“You want to make money?”

After hesitating for a while, Mei Fang asked Lin Youxi, “Why did this idea suddenly come up? Did something happen at home? Tell me.”

“It’s nothing.”

Lin Youxi shook her head. “It’s just that I see how hard my dad works, and I don’t really want to ask him for pocket money. But every time I go out with you and Yuan Yuan, the expenses are not small. I don’t want to be taken care of by Yuan Yuan all the time. After all, she has taken care of me for so many years, and also…”

Lin Youxi answered with her head down, “I have something I want to save money to buy now.”

“What do you want to buy?”

Lin Youxi shook her head. “I’m not telling you. If I tell you, you will buy it for me, just like the MP3 player last year…”

“But you returned it in the end.”

Last year, Lin Youxi mentioned that she really wanted an MP3 player, and without hesitation, Mei Fang gave it to her as a birthday gift on her birthday.

Originally, Mei Fang thought this surprise gift would make Lin Youxi happy for a while, but Mei Fang, who didn’t understand a girl’s heart, it ended up being extremely disliked by Lin Youxi.

She said that children shouldn’t give such expensive gifts to each other, and then returned it. Mei Fang had no choice but to keep it for himself.

In Mei Fang’s view, this was an outdated electronic product, and he had little interest in it himself, only occasionally using it to listen to music. When Lin Youxi came to Mei Fang’s house, she would often use his MP3 player to download things and listen to audiobooks. The songs inside were all ones that Lin Youxi liked. Apart from not taking it home, it could be considered as something that belonged to Lin Youxi.

From this perspective, since she refused to let Xia Yuan treat her well, it was naturally impossible for Mei Fang to directly ask Xia Yuan for money.

But since this was Lin Youxi’s attempt to break free from her dependence on him and Xia Yuan, Mei Fang had to support her.

After thinking for a moment, he said, “If you really need money, you can sell the items on the Fantasy Westward Journey account in the auction house.”

“That won’t work. It’s our joint property! Speaking of which, if it wasn’t for me and Yuan Yuan stopping you last time, you would have sold it from the auction house, right?”

“Oh, this time it’s not selling the account, just selling a few pets!”

“That’s not allowed either! We spent so much time raising pets, and we have feelings for them! I can’t bear to sell them myself, and if Yuan Yuan finds out, let’s see how you’ll end up.”


Here, we have to mention something that happened during the 2006 World Cup.

Because our incompetent reincarnator, Mei Fang, only remembered that Italy won the championship in 2006, he chose the more convenient option of participating in online sports betting. The odds for Italy that year were 1:9.

Originally, Mei Fang could have received around 8,000 yuan by selling his Fantasy Westward Journey account, which could have been turned into 72,000 yuan. This should have been a sum of money that Mei Fang could freely use. However, that year, Mei Fang’s action of putting the account in the Auction House to sell was discovered by Lin Youxi, who then informed Xia Yuan. The two of them used the excuse that this account was filled with memories of three people to stop Mei Fang’s actions.

Mei Fang didn’t dare to secretly sell the account and hurt the feelings of Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan. These two girls would still continue to check the account in the future. He could only rely on the money he had saved through hard work and sell some unused game accounts to gather 1,000 yuan to buy lottery tickets.

Now, his personal asset is around 10,000 yuan. Although it is far from what he imagined, his parents don’t know about it, and it is money that belongs to him. It can be considered as his first pot of gold in the true sense. The amount of this money is already enough to invest in Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency that can multiply profits by more than 8 million times.

Since Lin Youxi refused to sell the account or sell the pets, and also refused Mei Fang’s help, Mei Fang could only explain to her the practical ways she could make money.

“If you don’t want to sell the account… then you can try leading a team to kill bosses. Our two accounts are strong enough, and we can speedrun many dungeons that we have previously cleared with just the two of us. We can bring other people’s accounts to boost. You can earn at least 10 or 20 yuan per week. As for your idea of earning money through coding, your current skills may not be enough for freelance work, so you don’t need to consider that for now.”

“Are you saying that you are currently doing coding work?”

Mei Fang shook his head, “Not really… I’m just working on a small game right now.”

“I’ve never heard you mention it before!”

“It’s just in the planning stage. It’s still a long way from actually being developed.”

Lin Youxi’s expression was filled with anticipation, “Let me see it tomorrow. I want to learn.”

“Are you saying you want to learn this first, or do you want to start with account boosting?”

“Um… let’s start with account boosting.”

Lin Youxi let out a sigh of relief, then looked at Mei Fang again, “But don’t rush too much. I still want to play games with you.”

“I’m not sure if the game I made is something you would like,” Mei Fang said, “It’s a simple casual game.”

“That’s not the point…”

Lin Youxi pouted.

“Then what is it? Tell me.” Mei Fang smiled slightly with a teasing tone, “Could it be… that you want to work together with me?”

Lin Youxi couldn’t help but lightly kick Mei Fang, then silently went home.

Even though she appeared cold and indifferent in front of others, she seemed somewhat cute to me. I really can’t do anything about her.

It has been six years since Mei Fang was reborn into this world.

During these six years, he never forgot his original intention to make games.

After years of research and learning, Mei Fang is now skilled in Java with abundant theoretical knowledge and a rising star in C#.

There are many textbooks about Java, and Mei Fang easily learned it online. Now, learning Java and making Symbian games feels like joining the army in 1949. It can also be used for website design and office automation systems.

As one of the earliest Chinese internet users to come into contact with the C# language, Mei Fang still has some influence on Tieba forum.

Especially in 2007, after the first-generation iPhone was introduced, the Chinese internet began to repeatedly mention a term that Mei Fang was extremely familiar with.


The emergence of smartphones meant that the mobile internet boom had officially begun.

Standing at the forefront of an era, there’s not much time to waste.

Because if Mei Fang, at his age, patiently waited until he graduated from high school to start making mobile games, it would already be 2014, and most of the cake would have been taken by others. After that, it would be the era where distribution platforms reigned supreme, and developers would only be suitable for employment. It would be too late for him to do anything.

So, now is the perfect time, it’s best to achieve results around the third year of middle school, as high school will be too busy.

Unity’s version 2.5 had already been officially announced to be released in March 2009, and by then it will support the development of Windows system applications. That’s when Mei Fang could truly use Unity to package and create computer games.

The last semester of elementary school quickly arrived, and during this semester, everyone didn’t have the same pressure of preparing for the high school entrance exam or the college entrance exam.

They were just living day by day, and passing notes to each other for a commemorative book called Yearbook.

In a yearbook like this, you need to write your name, zodiac sign, hobbies, motto, and other things. Everyone will stick their photos on it, and Xia Yuan has always enjoyed doing this.

The boys were competing to fill out Xia Yuan’s graduation yearbook, while Mei Fang neither competed nor rushed, just observing the behaviors of the children.

These naughty kids, each of them, although they often teased my dear Yuan Yuan, deep down, they must have held some affection for her.

Well, they are just children, innocent and unable to express themselves.

As a result, Mei Fang didn’t feel any pressure from his competitors throughout his six years of elementary school.

Xia Yuan had collected everyone’s graduation quotes, appreciating them page by page, occasionally bursting into laughter. Mei Fang, seeing this, playfully pulled her arm.

“Why didn’t you write one for me? Write one for me too!”

Mei Fang urged Xia Yuan but was rejected. Xia Yuan looked at him with disdain and said:

“What do you want to me write? I can help you fill in all of these. Zodiac sign, age, height, interests, favorite food, but there’s nothing I don’t know about you.”

“Well, that’s true…”

Mei Fang felt a wave of sleepiness and rested his head on the table. Xia Yuan looked at the graduation yearbook for a while, then closed it and propped her chin on her hand, gazing at Mei Fang, her desk mate.

She cautiously reached out and poked his cheek, but Mei Fang only made a face.

A gentle smile appeared on Xia Yuan’s lips.

The sound of cicadas filled the air, signaling the arrival of midsummer.

Their elementary school stories, for both of them, officially came to an end.

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