Paragon Of Sin

Chapter 1486 1479: The Neo-Dawn Rises

Chapter 1486 Chapter 1479: The Neo-Dawn Rises

All those that could, saw. All those that lived, knew.

Wei Wuyin standing before a kneeling Tian Taizong, bloodied and beaten with three slaps and a single palm.

Wei Wuyin's declaration was irresistibly invasive, transmitted through the spirit, mind, and soul. The entire population of the newly defined Neo-Dawn Stellar Region's territory was touched. The infant that had just been born; the young man working the fields; the genius maiden of the sword; the toothless elder fishing; the thirty thousand years old merchant.

None didn't hear it.

Similarly, the objections were non-existent. The new era of the world had long since been brought forward with reckless and widespread momentum. The name Wei Wuyin had become a household name to even the most common homes, the reputation of the Neo-Dawn Alchemic Saint these last two years had grown to levels of impact that the King of Everlore had, and even slightly greater in some regard.

A young mortal beneath the age of a hundred whose talent in the Alchemic Dao was unparalleled and unprecedented. A young mortal who rode upon a Fire Phoenix of ancient times with the grace and presence of a true immortal. A young mortal whose looks could ensnare goddesses from a single gaze. A young mortal with strength that was unrivaled amongst his peers. A young mortal who defined what it meant to be a Chosen.

The valid rumors over the past few decades had grown rapidly and solidified deeply within the world, entrenched into the hearts of minds of its denizens, all primed with the knowledge that the Neo-Dawn was beckoning a new era. So when news came that the era was changing today without question, who would dare doubt?! Who would dare object?!

The Neo-Dawn Starfield, for example, was already wildly cheering. Everyone knew it was bound to happen, but they didn't know what would truly usher it forth! It wasn't the Saint Cyclic Renewal Summit. It wasn't the Neo-Dawn Alchemic Expo. It wasn't the Chosen King Competition!

Well, here it is!

The conquering and suppression of the invincible Aeternal Sky Divine Emperor, the outright removal of his illustrious title, and the removal of the Imperial Clan!

The conquest of not just the Grand Cyclic Stellar Region, but the entire eighteen stellar regions known throughout their traversable world! ALL EIGHTEEN!

"So that's why he never declared the Neo-Dawn Starfield as a Stellar Region despite expanding its spatial territory to incorporate the entire Heptasage Pillar Stellar Region!" Xue Yifei stood within the palace, looking outward as a shrunken Ernu crouched next to a throne, and behind her were thousands of Ascendants kneeling before her, staring at the opening that miraculously showed the Neo-Dawn Defiant Star.

Some were in tears. Others were quivering. But they were all extremely and undeniably emotional!

Xue Yifei recalled Wei Wuyin's earlier words, and she placed her hand on her chest, feeling the pounding heart within, and swelling with as much emotion as anyone!

Within a secret realm, Na Xinyi's grey eyes stared at the sky, seemingly piercing through and observing that figure from a vast distance. Observing his astonishing figure and presence, she felt as if she found a direction for herself.

Tethered to a tree, an emerald-haired young elven woman lifted her neck with strained effort. Within her gaze, within her bound Sea of Consciousness, she could feel a familiar presence beside her. Despite losing her sensation of warmth or cold recently, she felt a heat swell within her chest and warmed her heart.

His chuckle turned into full-blown laughter. He felt utterly wonderful. "Let's finish with the last one."

The other Earthly Saints nodded. They similarly looked to the Aeternal Sky Starfield, emotions riled and their hearts pounding. His Majesty was only a mortal. Perhaps one day, just one day... the entire starry sky would be exposed to a new dawn.

Wei Wuyin gave Tian Taizong a long, silent look. After a while, he answered: "On account of Tian Lingyu and Tian Muyang, I won't end your life. So I'll give you a choice."

Tian Taizong's body was quivering beneath Wei Wuyin's palm. This was what it meant to have fallen from grace! The fickle wheel of fate was so brutal. Now his life was being decided by a single person's will. Was this how everyone felt when he ruled? This helplessness? This frustration?

Wei Wuyin continued, "You can end your cultivation journey here. I'll strip you of everything you have, and bind you in ways that even an Ascendant Saint would struggle to break free from. You can live on in a secret realm somewhere, and take your lovers, wives, and children with you if they decide to stay. Of course, they'll all be subjected to similar restraints."

"..." Tian Taizong expected this choice, yet when he heard it, he struggled to reconcile with losing his ability to cultivate. As long as he had breath, there were chances! But if what Wei Wuyin said was true and he used inscrutable laws to bind his ability to cultivate, he didn't think he had enough years to break free given Wei Wuyin's young age. There was no way to outlive him if Wei Wuyin wasn't killed. And if he was killed, there was no way his enemies would spare his world, friends, or former enemies.

Moreover, that would all have to happen within a few years, as long his cultivation would dangerously lower his vitality. He might only have a few decades or if Wei Wuyin was generous, a few hundred years before he'd die of natural causes. After all, he would strip him of everything!

"Or," Wei Wuyin pressed a little harder, "You can decide to serve me."

"Serve?!" Tian Taizong's heart throbbed. He was a glorious talent! It made sense for someone like Wei Wuyin to see him as a good seedling to nurture. Moreover, with his Seed of Law taken away, he didn't necessarily have to forge upon the path of Imperial Supremacy, and could take on a path similar to Wu Yu! While he was reluctant, it was potentially possible to retain his strength to a certain extent. Moreover, Wei Wuyin was a Worldly Alchemic Saint of astoundingly young age, so receiving his support might elevate his potential in a few thousand years...

However, Wei Wuyin's words shattered his thoughtful dreams. "You will not be my Alchemic Knight; I'll be refining your entire existence, allowing you to become a soldier under my command. While you'll still have some sentience, you'll lose a large portion of your independence. Your life will also be tethered to my own. If I die, so will you. Regardless of your choice, you'll be considered dead by most, excluding those close to you. I'll place restrictions on your immediate family, excluding a few."

"..." Tian Taizong's eyes dimmed.

Wei Wuyin didn't immediately force Tian Taizong to choose. "I'll give you seven days to decide." After saying this, Tian Taizong's body turned to dust before the eyes of everyone. There was no wail of agony. There were no last words. The Aeternal Sky Divine Emperor, within his Aeternal Sky Starfield, before the eyes of everyone, perished.

Tian Xiaocheng gasped. She wanted to rush forward and beg for mercy despite her still trembling and disbelieving mind, yet she wasn't even given the chance!

Wei Wuyin placed his hands behind his back. With a voice as majestic as the heavens themselves, he said: "Those from the Endless Voyage Realm, listen: Return what you've taken. Go to the Twin Beacon Territory and wait for further instructions from the Ascendants of the Neo-Dawn Starfield. All those who refuse will be executed."


Bai Lin's body blazed through the sky as she beautifully burst into scarlet-gold Nirvanic Flames, transforming into Fire Phoenix just shy of thirty-three thousand meters! She flew behind Wei Wuyin, her wings and radiance spread wide as he stood there. Her clarion cry was as clear as the solar radiance of the Aeternal Sky Star! Her eyes were large and filled with endless disdain!

Wei Wuyin exuded the presence of an Ascendant Emperor beyond the shadow of a doubt!


Erdiul's Note: MY EMPEROR!

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