Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 321 [Bonus Chapter]In-Laws



"There is no need to be shy. It is just the two of us here," Yang Wenkai said with an amused smile.

'That is the reason why I should be shy,' Ye Yumi cried in her head.

"Come on. I need to ask you something. It is important."

"What is it?" Ye Yumi sat up.

"Yesterday... Well, yesterday I told you that you have me and uhm, that I love you. Then, you said you fantasized about that moment. Does that mean that our feelings are mutual?" Yang Wenkai asked.

"I... I like you. Well, I have never... loved someone before. I don't know. B-But I am willing to give us a chance. I mean if... if you ask me out, I-I'll say yes," she stuttered.

"Really? Will you really go out with me? Like, will you be my girlfriend?" Yang Wenkai asked expectantly.

"Hmm. I have this... I have had a crush on you for a long time. Well, at first I thought you would only see me as a little sister. But yesterday cleared that out. Brother Kai loves me, right? That means you don't see me as a little sister. So, yeah. I will be your girlfriend."

"Yes," Yang Wenkai threw his fist into the air.

"I am so happy. Thank you. Thank you," ge hugged her. "I promise to treat you better than that jerk. You will not regret this. I swear."

"I promise to do my best too."

After making their relationship official, both of them went to the living room. Mrs Yang was happy to hear the news.

"Oh, God bless you, my dear. I am so happy. Dono worry. If Xiaokai ever bullies you, you tell me, okay? I will beat some manners into him," Mrs Yang said.

"Mum. Why would you say that?" Yang Wenkai asked?

"Why should I not say that? You are older than her by a few years. You can bully her because of that," Mrs Yang said nonchalantly.

"Mum, I don't think brother Kai would ever bully me," Ye Yumi said shyly.

"Aww! Look at you supporting him already. Hah! I can't wait for Suyin to come. She will be excited."

"Mum is coming here?" Ye Yumi asked.

"Of course, dear. When I told her that you spent the night here, she was so relieved. You know, yesterday, I could hear the fear in her voice. She is on her way as we speak. Next time you have to call your parents to let them know you are safe, okay?"

"Okay, mum," Ye Yumi nodded.

"Good girl. Xiaokai, take care of her. I am going to prepare breakfast," Mrs Yang said before she walked into the kitchen.

"Why don't you just rest and allow the maids to do the cooking and any other thing that needs to be done?" Yang Wenkai said.

"What will I do then?"

"I don't know. Just sit back and enjoy your cup of coffee. Butler Si," Yang Chen called.

"Greetings young master and young miss Ye. How may I be of help to you?" a man in his early forties walked into the room.

"Tell the mauds to fix something healthy for breakfast. I don't want my mother in the kitchen. Make it quick because we will be having a guest soon," Yang Wenkai ordered.

"Yes, young master. I will get it all done. Please, excuse," the butler bowed before he took his leave.

"I going to check on Chase," Yang Wenkai said.

"Oh, can I come with you? I have not seen him for a while," Ye Yumi asked.


"Sigh. They look good together. Suyin and Mingyu will probably be more excited than I am. Maybe they would even start preparing for a future wedding. All our kids have found their partners," Mrs Yang said to herself.

Later on, while Ye Yumi and Yang Wenkai were playing with Chase, Mrs Yang's car drove into the compound of the Yangs. She was literally running into the mansion.

"Chenguang," she called.

"Suyin. Take it easy," Mrs Yang stood to meet her. "Good morning," she greeted with a bright smile.

"Good morning, Chenguang. Where is she? Where is my baby, Yumi?" Mrs Ye asked?

"Mum," Ye Yumi said from behind them.

"Sweetheart. Oh my baby," Mrs Ye spread her arms open as Ye Yumi rushed toward her.

"Mum. I am sorry I mass you worry so much for me," Ye Yumi apologised.

"I was so scared that something may have happened to you. Thank God. Oh, Jun said it. He said you were safe and you are. I am so glad," Mrs Ye said as they hugged.

"Oh. Let me see you. Were you hurt anywhere by the rain? Do you have a cold?" Med Te asked as her eyes search moved up and down Ye Yumi's body.

"I am not hurt, mum. I am not sick either. I am totally fine. Brother Kai took care of me. So, do not worry," she said.

"Xiaokai, thank you so much for taking care of my baby."

"You are welcome, aunt."

"Why don't we talk over breakfast? Join us, Suyin," Mrs Yang offered.

"Thank you."

In the dining room.

"Mum, what about dad?" Ye Yumi asked.

"I told him to take Lee Ai to school and then I left in a hurry," Mrs Ye said.


"Lee Ai looked for you yesterday. She wanted to stay with you in your room because she was scared."

"Oh, my poor little niece. Did you let her stay with you?"

"Yes, we did... Say, sweetheart. Why did you not call it to tell us that you were at your aunt's house?" Mrs Ye asked.

"I am sorry mum. I was not in a really bad and messy mood yesterday. I promise not to do it again."

"Is it work-related?"

"No. Relationship disappointment. I don't want to talk about it anymore."


"Suyin, I have great news for you," Me

Rs Yang said.

"What is it?"

"We are going to be in-laws very soon."

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