Amongst them, Yeung Tin Hun was the most eye-catching participant. He had fog around his feet, looking as if he was one with the surrounding clouds, or even riding the clouds!

The most sorry-looking participant would go to Chui Yim, who created loud sounds with every step he took, and the chain shook violently as he ran! He did not have any footwork, nor did he have energliph around his feet to boost his speed, but he was still fast.

Chui Yim did not practice any gliphility to help with movement, but he had an innate heart chamber, and his body had already reached a state that only four-chambered gliphers would – the boundary.

Amongst all participants, he had the strongest physical body. The stronger one’s physical body was, the more potential they had.

Thus, he was not slower than anyone else despite his sorry figure.

The five teenage boys were dashing on the chains, and they seemed to be on par. Behind them were the chasers – the six participants who started late due to hesitation.

However, none of them were anxious or discouraged as the chains were so long that it would take them about an hour to reach the destination, which was plenty of time for them to overtake the others and for the winner to be determined.

First Teacher Song Tsz Hin sat cross-legged on the cushion in his straw hut, his ponytail flowing down onto the ground. The four cushions next to him were slowly filled by his juniors.

Fifth Teacher Wat Suen, Fourth Teacher Wong Kei, Third Teacher Hui Sai Cheong, and Second Teacher Yim Mo Chiu.

Including Song Tsz Hin sitting in the middle, the five of them watched the changes taking place in the huge painting in front of them.

“It’s about time, right?” Hui Sai Cheong asked excitedly.

“Be patient,” Song Tsz Hin replied. He turned to his other juniors only to realise that even Wong Kei and Wat Suen were filled with curiosity too.

The questions for every Cloud Palace enrollment were different, determined by whatever the examiner wanted to test the teenagers on.

Wat Suen’s Mirror Lake and Wong Kei’s Fear Dragon tested the teenagers’ psychological responses towards their greatest desire and greatest fear respectively. Hui Sai Cheong’s Cleanse was meant to differentiate the young cultivators that achieved their cultivation with hard work versus reliance on materials; he could be said to have tested their fitness. Yim Mo Chiu’s Six Steps were meant to examine their capability.

So what about Song Tsz Hin? Even his juniors were curious about it.

Just then, Song Tsz Hin made a move. He held a brush in his right hand and held his sleeve with his left hand to prevent it from touching the paint. With a smile, he painted with the ink-filled brush.

“What’s that?” Yeung Tin Hun, one of the leaders of the race, was the first to realise the abnormality. He saw a small black dot from afar that was slowly enlarging, and within no time, he could clearly see what the item was.

It was a gigantic eagle that was roughly three or four meters long! What left him speechless was that the pitch-black eagle was only made of lines, empty in the middle, looking just like it was drawn!

There wasn’t just one eagle, but eleven, one for each of the participants. The eleven eagles, which looked like they came right out of a painting, came for their respective targets.

“What the heck!?” Yeung Tin Hun turned pale instantly. Under normal circumstances, he would not care about such a fake bird, but he did now since he was high up on a chain, and any carelessness would cost him…

The thought of this made Yeung Tin Hun pull out his silver spear. The next second, it lit up and went for the eagle coming for him! The eagle turned into a pool of pitch-black ink and disappeared.

Fok Fung frowned when he saw the eagle coming at him. He turned the sword energy around him into many tiny swords and slashed the eagle in half!

The others made use of their own ways to destroy the fake eagle, but it was obviously just the start; behind were more thickly dotted black spots that enlarged rapidly.

More than a hundred eagles were coming at them!

Duen Por Do wore an ugly expression as he attacked continuously. Every one of his attacks took down an eagle successfully, but due to the huge number, he wasn’t able to move as smoothly as before. The other participants were affected too.

“Clamour!” a person shouted. A wave-like fist intent arose, and a long silver curtain suddenly flew out, destroying about ten eagles in the blink of an eye!


A person sped up and broke through when the group was being slowed down by the eagles. He was Hung Ching Sun, the best Hung Clan disciple of this generation.

He managed to pass all the previous stages without showing off his actual capability and was unknown to the other participants up till now, when he decided to reveal his actual capability.

He gained enlightenment from his clan’s forbidden area, the Heavenly Silver Waterfall, and went into seclusion for years afterwards to create his gliphility, Silver Curtain!

The Heavenly Silver Waterfall was a mountain spring of high altitude, and on the peak was a stream of the Mother River. Due to the high altitude, the rapidly flowing water created illusions.

Cultivators would gain insights when they cultivated here, and this was where Hung Ching Sun created Silver Curtain.

In no time, he became the leading participant, but he didn’t stop there. He turned around and kept his fist on his waist. Energliph gushed into his fist as he launched a punch, sending a huge silver curtain out from his fists… towards the other participants!

All teenagers who made it to this stage were unique in their ways. For example, Chui Yim ignored this attack. After he succeeded in cultivating bronze skin, he gained a better understanding of his body and could instantly determine if an attack would be deadly to him. Indeed, his body wasn’t even slightly affected when the silver curtain landed on him.

A phoenix cry was heard around Mung Si as her Inferno Phoenix turned into a flaming tornado, destroying the silver curtain completely.

There were short-tempered participants in the group too, like Fok Fung. It could already be considered a blessing that he didn’t attack other people of his own accord. Now, Hung Ching Sun had angered him, so he pulled out his sword slightly, energliph shining brightly across the air before turning into sword energy that dashed up to the skies. The attack split the silver curtain in half and continued toward Hung Ching Sun!

“Haha! The Sword Tomb body is indeed extraordinary.” Hung Ching Sun placed his fist in front of him to take down the sword energy, which threw him back. However, Hung Ching Sun turned around and sped off, pulling their distance apart.

“Hmph!” Fok Fung was displeased at the situation. With a stomp, he bolted forward like a sharp sword!

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