One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2288: Use death to alert Yuan Mingzhou Emperor

This way is

--suicide! !

Yes, the lives of many powerful men under Yuan Mingzhou's command are extremely closely related to him.

Basically everyone's life is completely controlled by Emperor Yuanmingzhou.

Through this connection.

Emperor Yuanmingzhou could perceive their state.

Of course, the time and space barriers between the two natural universes cannot be easily perceived.

Only death.

Only then will Yuan Mingzhou emperor feel it!

And it's not the death of ordinary subordinates.

It must take half a step of the death of an eternal realm powerhouse, that kind of real and complete death, before the two barriers of time and space in the natural universe can be induced by Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

At this moment.

Yuanming in the universe.

One by one half-step Eternal Realm powerhouse gathered on a very hidden planet, the look was extremely ugly!

They used all means.

There is no way to stop Su Lang's treasure hunt Ancestral Flying!

At this time, the treasure hunting ancestral flying man was carrying out a tragic demolition and plundering of the seventh space-time port.

"Damn, is there really no way?"

"Do we really want to use our own death to attract the attention of Emperor Yuanmingzhou?"

"This can only be done. Our Yuanming Universe has been targeted by a mysterious and powerful force. We must alert His Majesty Yuanmingzhou as soon as possible!"

"No, not only Yuanming Universe, there are other nine natural universes that belong to His Majesty Yuanmingzhou Emperor, that mysterious and powerful force wants to swallow our ten natural universes together!"

"Damn it, who is it, it's too despicable, too shameless!"

"Hurry up, none of us want to die, we can only decide through lottery!"


A total of twenty-nine half-step eternal strong men's expressions are pale, gritted teeth, full of resentment and fear!

They hate treasure hunting ancestral gliders so much.

But there is no way to kill it.

At this time, it must be at the cost of life to alert Emperor Yuanmingzhou to return to Yuanming Universe in time to prevent disaster.

at this time.

An eternal strong man took out a round tripod in half a step.

The eyes of the rest trembled suddenly, and it was time to decide life and death!

"This tripod!"

The eagle-nosed man said solemnly, "There are twenty-eight black **** and one red ball. Those who touch the red ball can only die..."

Everyone looked at each other, and then checked Yuanding with ugly faces to confirm that they were correct.

This round tripod can block all means of perception.

Even the half-step Eternal Realm strong person is absolutely unable to explore and perceive its interior.

The black ball and the red ball inside are nothing unusual.

"Since there are no objections."

"Then let's start, I will come first!"

The eagle-nosed man nodded slightly, and then put his hand into the round tripod.


The half-step eternal powerhouse all stared at the hook-nosed man, each one was short of breath and extremely nervous.

at this time.

The man with a hook nose resolutely grabbed a ball, took it out, and presented it in front of everyone.


In a flash.

Everyone was stunned.

It's the red ball!


The eyes of the man with a hook nose burst open, his face twitched, and his pupils were trembling.

"Ah this!"

"Ah this..."

"Yes... the red ball!"

The rest of the eternal powerhouse was incomparably stunned, and didn't know what to say.

can only say.

This half-step eternal powerhouse with a hooked nose is really **** mildew.

The one who touches the ball first has the least chance of touching the red ball, but he missed it...


The man with the hook nose swallowed in disbelief, he couldn't believe the facts in front of him!

"Brother Eagle, according to the are going to commit suicide!"

"Brother Eagle, don't worry, your wife and daughter, I will take care of you!"

"Yes, you can rest assured, maybe Emperor Yuanmingzhou can bring you back to life!"

"Brother Eagle, thank you!"


Every half-step is eternal, you say one by one, and the look at the man with the hook nose is very complicated.

"I, I...go, go!"

The death crisis of the man with the hook nose enveloped his body, and his voice began to tremble!

But he has nothing to do!

In the remaining half of the eternal strong gaze.

The man with the hook nose left everything he could.

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