One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2289: The surprise of Emperor Yuanmingzhou

Such as the universe of life.

Such as Crystal Wall World.

For example, your own weapons, treasures treasured for countless years...

Immediately after.


"Your Majesty Yuan Mingzhou, avenge me!"

With a disintegrating roar, the eagle-nosed man rushed out of the planet into the void in an instant!

The next moment!


The red light bloomed, endless blood spilled into the void,

A half-step eternal strong man was just so forced to explode in place by Su Lang's treasure hunting ancestor glider!

at the same time!

The boundless universe, in the Tianxuan continent.

Deep underground, in the sea of ??energy transformed by the thick center of the earth!

The three-color vortex of gold, red and white is still running wildly!

Wearing a secluded black brocade robe, the Emperor Mingzhou with long snow-white hair worked hard to practice the origin of the universe, forming a small gou jade floating around him.


He opened his eyes violently, and a hint of surprise flashed.


"A half-step eternal subordinate has fallen!?"

"It's a half-step eternal warrior who guards the time and space in My Yuanming Universe."

"Could it be that an Eternal Realm has learned the location of my Yuanming universe and invaded my Yuanming universe!?"

"No, it's not right, only one person died. I'm afraid it was not an eternal invasion."

"Could it be that the guy tried to comprehend the Avenue of Time, but failed and fell?"

"Well, it's even more likely."

"Now the reverse refining of the Tianxuan Continent is a critical moment, let's see the situation..."

"Maybe they will contact me soon using the cross-universe communication circle."

Thinking about this, Emperor Yuanmingzhou closed his eyes again, and tried his best to reverse the origin of the universe and form the core origins of the universe.

Although Emperor Yuanmingzhou misjudged his lair, nothing major happened.

But he was still vigilant, ready to finish the matter quickly and return to his lair.


Emperor Yuanming Zhou did not immediately return to Yuanming Universe.

That extremely unlucky hook nose half-step eternal man, gave his life in vain...

at the same time.

In the land of exile.

"Hey, another time and space port was demolished, great!"

Su Lang watched the treasure hunting ancestor fly completely demolishing the seventh space-time port of Yuanming Universe, and suddenly smiled.

Immediately after.

He immediately dispatched the treasure hunting ancestral glider to the eighth time and space port, like entering no man's land, and madly demolishing!

Countless treasures continuously appear in the storage space, gradually accumulating into continents after another!

at this time.

"Su Lang, don't be too proud."

"The strong under Emperor Yuanmingzhou must still have a way to contact him."

"Soon, Emperor Yuanming Zhou will return to Yuanming universe and get rid of your weird flying squirrel."

The immortal Emperor Zhou's cold voice came.

She lost any hope for Emperor Yuanmingzhou, and her heart turned into broken ice.

But watching Yuanming Universe in his hometown was harmed by Su Lang, it was still very heartache.

Seeing Su Lang so proud.

She ran out to pour cold water.


"Emperor Yuan Ming Zhou will return to Yuan Ming universe soon?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter, he can't kill my treasure hunting ancestral glider anyway."

Su Lang heard the words of Emperor Zhou, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


"No matter how weird your treasure hunting ancestral glider is, it is definitely not a true opponent of the eternal realm!"

Emperor Zhou sneered, but there was a groan in his heart.

she knows.

Su Lang never speaks big words.

Every imaginary rhetoric he said became a fact in the end!


Hearing that Su Lang said so confidently that Emperor Yuanmingzhou could not kill the treasure hunting ancestor flying, Emperor Zhou had actually believed it.

Waves of stormy waves beat her heart, destroying her cognition.

"Tsk tut."

"You believe it or not."

"I am really interested in those half-step eternal ways to contact Yuan Mingzhou Emperor."

"Without the cross-universe communication formation, what method would they use to alert the Emperor Mingzhou? Could it"

"Yes, it should be life, Emperor Yuan Mingzhou can perceive their life and death!"

Su Lang whispered faintly, a smile flashed in his eyes.

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