"Let’s wear the heart lock first"

"System, start the enhanced reset function!"

Su Lang's thoughts immediately reset the strengthening effect of the Heart Piercing Lock.


The strengthening effect of the Heart Piercing Lock disappears, and the power drops back to the Qiyan Primordial Stage.


"Start the weapon evolution function, and the goal is to wear the heart lock!"

Su Lang held the heart lock in his hand and issued the order again.

"Ding! Consume the special incense wishing power to crystallize *15000000, the heart-piercing lock evolves into a weapon of the Bayan Taichu!"

"Ding! Consume the special incense wishing power to crystallize *18000000, the heart-piercing lock evolves into the Jiuyan Taichu weapon!"


Three consecutive system prompts sounded.

The level of Heart-piercing Lock has been evolved to a half-step eternal state!

This is not over yet.

The next step is to strengthen.

Reinforcement does not require the use of special aspirations to crystallize, just ordinary natural treasures.


"Start one-key enhanced function!"

Su Lang locked the heart-piercing lock with his divine mind and gave instructions.


"Ding! Strengthened successfully, +1 through the heart lock!"

"Ding! Strengthened successfully, +1 through the heart lock!"

After the two system prompts, a strong eternal atmosphere erupted from the heart-piercing lock.

It has reached the eternal realm of a universe, and its aura is larger than weapons such as the dead universe and the cave feather golden string.

However, it appears to be relatively vain, and it is obviously still eternal in the virtual state, not the real eternal state.

"Incense weapons are inherently non-functional."

"Even if I have the ability to instill in a great way, I can't find the spirit to instill it."

"The road of incense has reached half an eternity, and the realm on it is not clear."

"Even, it is not clear whether there is an eternal sublimation of the incense aspiration force.


Su Lang frowned, feeling that he was in trouble.


He changed his mind, his eyes flashed, and his expression immediately eased.

"There is no weaponry."

"Then I will create an instrument spirit!"

"The guy who eats evil is born with incense and matches my incense weapon very well."

"Well, just do it, let him integrate into my weapon and become a weapon!"

"But don't worry about this, let's finish the rest first."

Su Lang touched his chin, a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.


He reset the strengthening effects of Qibao Miaoshu and Zijin Gourd.

And evolve them all to the half-step eternal state, and then strengthen them twice to reach the same level as the heart-piercing lock.

So far.

Three pieces of eternal incense weapons in the cosmic virtual realm are completed.

Don't think they are just virtual realms, because the incense system is very different and can have a significant effect on the eternal realm!

"The three incense weapons are completed."

"According to the previous plan, we must condense the fourth incense weapon."

Su Lang had already thought about what weapon to condense.

At present, his weapons are both offensive and defensive, as well as therapeutic and production, and all of his powers have reached the Eternal Realm of the Second Universe.

So this time.

He intends to condense the illusion weapon in his impression [King Hua Shui Yue] with incense and willingness.

Jinghua Shuiyue’s ability is

——Completely control the feeling of the hand, so that it can fully believe in the appearance, shape, quality, breath and other perceptions of a specific object as the weapon owner hopes!

This weapon has a wide range of uses.

The illusion weapon was also what Su Lang lacked.

This is much more powerful than the illusion that uses the eternal realm with no hands.

It's like the [Eternal Reincarnation Fairy Eye] previously performed on Emperor Yuanmingzhou, and its effect is definitely not as good as the [Mirror Flower Water Moon] in the Eternal Realm.

"It's beautiful, let's get started!"

Su Lang's eyes flashed and he rubbed his hands gently!


The power of the universe, which contains the power of the perfect road, surging out, condenses into an illusory orb with colorful dragon patterns!

On this illusory orb.

Those colorful dragon-patterned roots grew out of the semi-illusory orb and spread in all directions.

Finally, these unfolded colorful dragon patterns form a spherical world barrier against the invisible border.

This new emptiness dragon vein heaven is completed like this.

It is the eternal world of emptiness dragon veins.

Su Lang guessed that the incense weapon condensed by it might be the eternal realm just after condensing it.


He casually threw the fourth void dragon vein heaven into the void spirit universe.

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