Number One Dungeon Supplier

Chapter 1772 King Of Bearling -Part 10

"So, yeah. Steele. Your truth first and then the Queen's continuation."  The Masked Announcer said and by this time, the audience included not just the people of the Empire but also other nations who were watching this and felt that the top ranks of the Empire were crumbling from within. 

At this point, there was a growing silent majority of people thinking that having Jin to challenge them was the right move. Obviously, the people in Daimon City and Parry City were already supporting the challenger to the best as they could. Some even ask if donations to Diamondz would be of any help and even Daimon Military was volunteering themselves to be part of the offensive if there was a need to.

"The King brought a doppelganger into the dungeon. The doppelganger was killed while the King is outside. I do not have any knowledge of what he does outside of the dungeon as I was busy trying to make sure my troops were not killed." Steele said and the Masked Announcer gave a thumbs up.

"See, that wasn't too hard, was it."

"So, everyone as you can see, the King is not the one that is the true ruler of the Empire. It's actually the Queen manipulating from the back. Which King would be so dumb as to rush against an opponent they have no idea of and could not assess the situation? Even the Queen was willing to send the King to his death without him knowing. That is if he had not used a doppelganger for the mission, lucky him."

"Therefore, Queen Thessalia. Before you say things like I am just the Queen and do not know anything. Please remember that your subject's life is at risk. After all, I cannot kill you before the challenge starts but I sure can make it way easier for Jin if I want to." 

"It seems like this Jin guy has really sucked your toes." One of the guards could not help but shout and the Masked Announcer laughed as he clapped at the bravery of the guard who voiced out.

"Oh, he sure did. He cleared Hell Difficulty in 2 days…with one…two…three.. four? Four Helpers? Hmmm, let's not count those within him. Yeah, four I guessed. Oh not to mention, it's the Variant version as well. Imagine Reflecting Reality Beetle and the Great World Blender came together. Yes, he fought that with just one another Mechanoid of his." 

"Just one?" Steele could not believe his ears. The Masked Announcer had no reason to lie but even as the Leader of the Royal Guards, the supposed strongest swordsman in the nation could not defeat Reflecting Reality Beetle with just one Mechanoid as a support. Not to mention, the two bosses fused together and he could imagine the devastating effects the mini boss could potentially portray.

"Shall I praise him more? It took him less than half an hour to clear that boss. And your record? A week, Steele. A bloody fucking week. You know how bored I was watching you withering my dear friend's health away? And that was just the Reality Reflecting Beetle!" 

"Is that Jin considered to be dangerous…?" The Queen asked Steele and he could not help but give a serious nod.

"We will die... The Royal Guard behind Steele said as he could not believe that a human was capable of killing the Reality Reflecting Beetle, a variant version in less than half an hour. Some of the Royal Guards in the room were also shaking in their boots. 

"This job is not worth it. I might be strong enough to maybe hold a few blows against that Jin but I am not willing to die for a liar." One of the Royal Guard saluted and walked away as he threw his Royal Guard emblem on the ground. 

A few others saw that and contemplated a little before joining him too. They too had survived the Three Winged Angel Dungeon and knew little about the horrors that lay beyond it. If that guy managed to clear the Three Winged Angel Dungeon in two days, it was not a matter of strength. It is entirely a whole new level of power that Jin was wielding.

"I do not believe it." The Queen replied. "How can such a man could ever kill such a beast in less than half an hour?" 

"Almighty, I am sorry. Please forgive my transgressions as I am about to reveal the secrets of my newfound comrade." The Masked Announcer said in the broadcast and Jin looked at Syn.

"No. No way. You are going to allow your angel to show them my fight?" 

"C'mon, it will bring in some faithful followers to your cause. And if it helps to lower the difficulty, I do not see why not." Syn smiled as he approved his angel's wish. 

The Masked Announcer was delighted that the approval came straight away and with a clap, the broadcast finally showed Jin along with Lynn fighting against the Great Reality Blender. The audience watched the explosive start and was captivated straight away by the teamwork he had with his Mechanoid. 

Steele had his mouth wide open as well as he saw that Jin was not just a swordsman but a seasoned one. The use of his modules to create the elements and handle them so easily stunned the Royal Guards as well since they were going to fight him in a day's time. Even the Queen could not believe her eyes and finally understood why the Mecha Fire dragons could be killed by him.

She thought it was just an exaggeration but the video right in front of her proved that he was capable of killing the Empire's top dogs extremely easily. Now is not the time for revenge or a power trip. Now it is to salvage the situation and see if the Queen could get out of this sticky situation.

Maybe she could step down as Queen and still retain her wealth. It will be a disgrace but perhaps telling the truth now and later inform the people that she was ashamed of what she had done. Buy a few sympathy points and return to a life of normalcy.

"Hide somewhere until Armageddon. That would sound like a good choice." The Queen's heart beats extraordinarily fast as she attempts to formulate a plan. 

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