Lin Youxi returned from the clothing store, and Xia Yuan, seeing her from a distance, approached her with a bowl of Tangyuan in her hand.

“Youxi, there are still Tangyuan here, do you want to eat?”

Lin Youxi paused for a moment and asked, “You’re not giving me the ones Ah Fang didn’t finish, are you?”

“No, this is specially for you. I bought too many and can’t finish them all.”

Xia Yuan replied as she scooped up a Tangyuan and offered it to Lin Youxi.

“I can do it myself…” Lin Youxi said, putting down her bag and wanting to take the bowl and spoon herself. However, Xia Yuan didn’t give her the chance and fed the Tangyuan to Lin Youxi.

“It’s okay, don’t be shy!”

Lin Youxi opened her mouth and ate the small tangyuan in one bite.

“Is it delicious?”

Lin Youxi nodded, “It’s delicious. Aren’t you going to eat?”

“I already ate just now! These are all for you.”

Although many things had happened to Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, and Xia Yuan together, but in ordinary days, Mei Fang was often busy with gaming, coding, and planning for the future, so he didn’t participate in activities like shopping very often. On the other hand, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan spent more time together, and their relationship remained pure and beautiful.

After finishing the Tangyuan fed by Xia Yuan, Lin Youxi said, “By the way, Yuan Yuan, let’s split today’s expenses between the two of us.”

“Don’t forget to include me.” Mei Fang reminded from the side, only to be lectured by Xia Yuan.

“What do you want? You’re just here to accompany us.”

After the New Year, everyone had a lot of pocket money, and Lin Youxi also had her own small wallet instead of putting the money directly in her pocket.

This wallet was a gift from Xia Yuan.

The headband that Xia Yuan was wearing today was also a gift from Lin Youxi.

Both of them have left many traces on each other, and their friendship is very strong.

Xia Yuan checked the shopping receipt and said, “We spent a total of 103 yuan today, so just give me 50 yuan.”

Lin Youxi frowned slightly after hearing this.

“You didn’t include the money for the small clothes, did you?”

“Did I? Let me check the receipt again…” Xia Yuan looked at the receipt again, feeling embarrassed.

“Yuan Yuan, don’t be like this.”

Lin Youxi showed a troubled expression, “I have money now too, you don’t have to always take care of me.”

“Haha, no, no, I really miscalculated. I’m not good at math, forgive me, forgive me!”

Xia Yuan recalculated and said, “So it’s a total of 140, give me 70.”

“Here you go.”

Lin Youxi handed the money to Xia Yuan, who smiled and said, “Let’s go to our house later to do our winter break homework. We have heating there.”

“Okay, I’ll go back first and bring my homework. I only have two Chinese essays left.” Lin Youxi agreed.

Just as Lin Youxi finished speaking, Xia Yuan quickly added, “Bring your math homework too!”

Xia Yuan said earnestly, “I want to study it!”

“Then why don’t you ask Ah Fang? He’s really good at math.”

When Lin Youxi asked her in confusion, Xia Yuan appeared quite annoyed and replied, “He just fills in random answers for his winter and summer break homework! He never does it seriously.”

“Winter break homework is neither checked nor discussed. Why are you all so serious about it?”

“It’s because you don’t study seriously that Li Jialun in our class has already surpassed you.”

Xia Yuan talked about Mei Fang’s glorious academic past, “Before fourth grade, you always ranked first in every exam. Now sometimes you even fall out of the top five, all because your attitude towards studying is not right.”

“There’s a limit to a person’s learning ability, that’s why.”

“You’re the only one who says that!”

Xia Yuan made a face at Mei Fang, showing her disdain.

In his previous life, Mei Fang was initially above average in the class, but he became addicted to playing games in high school and ended up only attending a second-tier university in Jiangcheng. Although he had rich gaming experience and technical skills, he had no chance of entering giant companies that required a higher educational background.

In this life, although it’s not necessary to work like last time, having a good educational background is still essential. It would allow Mei Fang to meet more talented people.

So, despite Mei Fang’s casual attitude, he had always been studying seriously.

At this moment, Lin Youxi noticed the bag Mei Fang was carrying.

“Ah Fang, let me carry this bag for you. You’ve been helping us carry bags all the way.”

“It’s quite heavy.”

“It’s okay.” Lin Youxi took the bag directly from Mei Fang’s hand.

“Then let me also carry this bag! Ah Fang, you’ve worked hard today too.”

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang’s head, imitating the way he used to pat hers before.

“What am I supposed to do then?”

“You can hold the little pig!”

Xia Yuan gave the piglet plushie to Mei Fang.

After the three of them separated near their homes, they went back to get their school bags and then gathered at Xia Yuan’s house to do homework.

With only a week left before the start of the second semester of sixth grade, the entrance exam to middle school has become the most discussed topic among the three this year. Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi both hope to be in the same class.

“Experimental Middle School has 13 classes in one grade, so it’s really not easy to be in the same class.” Mei Fang boredly twirled his pen and yawned.

“As long as we work hard and get high scores, it won’t be 13 classes anymore, it will be 6 classes.” Xia Yuan encouraged Mei Fang, “With your and Youxi’s good grades, you don’t need to worry.”

“Aren’t you also very good?” Lin Youxi asked in confusion.

Xia Yuan shook her head, looking disappointed, “Math is really difficult.”

Xia Yuan’s elementary school grades were also excellent before fourth grade, always in the top ten of the class. But after fourth grade, the difficulty of math increased sharply, and Xia Yuan could no longer maintain a stable position in the top 10, often falling to below the top 10 or even twenties.

“My mom said that middle school students also have to study physics, biology, and chemistry. If I become a bad student…”

Xia Yuan started drawing circles on a piece of scrap paper.

“Will you guys look down on me and not play with me anymore?”

“Why are you still saying such childish things in the sixth grade of elementary school?”

Mei Fang pinched Xia Yuan’s cheeks and said, “Silly girl, even if you end up last, we’ll still be here for you.”

“Ah Fang, you’re so annoying! Who doesn’t want their friends to do well? And, are you copying Youxi’s winter break homework?”

Xia Yuan caught Mei Fang red-handed, “Just wait, I’m going to tell my mom!”

“If you tell Teacher Yu, then I won’t play with you anymore!”

Mei Fang cared a lot about Teacher Yu’s opinion of him.

“So my mom is more important than me, huh? Stinky Ah Fang! Watch me teach you a lesson!”

Xia Yuan angrily pinched Mei Fang’s cheeks and called for Lin Youxi to help. Lin Youxi had actually been eager to join in from the beginning, and with the combined effort of the two girls, Mei Fang was firmly pinned down and couldn’t move.

“Okay, okay… I surrender, I surrender! I won’t copy anymore, I won’t copy anymore!”

“That’s more like it.”

When Mei Fang and Lin Youxi left Xia Yuan’s house, the sky was gradually getting dark.

“Do you want to come to our house for dinner today?”

Lin Youxi shook her head, “No, my dad will be back late, and I need to cook for him.”

“Working at the construction site on such a cold day?”

“My dad said the equipment was frozen and needed repairs all day. I can’t let him go hungry when he comes back.”

Such a considerate child…

Compared to the frozen dumplings from before, Lin Youxi had really learned to cook now. She had picked up a thing or two from Xiang Xiaoxia’s cooking, and she knew how to make a few home-cooked dishes.

Mei Fang stretched and yawned, “I don’t know how my dad is doing in Baizhou City.”

“You should remember to call him more often. Uncle Mei is also having a hard time outside, you hear me?”

Mei Fang grumbled a few times and sighed, “Ah, if only you could be so tough in front of Yuan Yuan too.”

Lin Youxi pinched Mei Fang’s waist in annoyance, “Don’t tell me how to talk.”

“I’m wearing a thick coat, so I don’t feel anything.”

“Then… like this!”

Lin Youxi grabbed Mei Fang’s clothes and put her hand directly on Mei Fang’s stomach.

“Oh, it’s so cold, so cold, so cold!”

Mei Fang jumped up and down as Lin Youxi teased him.

The two played around on the road for a while, and when it was time to part, Lin Youxi called Mei Fang and gave her her math homework for the winter break.

“Ah… are you giving it to me to copy?”

Lin Youxi nodded and whispered, “Don’t tell Yuan Yuan that I gave it to you.”

“Great! You’re so kind to me, Youxi.”

“You can use it as a reference for your homework, but you can’t cheat on the actual exam. I’ll look down on you if you do.” Lin Youxi added.

“I won’t cheat, don’t worry,” Mei Fang nodded. “I’ll take the exam honestly.”

“Oh, and there’s one more thing.”

Lin Youxi played with her hair, thought for a moment, and then said, “I plan to make some money in my free time by playing games or writing code. Do you have any methods to recommend?”

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