Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1773 King Of Bearling -Part 11

"Wait, then does that mean that all I had worked for would disappear? Is this what I really want?" The Queen's thoughts from being anxious turned to really frightened. Wouldn't she lose everything and people would be hounding her left and right? Some may even wish to kill her if things go awry and at that point, there would not be any Royal Guards or Assassins to protect her at all. 

This would make things even more complicated and she can't possibly run away with all those points and gold away while waiting for Armageddon to happen. If she were to stand her position and stay strong, perhaps she could win. 

Jin had fought against seven Mecha Fire Dragons and he was nearly dead from it. Assuming that he was that strong, wouldn't it make sense to just throw even more Mecha Dragons into the fray? Besides, the public would know about this soon because of what the Masked Announcer was going to force her to say.

In fact, all the other nations would be eyeing against the Empire because of their ignorance against the ban. "This was not the bad timing after all… Once Jin had been killed regardless of the cost, we can start up the military campaign and possibly a military expansion and make the Empire even greater!" Thessalia thought to herself as she could see the possibility of a way out. She would not just be some Queen since she now had been recognised by the one who pulled the shots for the Empire.

If she can defeat and maybe even get Jin to be her slave…she could probably defend against the other nations. "Slave! Why did I not think of that?" The sudden line of thought excites her. This was a challenge officiated by the Three Winged Angel, perhaps if Jin does lose, the Queen could impose her authority on him. Of course, now it was whether she could make out an excuse to bring this condition up for consideration.

"Why are you being so quiet? Now it is your time to say and atone for your sins." 

"I will and shall." The Queen steadied herself and she walked through the pool of blood disregarding the corpses at the side, towards the public broadcast console. "Yes, we have made and built Mecha Dragons but it is not what any of you think it would be. It was initially for research purposes and subsequently, we felt that the advances in technology by other nations had threatened us. Thus, we made those Mecha Dragons for the sake of protecting the Empire's sovereignty."

"We not only subjugated Dragons that might be a threat to the Empire Lands, we decided to use them as our last resort against invasions from other nations. And the threat is real. If you do not believe me then I shall tell a tale all of you had not known. The Archduke's son had been captured by terrorists who refused to be named in the north."

"It was because of Lord Jin's effort that his kid had been saved and the Duke with gratitude, rewarded Jin a piece of land, making him one of the newest Lord in the North," Thessalia said kind words about her challenger that Jin started to be suspicious of her motives. "While the Royals did understand that Jin needs to be rewarded, we did not approve of the title initially due to the Empire's stringent process. We need to make sure that he is not a spy from other nations and an interview with us would also enable us to judge him worthy for the position." 

"However, instead of us approving the Lord's title, it was the Almighty who had done it instead. Showing that Jin had been favoured by the Almighty for the kindness he had performed. That was why we did not inform the public until Lord Jin had his Mount Sunn developed." 

"But then, we had been-" Before Thessalia could continue with her sentence, the Masked Announcer stopped her.

"So, you are now accusing that the Almighty had a hand in this matter? And thus, my authorisation letter might not be worth your salt?" 

"I am not saying that, I am implying a fairer fight. From what I see, Jin who is capable of killing Mecha Dragons challenges for Kingship, and the losses we incur would be monumental. If we win, other nations will take the chance to step in and attack us. Add a condition if Jin loses to the Empire, he will be responsible for the defence of the Empire and answer to us for the sake of the Empire." People who heard what Queen Thessalia said knew what she was planning. She wants him to be the Empire's guard dog.

"Otherwise, I do not think it's fair that if we win, the place would be vulnerable because of what Jin had done. If he really cares for the Empire, he should have no qualms with this condition. Besides, I will also ensure that he will be compensated fairly for his abilities. This is my compassion as a Queen who understands a fellow citizen of the Empire who wants better for the nation." 

"HAHAHAHAH! What bullshit!" Jin laughed. "I cannot believe she said it with such a straight face."

"People will buy it though. It was only recently the Queen had been seen as an evil person, breaking the rules. She managed to turn the tables and take charge of the conversation." Syn said. "Not to mention, she kept insisting that she can win."

"Yeah, that means she probably will bring in all the dragons and other sorts of weird donkeys into the picture for the defence of the Royals. Bearling would be in for a shitshow." Jin said and knew that this would not be an easy fight to perform. 

Even as they speak, people behind the scenes were already working hard to smuggle in Mechanoids and other supplies for the Grey Bear Squad's eventual assault. 

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