Yeung Tin Hun was on his toes. He gripped his spear tightly and activated his energliph. Instantly, a cloud gliph the size of a thumb tattooed on his left forearm bloomed beautifully like a fresh blossom.

Flower stems and beautiful blossoms bloomed and extended across his shoulders. This was the Four Seasons Heaven’s Spring’s Advent gliph!

Yeung Tin Hun inserted energliph and activated his defence gliphility, Sleeping Past Spring’s Dawn!

A pink shield blocked in front of him immediately! This will successfully block it… right? Yeung Tin Hun thought to himself… right before a loud crash was heard.


The remaining participants realised that Yeung Tin Hun was now nowhere to be seen… and the straw wall in the direction where Yim Mo Chiu’s toes pointed disappeared as well!

Striking sunlight shone down onto the badly shocked yet confused teenagers from the huge hole in the straw hut. However, this was not all. There was something else that scared the teenagers more.

Originally, there was a hill in that direction outside the straw hut. Now, through the destroyed wall, the teens could no longer find the hill. It had taken on a new look after being split in half down the middle.

“Hmph.” Yim Mo Chiu sneered as if realising something. At the same time, Yeung Tin Hun reappeared at the spot.

“Junior sister, that was too much.” A gentle voice was heard as a middle-aged man appeared in the participants’ view. He had a gentle appearance too, best described as the dawn’s sunlight that warmed the hearts of those he interacted with. Only a few sensitive teenagers like Mung Si and Kam Chin Kee could tell that he was a scary man.

Yes, a scary man with a powerful mental state that could influence others’ perception towards him without the need to exert energliph, but simply through his words and smile! He had definitely reached an extraordinary state in cultivation.

“It’s First Teacher!”

He was Song Tsz Hin, the current first teacher of Cloud Palace. All Cloud Palace members led a lowkey life, and as the first teacher, Song Tsz Hin lived up to his part well. There were no scrolls about him nor records of him leaving Cloud Palace. The only thing associated with his name was the Hidden Cloud gliph, which had gained popularity since its appearance.

It was a minor change, but all cultivators tried to add it when they were tattooing gliphs. The appearance of the Hidden Cloud gliph helped cultivators to hide their gliphs under the finger-sized gliph made of only a few strokes, only revealing their actual form when activated with energliph. The creation of this gliph dropped a bombshell on the cultivation world, and it was determined as the most influential gliph of this generation!

It was used as an alternative for cultivators to hide their gliphs other than making use of clothes or gliph covers. Even Northerners, who disdained this action as they considered it sneaky, secretly hoped to have a way to hide their gliphs too, as their gliphs were the basis of their ability.

Enemies could easily guess one’s ability and gliphilities through their gliphs, and the appearance of this Cloud Palace gliph rapidly took over the world. All gliphists that were capable tried to add these changes when they were tattooing gliphs on gliphers.

It was a simple gliph made of only a few strokes. With current gliphists all understanding the logic behind this gliph, it was a piece of cake to them.

First Teacher Song Tsz Hin turned zero into one and nothing into something. The magical change that took place with just a few strokes left all elite gliphists in the world in awe, as they knew how tedious it was to achieve this creation.

But very soon, Song Tsz Hin vanished from the public’s sight after making the Hidden Cloud gliph known. He took after the style of Cloud Palace: lowkey and mysterious.

They stayed hidden to the world most of the time, but when they did appear, they left the world feeling helpless with their power.

Song Tsz Hin flashed the participants a gentle smile and greeted them, his black silky hair flowing down his waist. “Let’s resume the test. As for this boy, you’ve passed, since the energliph Junior Sister emitted was beyond the one-chambered state.”

“Hmph!” Yim Mo Chiu scoffed even more loudly, leaving Song Tsz Hin staring at her helplessly.

“Hurry and come up, the last guy!” Yim Mo Chiu was evidently in a bad mood.

In a daze, Yeung Tin Hun moved to the side. He knew that if that attack had solidified, he would be dead for sure. But he clearly felt that he had disappeared from this space into an unknown space within an instant. When he regained his senses, he was back where he left.

With fear swimming in his eyes, he turned to Song Tsz Hin, who wore a gentle smile. Yeung Tin Hun would not have chills running down his spine if the difference between his and Song Tsz Hin’s cultivation state was clear, but it was unknown, and that was what was really scary.

Chui Yim walked forward helplessly and glared at Yeung Tin Hun. Anyone could tell that Yeung Tin Hun angered the second teacher to the point where she played foul by launching an attack beyond the one-chambered state! It was obvious that she was not as well-tempered as the previous teachers; she was a fiery woman!

What was worse was that he was after Yeung Tin Hun, so there was a high possibility he would become a punching bag now…

And Chui Yim was right. The moment he stepped out, the scary, almost solidified pressure grounded him, leaving him unable to make a move. By this point, the second teacher had already taken three steps.

Pfft pfft...

Kam Chin Kee caught that the steps were different from the previous steps.

The steps were close to each other and landed at almost the same time. Horrifying pressure came down on Chui Yim like three huge energliph mountains.

Yet… Chui Yim only stood there without anything to block or cover him.

Boom boom boom!

The powerful pressure made Chui Yim’s body tremble a bit, but that was all. The energliph that all participants avoided and tried their best to not come in contact with dropped onto Chui Yim… just for his body to tremble slightly? Yes, it only trembled slightly. Chui Yim also frowned upon feeling the pressure.

Even Yim Mo Chiu was surprised. However, this did not stop her as she took two more steps.

Boom boom!

Two more invisible mountains came down on Chui Yim and made his body tremble just a bit more.

However, all other participants had their jaws dropped to the ground.

Chui Yim took the attack with just his body! Even Lam Zaa’s eyes twitched seeing how crazy Chui Yim’s body was.

At the same time, Yim Mo Chiu landed her last step.


The power of six steps in one go!

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