Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 738 - The Depths of the Mist

Chapter 738: The Depths of the Mist

Before the transmigration portal was assembled, five exploration teams had followed the tracks of the five missing teams and entered the Hidden Mist Domain from different directions.

Two other exploration teams were ready to explore the outer area of the Hidden Mist Domain carefully, hoping to find a few passageways between hills, gullies, swamps, and ghost lakes that could be used by mechanized teams.

The last three exploration teams would take three armored airships with the most powerful performance and the best piloting skills of the crew members. They would fly directly to the sinkhole at the foot of the divine fog mountain from three different directions.

The Kun Peng that Meng Chao and Long Feijun took was one of them.

It was because they carried the components of the other two transmigration devices.

If they were carried by Bread Crabs, the teams would be too large, and they would lose the flexibility to face the enemy in battle.

If a few Bread Crabs were attacked by a mysterious force in the Hidden Mist Domain, destroyed, or fell into a ravine and were washed away by the mudslide, the portal would not be able to complete the assembly.

It was still dangerous to fly directly to the depths of the mist by armored airships. However, with the support of Dragon City’s most powerful armored airships and the best crew, it was still worth taking a gamble.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Before the three armored airships set off, dozens of railway guns increased the frequency of their bombardment.

The shells landed in the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain, and the columns of smoke that rose up also changed from “mushroom clouds” to “sea-pacifying divine needles.”

Like hundreds of towering giant pillars, they forcibly supported the dark clouds and the fragmented sky, blocking the gaps of the storm and thunder that leaked out from the sky.

The Hidden Mist Domain, which was filled with howling winds, torrential rain, lightning, and thunder, suddenly became clear and calm.

Even in the dark sky, a touch of blue appeared, as if the mysterious world in front of them was slowly opening up a VIP channel for the humans.

That was a result of the humans’ weather interference bomb.

It was the secret weapon that could temporarily control the sky.

The effect of the weather interference bomb was limited. The three armored airships seized every second and set sail again, plunging into the illusory and vast body of mist.

Three to five minutes later, the military base behind them and even the glittering Dragon City on the horizon disappeared.

The surroundings were all pale and pitch-black.

They were like ants stuck to the back of a ladybug, drilling into a frothy world.

From time to time, a strange-shaped mountain peak would appear in front of them. It was only when they were so close that they almost crashed into it that they spotted it.

Even though the crew members of the Kun Peng were highly skilled and bold, riding a two-hundred-meter-long aerial behemoth and moving nimbly between the mountains like swifts, they still made the passengers break out in cold sweat, they swallowed countless mouthfuls of saliva.

Many mountains were especially eroded by the spirit energy that had been gushing out all year round. They were small at the bottom, big at the top, and light at the bottom. They looked like upside-down pyramids and giant beasts crouching in the mist with their bloody mouths wide open, ready to pounce on the Kun Peng at any moment.

When the Kun Peng passed by such a mountain, although the two parties did not collide, the spiritual energy ripples caused by the crystal engine and the propeller still triggered the high-energy reaction of the crystal ore vein hidden deep inside the mountain.

A series of dull explosions occurred where the mountain was hidden deep inside the dense mist.

The entire mountain was blown apart. Tens of thousands of tons of rocks rolled down, splashing thousands of square feet of huge waves and boundless smoke and dust in the rushing valley.

Such a magnificent and horrifying scene made everyone hold their breath and stare at the dense mist around them.

Meng Chao, Long Feijun, and the other experts even volunteered to climb out of the cabin and stand guard above the airbag. They were afraid that a huge rock would hit the Kun Peng and smash them into the valley where the Red Dragon River and Raging Tiger River were entangled.

Bang bang bang bang!

For this trip to the Hidden Mist Domain, the Kun Peng had been specially modified and installed with 16 machine gun turrets that rotated 360 degrees above the airbag.

At that moment, all the machine gun turrets were constantly shooting out fire chains, causing the surrounding mountains to crack and the huge rocks that were smashing towards the Kun Peng to explode. At the very least, it would change their falling trajectory.

Meng Chao brandished the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber while Long Feijun unleashed the iron fist that he was proud of nonstop. They were like railway guns, smashing the fish that escaped the net into pieces.

Although more than a thousand weather interference bombs had been dropped.

Still can not completely calm the mist hidden in the depths of the storm and lightning.

It was even less likely to suppress the violent, magnetic interference of this place.

Meng Chao poured spirit energy into his eyes and glabella, scanning the world around him in a brand-new perceptual mode he had just awakened.

“Seeing” deep in the mist, every mountain peak was like a forest fire.

Red, purple, blue, cyan, white, and even black flames burned, fluttered, and dance crazily straight toward the sky.

Of course, they were not real flames.

Instead, they were ripples of spirit energy released by the crystal lodes and the super-compressed spirit gas lodes hidden in the mountains.

No, they were not ripples anymore, but tides.

They were not much different from the spirit energy tides released by the Red Radiance Jade lodes below the raging waves mountains.

When superhumans fought in such places, extremely chaotic magnetic fields of the planets would interfere with their vitality magnetic fields. It would also be much more difficult to construct the spiritual magnetic fields.

The duration of extraordinary power would be shorter, and the forward swing and cooldown time would be longer.

The consumption of physical energy and spirit energy would also be three to five times faster than usual.

Meng Chao only slashed out a hundred times, shattering dozens of boulders. He felt several tons of concrete pouring into his arms. The Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber became heavier and heavier as if it was entangled by invisible chains, firmly nailed to the surrounding mountains.

His mind buzzed, and the feeling of the world spinning was like a continuous wave, repeatedly hit his cerebral cortex.

Finally, after the Kun Peng had a violent jolt, he could no longer distinguish east, west, south, and north, and completely lost his direction.

The Kun Peng’s condition was not much better than his.

The electronic display screen on the armored airship had long been extinguished or exploded.

Every pointer on the dashboard was spinning crazily like a spinning top.

All the data was dancing crazily, making it impossible for them to read the current height, speed, and coordinates.

The crew could only rely on their rich experience and intuition of surging spiritual energy to fly blindly without any reference.

What was even worse was that the infiltration of spiritual energy ripples triggered the deformation of the internal parts of the armored airship.

In particular, a lot of the components in the crystal engines and the propellers were shrinking and expanding. Some of the materials were even rusting at a speed visible to the naked eye, reaching the limit of metal fatigue in an instant.

As the components exploded one by one, ominous roars were echoing from several crystal engines. Clusters of sparks were spurting out and black smoke was rising.

There was even one crystal engine that directly stopped after spurting out large fireballs. Even the propeller had two of its blades broken.

The Kun Peng immediately lost control and crashed toward a particularly strange mountain on the right.

The superhumans and machine gunners standing on the airbags did not notice for a moment, and many of them slid down the airbags.

It was all thanks to the safety ropes tied to their waists.

Meng Chao, Long Feijun, and the other experts were quick-witted. They grabbed the safety ropes and pulled them back up.

After a series of extreme maneuvers, the crew members stabilized the Kun Peng once again.

The armored airship stuck close to the mountain peak. Several times, it was only a hair’s distance away.

The ends of the blades of two propellers even scraped against the mountain rocks that protruded like fangs, causing tens of thousands of sparks.

Dozens of huge falling rocks bombarded down from the top of the Kun Peng like deep-water bombs.

Meng Chao let out a low growl, and the golden tooth blood soul blade left his hand. It spun rapidly in the air, leaving behind an afterimage that was like a dragon or lightning, shattering more than a dozen huge rocks at the same time.

Only then did the Kun Peng sail out of the mountainous area where the strange rocks stood like reefs without any danger.

The terrain in front of it suddenly became calm.

The dense mist was like a frozen sea. No one knew what was sealed under the “sea of ice”.

In the distance, there were enormous Thunderbolts moving between heaven and earth. They condensed for a long time and did not disperse. It was as if they had barged into the palace of the Thunder Giants.

Right now, only fifteen crystal engines were still operating with great difficulty.

However, judging from the sparks, black smoke, and noise, they could only hold on for another thirty minutes to an hour at most. The remaining seven or eight crystal engines would all become scrap metal.

The Kun Peng was caught in a dilemma.

They could fly above the mist and avoid the invasion of the mysterious forces in the Hidden Mist Domain to the greatest extent.

However, they would not be able to discover the details of the Hidden Mist Domain. Not only would they not be able to find the sinkhole, but they would not even be able to find their way back.

They could also sneak into the mist and fly at a low altitude close to the treetops of the primeval forests in the Hidden Mist Domain.

In this way, he could determine his current position by mapping the terrain and comparing it with the map sent out by the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya’s team.

However, he could be attacked by the monster civilization and mysterious forces at any time.

While Long Feijun was deep in thought, Meng Chao had sharp eyes. He activated the extraordinary power of his five-star Spirit Gaze and saw the faintly discernible spire that pierced through the mist in the distance.

“Look, it’s the UHV transmission tower!”

Long Feijun was refreshed. He looked in the direction that Meng Chao had pointed out and indeed found seven or eight spire points.

Judging from the unique design on the top of the spire, it was indeed the UHV transmission tower that the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya’s team had encountered and photographed.

These UHV transmission towers were natural lighthouses.

Moreover, the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya’s team had drawn a rather detailed map around the UHV transmission towers.

Lu Siya’s team, in particular, had not fought with the moss, branches, and vines that had entwined the transmission towers in the beginning. They had even mapped out the complete route from the UHV transmission towers to the sinkhole.

In other words, as long as the Kun Peng flew into the vicinity of the UHV transmission towers and scanned the surrounding terrain, it would be able to find the VIP passage that led straight to the sinkhole.

The only thing that was worth worrying about was Battle God Lei Zongchao’s discovery.

In the pictures taken by the man-eating pomfret team and Lu Siya’s team, the positions of these UHV transmission towers had undergone subtle changes.

It was as if they had grown legs.

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