One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2354: Transfer the Crystal Wall World

"The power of the great power of each natural universe is extremely different."

"Every Emperor Zhou who was born in a different natural universe has a great way of comprehension, but it is just the perfection of his own natural universe."

"Throughout the endless natural universe, there are countless countless numbers, and the accumulation of small differences is extremely terrifying."

"So, at the time of eternity, the power of the avenue can be further sublimated, including the most advanced time avenue!"

"The road to cultivation is long and long, and we still need to work hard."

A touch of firmness rose in Su Lang's eyes, and he immediately looked at the eight eternal bodies.

The corpses of eight eternal class powerhouses.

Not only contains countless crystal wall worlds, it is also an extremely treasured treasure.

Eternal powerhouses hunt the natural universe, not only hunting the natural universe itself, but also hunting the eternal realm powerhouses in that universe.

Once you kill the opponent, you can seize the eternal body and refining the origin of the universe!

of course.

Refining the eternal body as the origin of the universe, of course, it is impossible to refining all the origin of the universe that it has integrated into the body during its lifetime.

Under normal circumstances, it is usually a few tenths, and at most one-tenth of the origin of the universe can be reversed.

"It has to be reversed."

"It's really troublesome."

"If you can reverse the exercise with one key, it will be good."

Su Lang touched his chin, and his eyes lit up, "By the way, I can try the one-key decomposition function!"

Thought of this.

He couldn't help getting excited, and he had an instinct that would definitely be possible.

However, Su Lang did not immediately disassemble the eternal body.

After all, the crystal wall world inside hasn't moved yet!

"First transfer the crystal wall world!"

There was a hint of excitement at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, then grabbed an eternal body and started to work.

First, I used my spiritual mind to view the crystal wall world of this eternal body.

Good guys.

There are two hundred and thirty-three!

This number is too small compared to Su Lang.

But lower than the ordinary one-cosmic eternity, for the two-cosmic eternity, it is already a lot.

It should be noted that the half-step eternal strong, usually only a few dozen gai of crystal wall world.


Su Lang's spiritual thoughts swept through the crystal wall world one by one.

These crystal wall worlds are large and small, and many creatures live in them.

The total number of all creatures is many times more than those in the eternal life universe.

"Tsk tsk, got these creatures."

"My incense aspiration is about to usher in a huge explosion."

Su Lang smiled, even if Xuan began to transfer the planets and continents in the crystal wall world, of course, it also included the creatures above.

This job is much easier than housing the universe of life.

Although there are a lot of crystal wall worlds, but the size is too small, Su Lang can transfer dozens of worlds in one breath!


Countless planets and continents were sucked out from that eternal body, and transformed into a galaxy, blending into Su Lang's body.

After searching this eternal body.

Su Lang successively scavenged all the remaining seven eternal bodies of the crystal wall world.


In Su Lang's body there was a full two thousand crystal wall worlds with planets or continents.

As for how many more creatures are there?

I don't know it, it's totally innumerable!

After scraping the crystal wall world of the eternal body.


Su Lang's incense willingness has grown tremendously!

The endless incense is willing to integrate into the virtual spirit universe.

Not only did the three Void Dragon Vein worlds condense a mountain of special aspiration crystals, but it also expanded the Void Spirit universe by a hundred times!

In the past, the radius of the Ethereal Universe was 30 billion light years.

At this time, it has become three trillion light years! !

It should be understood that this is Su Lang's passive ability.

He doesn't do anything, all the incense within three trillion light-years, and even the emotional thoughts that spill out, will be captured by him!


"Next, you can upgrade the incense weapon!"

Su Lang rubbed his hands excitedly, and then took out the three incense weapons.

Wearing heart lock, Qibao wonderful tree and purple gold gourd.

If these three weapons have reached the eternal state, then the previous battle can be easier!

At this time these three weapons.

The first two are the seven generations plus eight enhancements, and the Zijin gourd is the nine generations.

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