Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1487 1480: Settling the Invasion

Chapter 1487 Chapter 1480: Settling the Invasion

Magnificent! Unrivaled! Breathtaking!

The astonishing sight of Bai Lin's transformation into her ancestral lineage was almighty and soul-etching! With Wei Wuyin acting as a focal point, she accentuated his innate majesty and glory ten-fold, bestowing the world with an unforgettable experience!

This further heightened the impact of his declaration! Those from the Endless Voyage Realm were all taken aback, either stunned, fearful, or questioning, but none had openly rebellious thoughts or concealed expressions. They had just witnessed this young man eliminate Tian Taizong with three slaps and one palm, the same Tian Taizong that forced Peng Yue to execute Temporal Reversion, which held an absolute advantage against their World Emperors in a three versus one, and while they might realize there were nuances within the fight of potentially holding back, the Tian Taizong at the last moment executing his Aeternal Imperialism of the Exalted Transformation was a sign that he hadn't gone all out either!

They were at a loss. Some of them had acquired precious mystic-tier planets, realms, and lunar satellites, including a strong, established workforce, resources both material and living, and quintessential to the development of one's own region of territory, and they were extremely reluctant to return such treasures. But what could they do?

They turned their gazes to the armored Su Nianzu and the giant-sized Jia Yang. While they seemed outwardly calm, the two were a flurry of concern and thoughts internally. In the end, Su Nianzu walked forward and clasped his hand in a respectful greeting.

"World-Saint Neo-Dawn," Su Nianzu properly called Wei Wuyin by his alchemic title, before introducing himself, "I am Su Nianzu, City Lord of one of the City of Guardians." While one might typically think that Su Nianzu wouldn't speak in a manner that was servile or overbearing, he was skewing toward the former and it wasn't hidden at all.

Wei Wuyin gave Su Nianzu a close look, a tinge of visible approval shining within his silver eyes. Su Nianzu's act of deference was enough to earn a few points in his book. Moreover, his intentions of earning favor were evident without any schemes. This would make things much easier in the long run. After all, while he could cow them all into submission, dealing with people like this was better.

He decided to be a little more talkative and reciprocate.

"Su Nianzu, was it? I've heard of your reputation during my visit to the Endless Voyage Realm. You've not let them down," Wei Wuyin's words were laced with an appreciation of strength and heavily regarded Su Nianzu as being astonishing. Those who were aware of his reputation within the Azure-Prime Galactic Zone's Exalted Republic would thoroughly understand how his words echoed with praise.

A few of them held hope that Su Nianzu could negotiate with Wei Wuyin so that they could keep their gains during this perilous journey. However, those hopeful few had their entire dreams shattered in the next moment.

"Considering all of the traversable void is yours, my Endless Voyage Realm has made a mistake. If we had known earlier, we definitely would not have caused any sort of trouble. I hope we haven't inconvenienced you." Su Nianzu's voice was rather ordinary, but his words were like thunderous booms to the ears, not just to the Endless Voyage Realm's denizens but the Neo-Dawn Stellar Region's denizens as well!

Wei Wuyin faintly smiled, revealing a spectacularly unearthly sight that caused most women to fall into an immediate daze. Meanwhile, the men were either shaken or reverential.

Those observing carefully could tell he was in a good mood and as Bai Lin slowly regressed to her elegant form of a white-feathered, non-blazing phoenix, the oppressive will enveloping the world considerably lessened. With just a few sentences it was clear that Su Nianzi had perfectly given Wei Wuyin sufficient face and caused him to change his earlier aggressive stance!

"Thank you for your kind words, World-Saint Neo-Dawn." Su Nianzu bowed slightly, deactivating his armor and keeping his lance. Jia Yang saw this and his mighty figure shrunk. However, his gaze was effused with deep concern. It was only when he checked Hu Meifang's life talisman and knew that it hadn't shattered or showcased any additional stress that he felt at ease.

"Ah!" Her eyes widened as she felt her slender, soft body was held tightly. Strong, reliable arms wrapped around her as her head naturally leaned against a chest that she had often used as a makeshift pillow before, sleeping to the all too familiar sound of powerful heartbeats with her exhausted body and spirit.

Wei Wuyin didn't need to say any words of apology. Sometimes, a single gesture was enough to say a thousand words. Tian Lingyu's hands grabbed at Wei Wuyin's robes, leaning further into his chest as if wishing to push forward all her complex feelings out. Her body shivered.

Tian Muyang gave a soft, contentful smile. While the Tian Clan era was over, the Imperial Lineage gone, Tian Lingyu hadn't lost her position of importance in Wei Wuyin's heart. The entire world now knew.

Yang Chaoyue was stunned. She didn't feel jealous in the slightest. Instead, she felt relieved. Wei Wuyin's rise was abrupt and startling, and he'd reached the peak of their world, yet he could still do simple, deep gestures like this.

Wei Wuyin turned to Tian Weilong and said, "I've lessened the restraints of time on this region of the Neo-Dawn Stellar Region for a short period." Those words caused Tian Lingyu to clutch at his back tighter, burying herself deeper. One must know that Tian Lingyu never allowed those around her to die, and treated everyone, from the mortals of her crew to her family, like precious treasures. She was willing to defend them with her life and exhaust her own lifeforce. She was simply that good-natured.

However, the invaders had slaughtered many of those she knew and cared about, and her hatred was a part of those complex emotions. She didn't feel it was within her right to ask Wei Wuyin to seek vengeance, especially since he abolished the Tian Clan's Imperial lineage and authority just then. At the very least, she was conscious of that.

Tian Muyang nodded as Tian Weilong was stunned, "We'll bring back those who should be brought back." Then, he brought the female Sky Monarch, Tian Weilong, and the Highlords still alive with them.

Wei Wuyin leaned forward slightly, mentally transmitting in a gentle voice: "Become the leading Matriarch of the Tian Clan and lead this region for me."

"...?!" Tian Lingyu's voice shook.

"Tian Taizong isn't dead; I've spared him because of how good he's been to you in this lifetime of his. His only saving grace." Wei Wuyin didn't hide this from her. He had said earlier that only those close to Tian Taizong would know he was still alive, regardless of his choice. After all, without Tian Taizong's dutiful care and oversight, how could Tian Lingyu have reached the Earthly Saint Phase at her age? Remain a virgin despite her beauty and talent? He protected her from all those with ill-intent and ulterior motives, and allowed her to make her own choice in the end.

"..." Tian Lingyu was unable to control her rampant emotions and Wei Wuyin's robes grew wet with hot tears. They stayed like that for a long, long moment. Yang Chaoyue observed by the side, recording this moment on a spiritual jade.


After an hour, the cultivators of Endless Voyage Realm had left the former territory known as the Aeternal Sky Starfield, slowly making their way toward the Twin Beacon Territory. The planets, lunar satellites, and realms were returned, albeit reluctantly.

The invasion from the World Between the Fold had come to an end, and its end ushered forth the Neo-Dawn Defiance Era!

Wei Wuyin rode Bai Lin. She soared through the Dark Void as they made their way to the Elementus Domain!

As he got closer, his bloodline stirred.

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