One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2356: Condensed Mirror Flower Water Moon


The imaginary dragon-veined heaven realm, which looked like a bead, became like a scroll.

But there was nothing on it, with only some looming colorful dragon patterns.

At this time.

The incense aspiration power lingering in the virtual spirit universe, poured into it like a black hole, making its colorful dragon pattern more and more conspicuous.

"Jinghuashuiyue, Vientiane is blurred!"

"The incense souls in the Void Dragon Vein Celestial Realm should believe that they can completely control all the feelings of their counterparts."

"Well, it's time for training."


A gleam of thought flashed in Su Lang's eyes.

Then he grabbed some heinous souls during his lifetime and put them into the empty dragon vein heaven.

These souls enter it.

Soon it was eroded by the incense aspiration, and became a lunatic soul of incense.


"Clone dispatch!"

With a thought, Su Lang threw all the clones into the void of the Dragon Vein Celestial Realm, except for the clone that was used as a substitute for death.

These avatars were transformed into ‘Life Mentors’ under his command.

They act wildly, ‘teaching’ those incense souls to believe that they can dominate others.


The first batch of incense souls were induced to embark on the ‘right path of light’, and then the following scene appeared.

I saw two incense souls, one tall and one short, standing face to face, staring with small eyes.


"you are tired!"

The tall man's incense soul pointed at the short man and shouted very seriously.

"You are in pain!"

The short man pointed to the tall man and said solemnly.

"You are hot!"

The tall man pointed at the short man again, exclaiming in a sensational manner.

"You are so cool!"

The short man pointed to the tall man...

This almost unreasonable behavior looks ridiculous!


In their bodies, they have condensed a special incense aspiration power

——It is the raw material to condense [Mirror Flower Water Moon]!

"Hey, on the right track!"

"Now put in more souls and let them support each other."

Seeing this scene, Su Lang immediately opened his eyes and smiled, and then lost more souls to the Void Dragon Vein Heaven Realm.

The clone remains in it, and you can dispatch it at any time if you want to use it.


Su Lang summoned Xiaoluo of the "Mirror of Reincarnation" again.

Make it build a fourth judgment **** in the cycle of reincarnation, to collect souls, and put it into the fourth heaven of emptiness dragon veins.

Finish it all.

Su Lang temporarily put the matter of incense weapons aside, and then brought an eternal body in front of him.


"Start the one-click decomposition function!"

Su Lang locked the eternal body with divine thoughts and issued instructions.

"Ding! Decomposition failed!"

A system prompt dispelled Su Lang's expectations.


Su Lang raised his eyebrows, but he was not surprised.

Follow the system function instructions.

The one-click decomposition function can only perfectly decompose any artificially refined items into various materials!

The eternal body is obviously not a refined item.

"Never mind."

"When I learn the anti-truth of chaos, I will reverse all the eternal body into the origin of the universe!"

"Hey, I will definitely make a lot of money again."

Su Lang rubbed his hands and put the eight eternal bodies into the storage space.

Immediately after.

He began to sort out the techniques he obtained from the eternal powerhouses.

The first is "Chaos Refining Anti-True Dao" and "Zhou Yuan Refining True Dao".

These two exercises were mastered by each of the eight people including Emperor Yuanmingzhou, and they were regarded as the basic exercises for the eternal realm.

The former is used to refining the origin of the universe and the core origin of the universe.

The latter can be reversed to the origin of the universe, restoring the cost.

The two exercises are all methods of using the power of the universe based on the Great Way of Time.

In addition to these two exercises.

There are also the eternal realm technique "Yuanming Infinite Dao" obtained from Emperor Yuanmingzhou, the "Xuanyu Without Reading Sutra" obtained from Xuanyuzi, and Emperor Fenglingzhou...

Su Lang temporarily put the rest of the exercises aside, picked up the "Chaotic Rebellion Anti-True Dao", and turned the look with his spirit.

The technique of eternal realm is difficult and obscure!

Even with this kind of exercise that everyone masters, the amount of information is so large that Su Lang speaks terribly!

Fortunately, you don't have to learn it by yourself.

You only need to read it once, and you can put it on the martial artists and let them work!

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