Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1774 King Of Bearling -Part 12

"Well, well, well. If you say it that way, what I am to say no? I believed my King would believe that is a fair condition for you to make. Please give me a moment as I consult with him." The Masked Announcer said and Jin found it weird.

"Don't people already figure out that he is the King of the Three Winged Angel Dungeon?" Jin asked and Syn shrugged his shoulders.

"Unable to compute my 'angel's actions' but if it is theatrics, he surely wins a lot of points from me," Syn said as the Masked Announcer nodded his head as if he got clearance and added that into the current authorisation letter as well before giving the Queen a look.

"…Wait a minute, what is this? Why is there another condition at the bottom? What do you mean that the Royals' personal wealth, sizeable and relatable assets would also be transferred to the Empire too?"

"In case, you surrender since Jin did not need to kill you to take the throne. I mean, if you are working so hard for the sake of the Empire, you are definitely willing to release all your assets to the Empire for the betterment of it, right? You did say after all that this fight would hurt the capital and Jin could definitely use them for the rebuilding of the Empire. After all, what can he do with so little money on him?" 

"Well, if you consider the money I had, it is indeed quite little if you want to finance the nation…" Jin thought to himself, smiling at the twist the Three Winged Angel had put up for the Queen.

"But this wealth is built through my hard work!" Queen Thessalia tried to defend.

"And so did Jin who worked hard getting this authorisation letter to challenge you and that dumb king. Besides, I am merely conveying the message for my king to you. I can send your protest up and see what he says and whether he can change the condition." The Masked Announcer 'apologises' and looks down for a moment before nodding.

"Nope, he is not changing it. He said that it's fair. You impose a condition and in return, he had to have a fair take on the sacrifice you be making for the Empire. Take it or leave it. If you refuse the challenge, you will be killed on the spot. That's it." The Masked Announcer said and he was pretty sure the audience watching this knew how two face the Queen is.

"Fine! Okay! We will take it. Besides, this will also show the world how wrong it is to challenge the Empire's Royals."  Queen Thessalia bit her finger and placed it on the authorisation letter to signify that the Royals had noted the letter and would be anticipating Jin to challenge them. In the meantime, the Queen went to the public broadcast and told them what to expect.

"As you can see, Jin did not appear once during the live broadcast, indicating his willingness to destroy our beloved capital of Bearling to dust. I tried my best to hide it and negotiate with him and in the end, a Masked gentleman showed up to make things worse. So, I will be declaring a state of emergency for the capital."

"If you wish to fight against this Tyrant who does not know his place and prefers to wreak havoc against our own people, then stand with me. We will give you the necessary equipment to fight against this hideous devil who pretends to do good, just so that he can earn your sympathy when he gets the throne. Such a manipulator should not be allowed! Fight against this evil and triumph against it. You will be greatly rewarded when we win this challenge and emerge to be a stronger and more resilient citizen of the Empire!" 

"Wow, first she praised me and now she tried to ditch me. Who's the blatant manipulator?" Jin complained.

"She thinks she is in control of the situation but it's more fragile than she believes it to be," Syn remarked as he was looking at the screen.

"Someone posted an anonymous poll which was sent to every citizen in Bearling Capital for their opinion, excluding the Royals." 

"How specific to exclude the Royals." Jin lol-ed.

"Yeap, and the polls are coming in. Many people cannot trust the Queen after what she had said and how she keeps contradicting herself. One even commented, that if she is so scared to release her personal wealth and assets meant that she has a lot to hide." Syn reported.

"But there is also a minority group who seem to be die hard fans of the Empire. Half of them are planning to join the defence for the Royals while the other half seem to indicate that they would want the reward and assumed they had already before the fight starts."

"Some also doubt the authenticity of the video that Three Winged had put in and were trying to hack the video to see who is the actual cameraman or even editor," Syn said and Jin laughed.

"They try to hack you. I would really like to see that." Jin said as he stood up. Now that the broadcast is officially over, and they finally have reached to the point where the Royals agreed to the fight, there was no holding back. He thanked Syn for sharing some information with him as he entered another office room, which was totally white with no furniture in it.

"System, open up Bearling Captial's maps. Sewage Map, Underground Map, Overstreet Map, and lastly a draft version of the Palace." Jin said as the System used holographic technology to recreate the entire Bearling Capital in that particular office Jin had entered. It filled up the entire room and Jin asked the System to give an update not just from the people currently on the ground but also a consistent video feed from the floating sky station. 

"Now let's see the preparation progress of the capital fight."

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