and CEO Bai, you had better watch out for me. Things are going to get pretty screwed up for you guys. I swear it," Jing Bojing mumbled with an evil smirk on his face.

Meanwhile, in Li Fengjin's house, Bai Renxiang was restrained from leaving the bed or even going anywhere. He brought her breakfast to the room and fed it to her.

It was already last morning and Bai Renxiang was still in Li Fengjin's room. Although she liked this treatment of him pampering her and all. But she wanted to move around at least.

Right now, Li Fengjin was with her on the bed. She was resting her back on his chest. While one of his hands was caressing her stomach, the other was rubbing the back of her hand.



"Can I at least go to the garden?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"Are you feeling better? You are not feeling any pain anywhere?"

"No... Well, just a little bit. But I need to go out of this room. At least I can distract myself from the pain if I am out," Bai Renxiang reasoned.

"What will you do in the garden? It is the same thing as just sitting here," Li Fengjin said.

"That is not true. I can talk to your mother. I know she is there. You know, it is not good that she is alone. She came all the way from another city to come and see you."

"You know how to talk me into doing things you want. Hah! Alright. Let us go downstairs."

"Yes. Thank you," Bai Renxiang laughed.

Li Fengjin shook his head. Stepping out of the bed, he wore her a light blue bunny hoodie he got for her.

"I knew you would look cute in this," he said.

"It is soft and warm. I like it. Thanks," she pecked his cheek.

Bai Renxiang's hands moved on the soft material of the hoodie. She smiled. As expected, Mrs Li was in the garden. She was on the phone.

"I am glad she is okay, Suyin... What is it?... So you cancelled the arranged marriage... They are in a relationship?... Wow. That is a wonderful piece of good news. I am so happy for both of them... Of course, she is. Hahaha," Mrs Li threw her head back as she laughed.

"So, are they getting married?... Alright. Congratulations to you and Chenguang... Okay, bye."

"Who is getting married, sweetheart?" Li Fengjin asked as soon as Mrs Li ended the call.

"Oh, no one, son. Your aunt Ye was just happy that her daughter is safe," Mrs Li said.

"Safe? Did something happen to Yumi?"

"Yes and no. She did not come home last night. Only her driver did. So it got her parents worried. But, it turns out that she was with Xiaokai," Mrs Li briefly explained.

"With brother Kai? I don't get it."

Mrs Li told them all that Mrs Ye told her over the phone. Li Fengjin was all smiles when the whole thing was clear.

"So, they are a couple now. I will call brother Kai to congratulate him later," he said.

"Hmm. So, my dear," she turned to Bai Renxiang. "How is the pain going?"

"It still hurts but it is way better than this morning. Thanks for the tea."

"That is good to hear. But you should have taken those drugs Jin bought. By now, you would not have to feel any pain," Mrs Li said.

"There is no need for drugs. It is just period cramps, that's all. I am used to it," Bai Renxiang said and shrugged.

"What? You have this pain every month?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Not every month though."

"But it has occurred enough for you to get accustomed to it," said Li Fengjin.


"And you do not take pain killers?"

"No," Bai Renxiang shook her head.

"Why not? What if you die from the pain?"

Li Fengjin's question stunned both Bai Renxiang and Mrs Li. How could he ask that? Even if he was worried, still...

"I can't die of cramps. I have never heard anyone die because of it. Besides, I have experienced labour pains before and I have abated to survive. Also, I heard taking drugs could reduce fertility. I don't want that."

"Oh, dear. Only a few drugs cause that. But I m sure the ones Jin bought are safe," Mrs Li said.

"I do not want to take any risk. I... I still want to have kids," Bai Renxiang said.

A slight blush crept up her cheeks. Mrs Li let out a hearty laugh at her words. Meanwhile, at the mention of kids, Li Fengjin's eyes shone with interest.

'She said she still wants to have kids. That means other than Bai Xiaojin, right? Does she want to have my kids? Of course, she will. I mean, I am the man she loves now and there will not be another. She even mentioned fertility.'

Li Fengjin's mind had gone far. His thought process revolved around children running about in their future home. A smile bloomed on his handsome face at such an imaginative scene.

"You do not have to worry about that, my dear Renxiang. You and Jin are still young. You will have plenty of kids if you choose to," Mrs Li said.

Bai Renxiang's face turned bright red. Mrs Li just said she and Li Fengjin. They were not even married yet and she was already saying that.

'But it would be nice to have Jin's child. What am I thinking?' Bai Renxiang shook her head as she bit her lip.

'But I can't see myself in the future with another man.'

Just as Bai Renxiang was lost in thought, a voice rang close to her ear.

"I would like to have a daughter."

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