Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 740 - Dancing in the Stormy Waves!

Chapter 740: Dancing in the Stormy Waves!

Several bright arcs appeared in the black sky covered by dark clouds.

It was as if an indestructible iron shell was being torn apart by the power of humans, revealing an incomparably bright universe.

Then, the arcs became dozens of arcs.

Dozens of arcs then became hundreds of arcs.

Hundreds of burning bright arcs ran through the entire sky and landed on top of the UHV transmission towers in the depths of the Hidden Mist Domain like meteorites.

At that moment, the entire world seemed to be frozen.

Only a few... no, dozens... no, hundreds of light balls exploded like a supernova, bursting in everyone’s retinas.

The glistening waves swept across the earth and instantly swallowed all the UHV transmission towers.

The blazing white flame burned all the moss, and even the steel skeletons covered in the moss were melted and twisted, making the originally towering iron towers lower by a level and collapse.

The shock wave mercilessly tore out the vines that filled the steel skeletons and the branches that twined around the iron towers, tearing them into pieces.

These python-like vines did not have time to make a hissing sound before their lives were taken away by the storm of death.

One of the iron towers happened to land at the center of the explosion. It was thrown high into the air by the shock wave and crashed heavily into another iron tower.

The two iron towers melted under the high temperature and quickly solidified together. The moss and vines that had not died yet wiggled crazily, trying to tear each other apart. They were like conjoined twins with irreconcilable hatred.

In an instant, the monsters that had brought unspeakable terror to mankind just a moment ago were all turned into scrap metal in the continuous explosions.

It was only at this moment that the soul-shaking explosion traveled through the eardrums and the skull into the human cerebral cortex.

“This is our way of fighting.”

Deep tremors and immense pride surged out of the human body.

Based on the beliefs of people on Earth, there was no such thing as an indescribable thing that could not be destroyed by physical attacks.

If there really was such a thing, then it would be a nuclear physical attack.

However, there was a flaw in this method of combat.

The explosion range was too close to the Kun Peng.

There was no other way. This place was dozens of kilometers away from the heavy artillery base.

Without satellite guidance, it was impossible to accurately attack the coordinates within hundreds of meters or even dozens of meters.

In order to pursue accuracy and lethality, the only way was to use a full-coverage, over-saturated bombing method.

The incident happened so suddenly that the Kun Peng could not hide a few kilometers away from the safe area behind the mountain.

Therefore, the biggest threat now was no longer the ultra-high voltage transmission tower that had become scrap metal and the vines, branches, and moss that had turned into coke.

Instead, it was like raindrops that fell down indiscriminately on the ultra-high voltage transmission tower and the armored airship.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every bullet fired by the railway gun was far longer and wider than an adult. The shock wave was enough to cover half of the football field.

Hundreds of shock waves formed a storm that could destroy the world.

The Kun Peng was like a broken ship covered in patches, struggling to move forward in the waves.

Sometimes it was thrown into the sky by the huge waves, and sometimes it was sucked into the bottom of the sea by the whirlpool.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the cockpit, all the dial plates on the bridge exploded.

Bo! Bo! Bo! Bo! Bo!

The airtight cabins in the huge aerostat gasbag also exploded one after another.

No one dared to stand above the airbags in such a violent explosion anymore.

Even Long Feijun, the Railway Gun, who was at the peak of Heaven Realm, could only retreat to the cabin with Meng Chao in the face of the barrage of thousands of cannons and rely on a thin layer of alloy shell for psychological comfort.

All the superhumans gnashed their teeth and sat cross-legged. They silently circulated their spirit energy to stabilize their vitality magnetic field so that they would not be affected by the surging spirit energy caused by the explosion.

However, there were still some who could not hold on any longer. They were mentally deranged, bleeding from all their orifices, and collapsing with a grunt.

The crew members, however, widened their eyes and stayed at their posts, squeezing out all the output power of the remaining sixteen crystal engines.

They just wanted to be faster, faster, and escape the range of the explosion.

However, the power of the explosion was too terrifying. The crystal engines exploded one after another. Meng Chao even saw a burning propeller roaring and flying out through the broken porthole.

The boat swayed left and right crazily, causing many powerful superhuman individuals to roll out of the cabin like candied haws.

“We can’t hold on any longer. Eight of the sixteen crystal engines have been damaged, and the remaining eight might be scrapped at any time. We have to make a forced landing!” the captain shouted.

In fact, he did not have to point it out. The passengers could see that the crystal engines, one after another, had either turned into black empty shells or left the Kun Peng after spurting thick black smoke.

While the captain was shouting, another heavy cannonball exploded right in front of the Kun Peng.

The shock wave, like a ferocious left hook, hit the faces of the Kun Peng and all the passengers brutally.

Not only did it tear a huge crack that ran through dozens of airtight cabins on the left side of the airbag, but it also blew up a three-meter-square hole in the front of the cabin.

Two superhumans sitting next to them were already frustrated by the spirit energy storm, and they were on the verge of becoming deranged.

In a moment of carelessness, they actually fell out of the hole.

They were both of the Heaven Realm, and they had the ability of a maglev.

However, in the face of the surging spirit energy storm, their maglev power was like a candle in a snowstorm, and it was of no use at all.

Fortunately, Meng Chao and Long Feijun were quick enough to pounce on him.

Half of Meng Chao’s body was pierced through. The chains made of super alloys whizzed out and wrapped around the waists of the two superhuman individuals.

Without the protection of the shell of the cabin, which was carved with runes and embedded with crystals, he immediately felt that the spirit energy tide was like a poisonous blade smeared with acid, scraping his flesh and reaching his bones.

His face and body seemed to have been punched again and again, and he could not open his eyes at all because of the blast.

The two superhuman individuals struggled instinctively in midair, but they were held back by the fierce wind and the blast.

Meng Chao felt that he was an old fisherman who had caught two great white sharks by accident.

Not only could he not pull them up by himself, but he might even be dragged all the way to the deep sea by them.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Meng Chao’s upper body had a hole all the way to his crotch. Only ten of his toes burst out of his combat boots and pierced into the deck like ten steel nails, plowing ten deep gullies and slightly delaying his fall for a few seconds.

In the critical few seconds, Long Feijun put three thick safety ropes on Meng Chao’s body and exerted force with the rest of the extraordinary human beings, pulling Meng Chao and the other two back like a tug-of-war with the spirit energy tide.

Looking at the furious wind outside the hole, the three of them were still in shock and broke out in cold sweat.

The explosion this time was not as simple as blowing a hole in the cockpit.

The remaining eight crystal engines, under the influence of the tide of spirit energy that was right in front of them, were blown up and scrapped one after another.

The Kun Peng had lost all its power...

As well as 70% of its airtight cabin.

There was no more power to stop its “forced landing”. No, it was a crash.

“No, it’s too fast. The momentum is too strong!”

Even the crew members who were not experienced in flying could see that their altitude was still too high and their speed was still too fast.

If they continued to fall at this speed, the only outcome would be the destruction of the ship and the death of the crew members.

“To the right!”

Long Feijun leaned against the broken window and looked for a while. Then, he suddenly shouted crazily, “Three o’clock! There’s a swamp about a kilometer away. We have to land there!”

On normal days, the swamp would be the terrain that humans were most reluctant to enter.

Countless snakes, insects, rats, and ants were lurking in the bottomless swamp, and extremely dangerous and unpredictable methane gas was lurking in it.

Now, however, the soft humus and the semi-fluid in the mud had become natural cushions, and they were the team’s only salvation.

The crew had also observed the swamp.

They used all their strength to push the joystick.

They adjusted the Kun Peng’s tail and tried to change direction.

The problem was that the armored airship was ultimately not an airplane...

Its clumsy figure, which was over two hundred meters long, as well as its floating aerostat gasbag and propeller-powered flight mode, meant that it could not turn around as easily as an airplane.

Under the push of the shock wave, a kilometer of distance was instantly swallowed by the armored airship.

The Kun Peng was still a short distance away from the swamp area.

If it brushed past, the Kun Peng would crash straight into the steep mountain behind the swamp area that was like an iron wall.

It would turn into burning scrap metal and roll all the way to the bottomless valley where the water was turbulent.

“What should we do?”

Almost everyone fell into despair.

However, Meng Chao’s eyes were shining like crystals.

Rings of light swirled around his pupils rapidly.

He had activated the symbolic power of the five-star Spirit Gaze to its limit.

The entire world suddenly became translucent.

Whether it was the internal structure of the Kun Peng or the multicolored colors of each shock wave, they could all be seen clearly.

The distance between them and the swamp area, the speed and angle of the impact to the ground, the nearby mountain rocks and large trees that could be used, as well as the internal structure of the Kun Peng, including the most sturdy keel that supported the entire armored airship... All the information was turned into big data, like thousands of stardust, a storm was stirred up.


When the Kun Peng was flying close to the ground, Meng Chao shot the chain blade out.

The chain blade connected to the main weapon, the Golden Tooth Blood Soul Saber, pierced through the hole and pierced through the thickest tree in the jungle below.

The saber, which was infused with spirit energy and had a seven-foot-long blade, easily pierced through the tree that was as thick as the arms of seven or eight people. The chain wrapped around the tree and embedded itself deep into the trunk.

The chains connected to the “ghost blades”, on the other hand, pierced through the ceiling of the cockpit and avoided the unimportant components, entangling the Kun Peng’s keel.


Meng Chao’s eyes were wide open, and the veins on his body bulged like dragons.

His muscles were spurting spirit energy, too. They had more than doubled in size, making him look like a giant that could support the sky and Earth.

With the cracking of his spine and bones, he anchored the Kun Peng and the towering tree together with two chain blades!

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