On a summer day after graduating from sixth grade, it was the perfect time to sleep.

Mei Fang was enjoying his deep sleep when his younger sister, Mei Ya, ran into his room and shouted loudly at him.

“Brother, brother, wake up! The sun is already shining on your butt!”

Mei Fang ignored his sister and turned over to continue sleeping.

Seeing this, Mei Ya pulled open the curtains and used a small mirror to reflect the sunlight onto Mei Fang’s butt repeatedly.

Although there was a noticeable increase in temperature in that area, Mei Fang still didn’t wake up.

Mei Ya pouted and huffed, then ran out of the room.

She soon returned, holding a magnifying glass in her hand.

In his dream, Mei Fang had become a renowned game producer. He had just received the honor of TGA’s Game of the Year award and was thinking about how to surpass the great artistry of the director of “It Takes Two” who had insulted the Oscars live.[1]

But before Mei Fang could step onto the stage in his dream, he suddenly jumped up from his bed in reality, clutching his butt and letting out a scream similar to Tom from Tom & Jerry.

“Ow ow ow! Ouch!”

Angrily, Mei Fang snatched the magnifying glass from Mei Ya’s hand. “You little brat, what mischief are you up to today?”

“Exploring the secrets of science.”

Mei Ya had a mischievous smile on her face. “Magnifying glasses are so much fun!”

“Stop using your brother for experiments!”

Mei Fang checked his pajamas and indeed found a hole burned by his sister with her magnifying glass.

Ever since she started elementary school, this girl had become obsessed with natural science, which was the precursor to astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology. Although it was just a minor subject, it had a lot of enlightening effects.

There were many small experiments in class, and when their father wasn’t around, Mei Ya would often insist to Mei Fang that he should accompany her to do experiments after school.

This girl had become more and more mischievous lately…

Mei Fang changed his clothes, got up to wash up, and after Xiang Xiaoxia had prepared breakfast, she asked Mei Fang, who was drinking milk next to her:

“Are you really not going to Baizhou with me and Little Ya to spend the summer with your Dad? There’s no one to take care of you at home, and I’m a bit worried.”

“The place Dad is staying in now is so small, it would be too cramped if I went there too.”

Mei Ya grabbed Mei Fang’s arm and shouted, “Brother, there’s a huge water park in Baizhou City. Dad said you’ve never been there before, so he told me not to tell you. We’ll take pictures and make you jealous when we go.”

“Our Dad is really cunning. The water park in Jiangcheng is even bigger. You should have him take you there.”


“Yes, and there’s a super cool rainbow slide there, it’s really high. When I was your age, Mom and Dad always took me there.”

Mei Ya immediately grabbed her mother’s arm and said, “It’s not fair! Why can my brother go to the big water park in Jiangcheng, while I can only go to the small one in Baizhou!”

“Why are you both bringing this up?”

While complaining, Xiang Xiaoxia comforted Mei Ya, “Don’t listen to your brother’s nonsense. The water park in Jiangcheng is a thing of many years ago and can’t compare to the newly opened water park in Baizhou.”

“Okay, I believe Mom.”

Mei Ya then made a face at Mei Fang and said, “Poor brother, poor brother, can’t go to such a big water park, just has to stay home and cry.”

“Yes, I’m really pitiful.”

Mei Fang wiped his nonexistent tears and said, “I can’t go to the water park and suffer with so many naughty kids. I’m really pitiful.”

Mei Ya gave him a look of disdain.

“Brother, you’re lying.”

“What are you talking about? Who am I lying to?” Mei Fang scratched his ear.

“You can play as much as you want at home with Sister Youxi and Sister Yuan Yuan every day… I don’t think you have Dad in your heart at all!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, you see how good my relationship with Dad is, how can I not have him in my heart?”

Mei Fang and his sister were arguing as usual, and Xiang Xiaoxia interjected, “Ah Fang, don’t forget that Mom reminded you. Don’t play too wild when you’re home alone.”

“Huh? What does that mean…”

“You’ve always been more mature than other kids, and you’re this age now. You should understand what Mom is saying, don’t act like you don’t know.”

Xiang Xiaoxia said seriously, “Youxi and Yuan Yuan are girls, and you’re not little kids from kindergarten anymore. Even if you have a good relationship, you need to have boundaries and not bully them.”

Xiang Xiaoxia’s meaning was clear. She didn’t want Mei Fang to misbehave at home and cause things that nobody wanted to see.

Mei Fang, of course, was not an unreasonable person and immediately agreed, “Mom, I understand what you mean. Don’t worry! I know my limits and won’t do anything out of the line.”

“If you really understand, then that’s great. That way, I can feel at ease leaving you alone at home.”

But there was a little girl who didn’t understand.

“Mom, Mom, why are you worried that brother will bully Sister Yuan Yuan and Sister Youxi? I think it’s brother who gets bullied by them. Although it seems like brother is happy being bullied…”

Xiang Xiaoxia gently patted her daughter’s head and said, “You’re still young. You’ll understand when you grow up.”

“I hate that phrase!” Mei Ya pouted, “You never explain it to me, how do you know I won’t understand?”

“Well… you really won’t understand this one.”

Just as Xiang Xiaoxia was thinking of ways to change the topic, the half-closed door of their house was gently pushed open.

The person who came in was Lin Youxi.

“Aunt Mei, I’m here.”

Because Xiang Xiaoxia was going to take Mei Ya to Baizhou City today to accompany her husband, considering that they wouldn’t be home for two months, she invited Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi to have dinner at their house before leaving, so they wouldn’t keep complaining about not being able to eat their Aunt Mei’s delicious food every day.

“You came so early, Youxi. Welcome… Did Yuan Yuan not come with you?”

Lin Youxi shook her head, “I went to call Yuan Yuan, but she hasn’t woken up yet. Teacher Yu said Yuan Yuan studied until very late last night.”

“That child… is still upset about the middle school entrance exam.”

On the day of the exam, Xia Yuan didn’t feel well, but she still forced herself to take the exam. In the end, her exam results were not ideal.

Of course, even if the exam results were not ideal, Teacher Yu, who’s an elementary school teacher, had a way to get Xia Yuan into Class A, which has better teaching quality in the experimental middle school.

However, Xia Yuan’s self-esteem took a significant blow because of this incident, and during the summer vacation, she mostly stayed at home studying, rarely going out to see Mei Fang and Lin Youxi.

Mei Fang didn’t have a good solution to this matter either, because he knew Xia Yuan too well.

After working so hard but only getting such results, Xia Yuan must be feeling frustrated in her heart. Now, Mei Fang could only wait for her to slowly recover.

Before that, Mei Fang just needed to be there for her when she needed it, and be a good friend.

As soon as Lin Youxi entered the house, she was embraced by Mei Ya.

“Sister Youxi! I will miss you!”

“I will miss you too…” Lin Youxi patted Mei Ya’s little head.

Lin Youxi wasn’t as close to Mei Ya as Xia Yuan, but Xiang Xiaoxia’s care for her in the past and Xia Yuan’s thoughtfulness towards her had conveyed these received kindnesses to Mei Ya.

So, even though she wasn’t very talkative on ordinary days, she was willing to play with Mei Ya, play with toys together, play house together, and even treat Mei Ya to various snacks. Naturally, she also gained Mei Ya’s admiration.

Mei Ya made Lin Youxi squat down and whispered in her ear.

“Sister Youxi, I’ll tell you a little secret.”

“Mom said that after we leave, you might be bullied by my brother. If that’s the case, you can call anytime and tell my Mom.”

“Your brother… plans to bully me?”

She glanced at Mei Fang, who was leaning on the sofa, bored and yawning, Lin Youxi’s little head was full of confusion.

Translator's Notes:

  1. Josef Fares’ “F**k the Oscars” – https://youtu.be/K21gbE30Cj0↩︎
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.


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    1. Dinkytinkysays:

      Oct 14, 2023 at 5:48 pm

      Ah kids. 😁🤣🤣

      He is responsible, definitely won’t bully you till you are big enough to fight back properly and he can pay the medical bills.


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    3. Anonymoussays:

      Oct 15, 2023 at 10:14 am

      Bully eh~


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