Almost at the same time, changes took place in Chui Yim’s body. He started to grow hair, and his skin turned into a bronze that everyone was familiar with!

“Bronze skin!”

Some were able to immediately identify the changes taking place to Chui Yim’s skin with just a glance. It was the first part of Apex Temple’s secret style – Invincible Diamond Body’s bronze skin!

With his monstrous body, Chui Yim carried the pressure on his back and knelt on one knee, feeling the pressure that nearly crushed him. Yet he gritted his teeth and stood up carrying the pressure on his body!

Boom! Yim Mo Chiu’s force disappeared. It had reached its limits, to be exact, the instant Chui Yim stood up.

“Not bad, kiddo. You’ve passed.” Yim Mo Chiu took a long glance at Chui Yim.

Eleven participants were left.

In this enormous world, there were countless cultivators below the age of eighteen.

Those who were qualified to take part in the enrollment were undoubtedly geniuses amongst their talented peers, and there were only about a hundred teenagers that made the cut.

After four stages, there were only eleven participants left.

Mung Si, Kam Chin Kee, Lee Bak, Kong Yau, Lam Zaa, Man Yee Ho, Duen Por Do, Fok Fung, Chui Yim, Yeung Tin Hun, and Hung Ching Sun!

Only ten per cent of the participants advanced to the last straw hut where the first teacher, Song Tsz Hin, would be the examiner.

All participants exchanged glances, showing off their determination. They made it here through hard work, and none of them would concede defeat easily.

Song Tsz Hin waved to the eleven teenagers and headed into the “one” straw hut with a huge smile on his face. He was so benevolent, unlike how the world imagined him to be – arrogant and looking down on all commoners.

Under his lead, the teens entered the straw hut.

It was similarly empty, with five cushions placed on the ground along with a huge painting.

The painting was about five meters long and attracted the attention of the teens.

It was a painting of a mountain peak. The mountain peak was drawn on the left side, extending into the middle, and there was also a towering mountain range. There were tiny buildings drawn on the peak of the mountain range.

“This will be what I’m testing you guys on.”

Song Tsz Hin spoke. The teens looked away from the painting and looked up abruptly.

The straw hut had disappeared, and they were suddenly surrounded by a sharp, whistling gale!

It was snowing down on the teenagers too.

All of them exchanged glances and immediately activated gliphs to protect their body, except for Chui Yim, who seemed unaffected. However, nobody thought that Chui Yim was being careless because they were aware of what an insane body he had!

They observed their surroundings to find that they were on a platform located at a high altitude with gales. The gales were so intense that the sound became echoey, ringing in their ears, which annoyed the teenagers.

“Where are we?” Chui Yim asked the question that everyone wanted to know.

“I think…” Lee Bak answered hesitantly. He was a composed teenager, but even he could not believe all that was taking place. “We might be in that painting.” He said and pointed towards a direction.

His words made the others’ hearts fall, and they turned to where he was pointing at – a towering mountain range that was even taller than the platform they were on. It seemed like there was something on the mountain peak, but it was unclear from where they stood.

Everyone that was present was the best amongst their generation, yet this situation threw them off their feet.

“We’re in the painting? How is that possible?”

“Short-sighted! There are no limits to gliphism, a cultivator’s mind is the only limiting factor. What’s impossible?”

However, this stage was more than a simple fight on the spot.

Song Tsz Hin’s voice boomed across the area like thunder within no time. “The aim of this stage is to make it to the peak on the other side.”

The next second, the teenagers were in utter disbelief. Chains grew out rapidly from the sides of the platform-like mountain peak they were on!

All the chains were thick, about two meters wide. If not for the sound they made when the gale grazed them, the teens would have mistaken them as a bridge!

The chains continued to extend before disappearing into the fog. However, the teens knew that on the other side of the chains was the mountain peak that was far away.

Duen Por Do, who said that being in a painting was impossible, shut up immediately. It seemed that this trick of making something appear out of the blue shocked the once haughty Duen Clan descendant speechless.

Kong Yau took a glance over the cliff. She realised that beneath the grey bridge-like chain was a huge abyss. They would be doomed if they fell off the chains.

The chains were complete, and there were eleven of them – one for each participant.

Fok Fung creased his brows and sent his invisible sword energy to the chains without moving. Other than the sound of collision, there was nothing that happened to the chains, which proved them stable.

Just then, they heard Song Tsz Hin again; “You may begin now.”


Five figures dashed out at the same time.

Lee Bak, Man Yee Ho, Yeung Tin Hun, Kam Chin Kee, and Chui Yim dashed forward without hesitation when they heard that they could start!

Cling clang!

The chains shook, but they were stable!

With huge steps, the five of them dashed forward.

Man Yee Ho, Yeung Tin Hun, Kam Chin Kee, and Chui Yim were reincarnated, which meant that they had already experienced death once. Thus, they were able to counter their fear of death at a speed faster than the rest.

As for Lee Bak… well, he was extremely brave.

The five of them led the way while the other six followed up after exchanging a glance. Despite feeling uneasy, with five other participants leading the way, they were less fearful and dashed forward. When they realised that the chains were stable, they sped up.

Back to the five leaders, Kam Chin Kee had light steps as if he was stepping on water. However, he looked like he was leaping at the same time. If one were to take a closer look, they would spot the energliph on his feet. He was using a gliph to speed up. This was a smart move as it would allow him to perform as well as if he was on flat terrain despite being high up in the air.

Man Yee Ho had stricter footwork. He seemed to be simply running at a rapid speed, but there was also energliph around him to block the sharp gale and to increase his speed.

Lee Bak was covered in a blood-red shadow, looking like a man made of blood from afar. It seemed to be a secret style of the Metallic Blood War Gate.

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