Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 322 Almost Exposed



"Suyin, we are going to be in-laws soon," Mrs Yang announced.

"What? Is that true?" Mrs Ye turned to look at Yang Wenkai be Ye Yumi.

"Yes, aunt. I am in love with Yumi," Yang Wenkai said.

"Oh. Yumi, you love Xiaokai, right? I hope it is not the same as the love you have for those actors you watch on TV."

"Of course not, mum. It is not the same. My feelings for... for brother Kai are genuine. It is not a fangirl type of love," Ye Yumi was embarrassed.

"Hmm. That is good to hear. I will tell your father and grandpa not to carry on with the arranged marriage anymore," Mrs Te said.


Ye Yumi and Yang Wenkai were shocked. Mrs Yang watched everything unfold as she drank from her orange juice.

"Arranged marriage? Did you and dad and grandpa arrange a marriage for me or for brother Chaoxiang?" Ye Yumi asked. She still found what her mother said hard to believe.

"The arranged marriage is for you, silly. Your brother already has a child and the woman he may spend the rest of his life with. But you on the other hand..." Mrs Ye sighed and shook her head.

"You, my dear daughter... you have no friends."

"I have friends at work," Ye Yumi retorted.

"Oh, I am talking about real friends, honey. Not the ones that smile and now their heads when you pass by. Those are your employees. It is normal in all places of work," Mrs Te corrected her.

"Ouch, mum. That ruined my emotions."

"I am sorry, honey. So, you have no girlfriends or boyfriends. The rumour almost spread out that you loved women," Mrs Ye whispered.

"Pfft... What?" Ye Yumi spat out the juice in her mouth. "Please excuse my bad manners... Who made that rumour? Are they crazy? Why would I like women when I am a woman?"

"Hehehe," Yang Wenkai chuckled.

"What is so funny bout this, brother Kai?"

"Ahem! Nothing."

"Why did I not even hear that stupid rumour?" Ye Yumi turned back to her mother.

"It is because your dad quickly kept things under control. So, to avoid things from getting out of hand, we decide to arrange a marriage between you and Chenguang's son, Yang Wenkai."


"Me and brother Kai?" Ye Yumi exchanged glances with Yang Wenkai.

"Mum," Yang Wenkai gave his mother a questioning gaze.

"Yes, it is true. I was in total support because you are the same as Yumi. No offence but your daily routine is dull," Mrs Yang said.

"I see."

"So, when are we going to hear wedding bells?" Mrs Ye asked.

"Cough... Mum, it is too soon to be asking about that now."

"I agree with Yumi. We just made our feelings known to each other yesterday and our relationship became official this morning. We can talk about that during my journey of courting her, right Yumi?"


Ye Yumi was flushing furiously. They were discussing her relationship as if they were talking about the weather. Yang Wenkai looked unfazed. She was the only one reacting.

"Well, we will leave everything to the both of you since it is your life," Mrs Ye concluded.

"Congratulations on the beginning of your relationship."


Back in City S.

Bai Xiaojin was the first to wake up amongst the trio sleeping on the king-size bed. He turned to Bai Renxiang and remained like that for a while. Then he turned to Li Fengjin.

"You are up already," Li Fengjin said before he opened his eyes.

"Good morning, uncle Fengjin," Bai Xiaojin greeted in a whisper.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well? We're you comfortable?"

"Yes. It was the best sleep I have ever had."

"That is good. Your mummy is not up yet. Why don't we get you prepared for school and let her rest some more?" Li Fengjin asked.


In the bathroom, Li Fengjin and Bai Xiaojin were brushing their teeth. They stood side by side in the front of the mirror. Bai Xiaojin stood on a stool so that ge would reach the sink. Their hair was messy and their eyes had not opened fully.

"Uncle Fengjin, do you really love my mummy?" Bai Xiaojin suddenly asked.

"Yes, I do. Why are you asking?" Li Fengjin looked at Bai Xiaojin through the mirror.

"Will you still love her if I told you that my daddy is back?"

Li Fengjin was shocked but he quickly masked his expression.

'What is this kid saying? Who does he think his father is? Has he mistaken another guy to be his father? Besides, what is with that expression of his? Is this still the cute little bit I know?' He thought.

Right now Bai Xiaojin had a mature and serious on his cute little face. It really got Li Fengjin there.

"What... Has he approached your mother yet? If he has not, I do not care. If he has, I still do not care. I am the one your mother loves and I love her too. I am not going to let anyone take her away from me," Li Fengjin said with a smiling face.

"Oh. Hehehe," Bai Xiaojin giggled. "Then, why are you still hiding?"

"What do you mean? No, let me recourse that. What do you think that I am hiding?" Li Fengjin eyed him curiously and suspiciously.

"I asked you to be my daddy before. But you did not give a proper answer. You remember, right?"

"Yea, I remember that day very well. It was the first time we met," Li Fengjin said.

"Bingo," Bai Xiaojin's smile dropped again. "That day you came to look for me. We had never met but you bought me a limited edition toy car. You talked to me like we were related. I wonder why," he placed his hand under his chin.


"Do you know why, uncle Fengjin? You should know because you did all of those. Or do you do that to every kid?" Bai Xiaojin asked.

"No, I don't."

"That is bad. But do not worry. I know why you did that. It is because you wanted to use me," Bai Xiaojin pointed a finger at him.

"Huh? Me... what?" Li Fengjin feigned ignorance.

"Yes. Don't play smart with me now, uncle Fengjin. You wanted to use me to get to my mummy, right?"

'Phew. He got me there. I thought he figured out the truth about our father and son stuff. The truth was almost exposed. But he thinks that I wanted to use him to get to Bai Renxiang? Did I? That is so cute and funny. But it is a good alibi too,' Li Fengjin thought.

"Hahaha. That is not true," Li Fengjin laughed awkwardly. He was playing along.

"Don't lie anymore," Bai Xiaojin pouted and glared at him.

"Sigh. Alright. I did want to use you," ge admitted.

"I knew," Bai Xiaojin shouted.

"But I did not. I have liked your mummy for a really really long time. I had no idea how to approach her. So I did a little research and discovered that she had a son. So, I thought of it. But I swear. I did not use you... anymore."

What Li Fengjin said was partly true. He has been having feelings for Bai Renxiang for a long time. He had no way of approaching her when he finally got to see her. So he decided to do a DNA test and use that as a reason to court Bai Renxiang.

But there was no news for that ad soon as he got the news of Bai Renxiang being the new CEO of Jiang's Corporation. He got enough reasons to approach her and he gradually made his way into her heart.

"Oh! I get it now. Hehehe. You did have plans of using me but you did not execute those plans."

"Yeo."." Too bad though. You could have scored a lot of brownie points if you had used me to gain mummy's love. I had already considered a potential daddy and husband for me and my mummy," Bai Xiaojin said.

'This kid is unbelievable and shameless. What am I saying? He got it from me,' Li Fengjin said in his head.

"Can you still help me now?" Li Fengjin asked.

"No. "


"Why? I thought you considered me as a potential father and husband," Li Fengjin's shoulder dropped.

"I do. But my mummy is already head over heels in love with you. There is no need for me anymore. You just need to use that handsome face of yours and a lot of care and love to gain more love from her. Give and take," Bai Xiaojin said before he stepped down from the stool and moved to the already filled bathtub.

"Then, what about you? Do you love me?" Li Fengjin asked.

"I asked you a question a long time back. If you answered it first I will answer yours."

"What is it?"

"Will you be my daddy?"


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