One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2287: Breakthrough, half-step eternal state

One hundred gai crystal wall world.

This number has surpassed countless half-step eternal strong men.

The crystal wall cells of those half-step eternals may only be tens of gai!

But for Su Lang, this number is only a small part.

Because his body at the beginning at this time has a full 66,000 gai of crystal wall cells!

One hundred gai, just one-sixth-sixth-hundredth!

It was also because Su Lang had too many crystal wall cells.

As a result, he doesn't need to be like the rest of the primordial primaries, he needs to be integrated into the regular crystal wall cells to reach the total number in order to break a realm.

The number of crystal wall cells that Su Lang broke through one realm fusion rule was equal to many crystal wall cells that broke through several realms in the beginning.

However, the number of crystal wall cells is so large that it is bursting.

It also means that Su Lang's potential at this time has only shown a small part.

When his entire crystal wall world has completed the fusion of time rules, he will release all his combat power!

At that time.

Its regular level must break through to the realm of eternity!

of course.

For Su Lang.

What matters at this time is the Avenue of Time.

Once the cultivation base is sufficient, the time avenue must be condensed first, and then the life universe and crystal wall universe must be improved.

As long as there is a time avenue.

He can compete with Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

There is no time avenue, and once you encounter Emperor Yuanmingzhou head-on, you will be forced out of the clone to replace death!

At this moment.

A whole hundred gai of crystal wall cells are integrated into the half-step eternal time rule.

Su Lang suddenly burst into a breakthrough wave, sweeping tens of millions of miles!


"My realm has finally reached the true half-step eternal realm!!"

Su Lang opened his closed eyes, an astonishing light flashed!

"Really breakthrough!"

"Su Lang, he really broke through to the half-step eternal state in less than three days after breaking through the Jiuyan primordial stage!!"

"This, it is against the common sense of the natural universe!"

"Abnormal, evildoer, incredible!!"

Emperor Zhou looked at Su Lang whose aura changed drastically, his whole body was shocked and his brain went blank!

Her three views, which were rubbed over and over again by Su Lang, were hit again and again, making her directly suspect that the world doubted life!

at the same time.

Su Lang has brought up his own attribute panel!

[Name]: Su Lang

[Race]: human

[Qualification Level]: Turbidity

[Realm level]: Half-step eternity

[Attack level]: Half-step eternity++++

[Defensive level]: Half-step eternal +++

[Shenfa level]: Half-step eternal +++

[Endurance level]: Half-step eternal +++

[Spirit Level]: Realm of Pure Nirvana +++

[Mastering the exercises]: Infinite Heart Sutra, "Ten Thousand Laws into One: Infinite Profound Meaning" (eternal level, founding)

[Activated system functions]: One-key practice function (level 51), one-key martial arts function (level 51), clone dispatch function (level 50), one-key treasure hunt function (level 50), one-key alchemy function (level 15) ), one-key mixer function (level 15), one-key refining array function (level 15), one-key synthesis function (level 15), one-key empowerment function (level 25), one-key enhancement function (level 11), one Key decomposition function (no level)

"Tsk tut!"

"So many pluses!"

"If you continue to upgrade the crystal wall cells, these plus signs will definitely become infinite symbols!"

Su Lang looked at his attribute panel, a satisfied smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

His strength has reached this level.

The strength of the clones is also rising!

Even if the ‘Hundred Shadow Clone’ function is used, one clone becomes one hundred Shadow Clone, these Clone also have half-step Eternal Realm combat power!

In other words.

Su Lang now has a full 15,000 half-step eternal shadow clones!

Fifteen thousand!

Five-digit half-step eternal!

Those senior eternal bosses who keep this exaggerated figure will be dumbfounded! !

"Half-step Eternal Realm clone!"

"I don't know if after I swallow all the clones, the regular-level combat power can break through the almost impossible barrier and reach the eternal state!?"

Su Lang's eyes flashed with eager light.

But he finally dispelled the idea.

At this critical moment, you must always maintain a avatar that can replace death, just in case!

It was also a breakthrough in Su Lang.

The emperor Zhou was shocked and trembling.

Yuanming in the universe.

The helpless half-step eternals finally figured out a way to send a signal to Emperor Yuanmingzhou!

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