Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 739 - The Shocking Electric Tower

Chapter 739: The Shocking Electric Tower

“What should we do?”

Meng Chao asked Long Feijun with his eyes, “Should we take the risk to approach it and confirm our coordinates?”

“Approach it!”

Long Feijun pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind. Then, he explained to Meng Chao, “This area is the only place that is relatively smooth and stable in the rugged mountains nearby. If our armored airship troops want to launch a large-scale assault on the Hidden Mist Domain, this is the best landing spot.

“Therefore, even if it is dangerous, we have to get close to it. Then, we have to figure out what the super high-voltage transmission towers that are covered in moss, vines, and branches have become!”

Meng Chao nodded.

He clenched the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber tightly.

The dark gold chains on his arms were swimming slowly as if they had a life of their own, making slight friction noises.

Under Long Feijun’s orders, the rear gate of the Kun Peng’s aerostat gasbag opened, and extremely high-pressure spirit energy whizzed out, colliding with the steam whistle and producing an extremely sharp siren.

It was the siren of the highest battle readiness.

For a moment, the Kun Peng was like a sailing battleship from Earth’s 17th and 18th centuries. The muzzles on both sides of the pod were opened, and countless pitch-black gun barrels extended out.

The Heaven Realm warriors who had been recuperating in the pod unleashed their strongest vitality magnetic field.

They even operated the magnetic levitation force and flew out of the pod to patrol the surroundings. They only relied on safety ropes to remain connected to the Kun Peng.

As they adjusted the angle of the propeller and tail, the Kun Peng tilted slightly downward and dived into the airspace above the jungle, where the mist was even denser.

Looking down from there, the jungle was reminiscent of a deep sea that was frozen with black waves.

Sensing the ripples created by the armored airship, countless birds and beasts trembled in the depths of the jungle, running like wolves and pigs.

Since they had exposed their positions, it caused a wave of fighting among themselves. Their roars and cries were incessant.

The imposing manner of the Heaven Realm warriors acted as a layer of shining armor with thorns, silently demonstrating the Kun Peng’s power. There were not even many blind monsters that dared to fly up and provoke the giant beast in the sky.

Meanwhile, the UHV transmission towers were getting closer and closer.

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and looked far into the distance.

Through the mist, he found that these things appeared ten times more bizarre than the pictures taken by the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya.

They did not look like green giants, but more like giant green zombies.

When they were eight hundred meters away from the UHV transmission towers, Long Feijun signaled the Kun Peng.

He wanted the Kun Peng to circle the UHV transmission towers and scan the surrounding terrain to see if it matched the map drawn by the man-eating pomfret team as well as Lu Siya.

If the data matched and the current coordinates could be confirmed, they did not need to take the risk to go deeper. Long Feijun and Meng Chao reacted the same as everyone else when they saw the giant green zombies. They felt a little scared.

As for firepower reconnaissance, it could be done with carrier-based rockets and suicide drones.

Unexpectedly, just as the Kun Peng was about to turn its propeller in the opposite direction and stop in midair...

Swish swish swish, swish swish swish.

A few strange tentacles suddenly shot out from the mist below them.

“What are those?!”

Meng Chao cursed inwardly.

He could see that the green tentacles seemed to be cables covered in moss.

However, he did not realize that the cables of the UHV transmission towers could extend so far.

Besides, gray claws were growing at the ends of the cables, which looked like the claws of demons.

Red eyes seemed to be opening on the claws.

They also seemed to be able to detect the spiritual ripples from the crystal engines and shot toward the engines and the propellers precisely.

The sirens were incessant. The Kun Peng was maneuvering in an emergency. The Vulcan cannons on both sides of the cockpit and above the airbags began to fire crazily.

The superhumans patrolling around the armored airship waved their cold weapons and slashed at the cables with their airtight sabers and swords.

More than ten cables were broken on the spot.

However, a fish that escaped the net still crawled into the depths of the propeller and tore the shell apart easily. The gears and the transmission shaft inside were stuck.

The crystal engine immediately emitted ear-piercing cracking sounds, spurting out large clusters of sparks and black smoke.

The cables were stretched straight and extended all the way to the depths of the mist, pulling the Kun Peng by force.

It was as if a green giant was wrestling with an armored airship.

More cables covered in moss were shooting out from the mist.

“Cut it off!”

A heavy machine gunner fell from the top of the airbag in the violent turbulence just now. He was hanging on the side of the aerostat gasbag by the safety rope and could not climb up for the time being.

Long Feijun had no time to save him, but he took down the entire heavy machine gun tower and held it in his arms. He crazily poured the most accurate fire at the cables that were attacking like the nine-headed giant python.

As he fired, he turned his head and roared angrily.

Meng Chao hurriedly pounced toward the crystal engine.

The Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber slashed at the cables that were winding around the propeller.

At this moment, in order to avoid another cable that was stabbing toward the cockpit, the Kun Peng performed an emergency maneuver that almost tore the keel.

Perhaps it was because he had brandished his saber thousands of times in the past half an hour that his arms were extremely sore and his palms were burning.

If not, it was probably because the armored airship suddenly tilted and removed 50% of the force under Meng Chao’s feet.

The saber did not cut the cable directly. Instead, only two-thirds of it was torn apart.

The moss covering the cable squirmed like flesh and quickly healed the wound.


Zi, zi, zi, zi, zi...

The cables spurted out electric currents that were like tides. The propellers and the crystal engines that were entangled by the electric currents were turned into bright fireballs.

“How is that possible?”

Meng Chao was dumbfounded.

If the moss, vines, and branches covered the super high-voltage transmission towers and turned them into green giants, it was still possible in theory.

Where did such a strong electric current come from?

Was there a power plant hidden behind the super high voltage transmission towers?

Impossible. Since they were all super high voltage transmission towers, the electric current must have come from a large power station far away. It was unlikely that they had traveled to the Other World with Dragon City!

Seeing that the cable had blown up one crystal engine, it was greedily trying to run to the second one.

Meng Chao focused his mind and roared. The muscles all over his body bulged, and his spine turned into a ferocious dragon. The Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber instantly changed its shape, from a battle ax to a wolf’s tooth cudgel.

After a sharp slash, the saber was finally cut in half despite the sharp pain caused by the electric arcs.

However, before Meng Chao could catch his breath, a creepy and unbelievable scene appeared in the mist, accompanied by the scraping sounds of metal.

More than ten ultra-high voltage transmission towers had come to life.

They were not waving mere cables but more like the tentacles of demons.

It was not as simple as the displacement of a few meters or dozens of meters within a few days as Lei Zongchao had pointed out.

Instead, they were swaying left and right, staggering and stumbling as they dashed toward the Kun Peng like mental patients who had broken free from their restraints!

Meng Chao swallowed hard.

His spirit energy had almost burst his eyeballs. With help from the binoculars, he was barely able to see that the ultra-high voltage transmission towers were really rising up from the ground.

However, with the vines that were wrapped around the base of the towers, hundreds of thousands of tentacles grew out in all directions like the roots of a towering tree.

The tentacles expanded and contracted like earthworms, making the ultra-high voltage transmission towers advance like multilegged insects.

Even in his nightmare of the Apocalyptic Beasts, such a terrifying thing would not appear.

Long Feijun made a prompt decision. He ordered the Kun Peng to fire at full capacity while retreating at full speed, hoping to escape the UHV transmission towers’ range of attack.

However, the UHV transmission towers were originally hollow. Other than a solid metal skeleton, the rest of their “flesh” and “internal organs” were made of moss and vines.

Even if the bullets could pierce thousands of holes into the green giants, they would be able to recover in a few minutes.

Even if the incendiary bombs with fire-type crystals were used, the vines and branches would be burnt black by the flames. After being covered, wrapped, and nourished by the moss like a tide, they would sprout new shoots at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Meanwhile, the Kun Peng had already lost two of its crystal engines.

The remaining engines and propellers were operating at an overload.

The power system was on the verge of collapse, and it could not increase its speed at all.

Several ultra-high voltage transmission towers spread out in all directions, vaguely forming an encirclement.

At that speed, the Kun Peng would definitely not be able to float to a safe height in time. It would be entangled by hundreds of cables and be pulled down!

“What should we do?”

Everyone gritted their teeth.

They all knew that the Hidden Mist Domain was extremely bizarre.

However, they did not expect it to be so bizarre. They had just broken into the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain when they were attacked head-on.

“Release the Peregrine Falcons!”

Long Feijun’s eyes were bloodshot as he made a decision.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!

The cover below the cockpit was opened, and attack drones that looked like steel birds of prey were released.

The special alloy shell engraved with runes could effectively resist the spirit magnetic interference, allowing the microchips and bionic brains inside the drones to work normally.

The pre-set map and attack mode allowed them to automatically fight against the tentacles of the UHV transmission tower without the command of a human.

The neuronal self-learning system that simulated the brains of monsters and the data exchange system in the war zone could even allow these Peregrine Falcons to gradually grasp the target’s attack and defense mode after paying the price of a few drones being destroyed by the tentacles. They jumped up and down nimbly, dodged the tentacles’ sweep, and drilled into the “heart” of the UHV transmission towers precisely.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the drones exploded in the green giants’ arms, blasting out clusters of colorful spirit flames.

Although the drones carried limited ammunition, the spiritual flames were quickly extinguished by the creeping moss like a tide, and they hardly caused any substantial damage to the UHV transmission towers.

However, their greatest use was not to attack directly.

Instead, after extinguishing the spirits flames, they shot up into the sky and did not dissipate for a long time. The arrowhead-like spirit energy provided the clearest guidance for the heavy artillery positions outside the Hidden Mist Domain.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The air was burning and the earth was shaking.

Outside the Hidden Mist Domain, the human heavy artillery positions with dozens of railway guns as the core began to roar furiously.

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