Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 323 Gossipy Employees



After Li Fengjin was done preparing Bai Xiaojin for school, he went back to his room. Bai Renxiang had still not come downstairs.

"Why has she not woken up yet?" Li Fengjin murmured as ge stepped into his room.

Bai Renxiang was laying with her back facing the door so he could not see her face. She was curled up like a ball. When he got close to the bed, he heard muffled groans.

"My love?"

"Feng... Fengjin."

"Hey, what is happening to you? Why are you crying? Tell me what is wrong with you."

Li Fengjin was worried about the tears that trickled down her right eye. Her brows were scrunched. He could tell that she was in pain.

"It's... It is nothing. I just have a little stomach ache, that's all," Bai Renxiang said.

Her voice was cracked and she quickly wipe the lone tear on her face. Her speech was slurred and her eyes could barely open for a fraction. It got Li Fengjin worried.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital? You don't look good at all. You are too pale. Why do I feel like you are about to lose consciousness?" Li Fengjin asked.

"You are funny. Why would I lose consciousness?" She smiled. "My stomach just hurts and it is making me feel weak. There is no need for going to the hospital."

He helped her sit up and rest her back against the pillow on the headboard. Just then, Lu Fengjin caught a glimpse of something red on the sheets. He moved the blankets a little and his eyes bulged.

"My love, you are bleeding. Why are you bleeding, Renxiang?" He looked at her.

"Bl-Bleeding? Oh no! No wonder it hurt so much. I forgot about it."

"What are you talking about? Are you sure you are okay? Open your eyes and look at me," Li Fengjin patted her cheek.

"Stop doing that," she said weakly. "Quickly help me to the bathroom. My period just started. Your sheets will get stained."

"I am taking you to the hospital, not the bathroom," he lifted her off the bed.

"F*ck! How much blood did you lose?" His eyes widen at the large patch of red on his white sheets.

"Just take me to the bath-"

"Mum!" Li Fengjin shouted.

"What are you doing? Why are you calling her here?"

"Ssh. Don't talk too much before you faint," he silenced her.

When he dropped her in the bathroom as per her request, Li Fengjin went to call his mother. As soon as he left, Bai Renxiang managed to lock the bathroom door before she took off her clothes. She needed a warm bath first.

Li Fengjin arrived with his mother but to his dismay, the bathroom door was locked from the inside.

"Renxiang, please open the door," he knocked. "My love, please open the door. You are bleeding. I brought mum over to help since it is women's stuff. Open the door and let us help. Do not be stubborn now," he added.

"I am not stubborn. You just don't want to listen to me. I am fine," her voice rang out from the bathroom.

"Don't tell me that. Mum, tell her to open the door already," he turned to his mother.

"Renxiang honey, what is happening to you? Jin said it is women's stuff. Is it what I think it is?" She asked softly.

"Yes. You do not have to worry much about me. It is normal."

"Why did you lock the door then?"

"I'm... I am taking a warm bath to help calm down."

"Oh, alright. I will go and make some ginger tea so that you can drink it once you are out."

"Okay, mum. Thank you."

"You are welcome... Come with me, Jin," Mrs Li dragged Li Fengjin away from the door.

"Are we just going to leave her like that?" Li Fengjin asked.

"She needs her privacy and she said she is fine," Mrs Li assured her son.

"But she is-"

"Quit yapping and listen to me," she cleared at him.


"Go to the supermarket. Get sanitary napkins, hot packs and a fresh set of clothes for her," Mrs Li instructed him.

"Why am I buying those?"

"Because it is needed, you dum-dum. Hurry up and get that done before she is done with her bath."

"Right. Sanitary napkins, hot packs and clothes. Got it," Li Fengjin kept repeating those words as he grabbed a shirt and dashed out of his room.

"Sigh. Now, I need to change these sheets. She bled a lot on her first day. Poor child. She must be in one hell of pain right now."

"Hello, Wang Tingxiao," Li Fengjin held his phone to his ear.

"Good morning, boss. What can I do for you?" Wang Tingxiao asked.

"I need you to come over to my house and take Bai Xiaojin to school," Li Fengjin went straight to the point.

"Al-Alright, bods. I will be there in ten minutes."

"Good." Then he turned to Bai Xiaojin who was looking at him with a confused expression.

"Your mother or I can't take you to school because she is sick. My assistant will do it. I am going to get some things and my mother needs to take care of her. So please understand."



After about thirty minutes, Li Fengjin was back with a lot of bags from the supermarket. He went straight to his room. Mrs Li was dumbfounded.

"What are all these?" She could not help but ask.

"The things you said I should buy," Li Fengjin answered.

"You went shopping?" Bai Renxiang asked as she stepped out of the bathroom.

"These are all that mother said I should buy for you. Sanitary napkins, hot packs and clothes. I got it all right," Li Fengjin said.

Mrs Li took a peek at some of the bags. She face-palmed herself and shook her head. Her son is unbelievable.

"What? Are the products wrong? I had no idea which of them would be for her so I bought one pack of everything I saw."


"You literally bought enough to set up a store," Mrs Li exclaimed.

"I did. Well, it does not matter, right?"

"Sigh. Thank you, Jin. I will just take the one I need right now," Bai Renxiang picked up a sanitary napkin and clothes. "Please, excuse me. I will be out soon."

"Will she be alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. She is in a lot of pain. But you did well. I trained you to be a fine husband."


Later that morning in City X, Ye Yumi and Yang Wenkai went to work together. But this time, Ye Yumi felt lighter. She felt reborn and most of all, she felt loved.

She was all smiles and her employees noticed it. On most days, she would carry her poker face around. Or her professional smile that did not even lift her cheek.

Employee 1: "Did you see the boss? Her face looked so bright."

Employee 2: "I saw her, alright. Sigh. Her smile could have the sun. I almost fell in love with her."

Employee 1: "You better not fall because you have a girlfriend, you idiot."

Employee 3: "That is right. Even if you try, you will still not stand a chance. Our boss is already taken."


"Are you serious?"

"Who is it?"

"Are you telling the truth?"

A few employees gathered around the employee that spoke last. Their ears perked up when they heard such news. It was hard to get very juicy gossip in their company.

But now they did, it wasn'tz just any news but news about their ice queen of a boss.

Employee 3: "Of course, I am telling the truth. I say it with my own two eyes. I saw our boss and the young master of the Yang family arrive at the company together."

Employee 4: "The young master of the Yang Family? The one who runs Y-Surf Games?"

Employee 3: "No. Not the young prince. The older one. Young master Yang Wenkai. The one that runs Yang's Enterprise."


Employee 1: "Ah! Oh my gosh! My cold prince has been taken."

Employee 5: "How did you know that they are in a relationship?"

Employee 2: "Yeah. It is a known fact that the three families all share a very close bond with one another."

Employee 4: "She must have hitched a ride with him as normal childhood friends do."

Employee 3: "I know that they are in a relationship because I saw a young master... CEO Yang Wenkai and our boss share a kiss just outside the company's building."


"I can't believe it."

"A kiss?"

"Ooh, la la!"

Employee 7: "I saw it too."

All: "You did?" Everyone turned to the new comes in the gossip club.

Employee 7: "Yes, I did. Our boss was so flushed. It was a lovely sight and they were a match made in heaven. Suited for each other and never to be broken apart."

All: "Aww!"

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