Chills ran down the spectating participants as they watched Man Yee Ho.

They were not just weirded out by his peculiar gliph, but his deduction ability. It was amazing how Man Yee Ho was so confident that he could weaken the second teacher’s energliph movement enough, as any carelessness in his actions would cause him to be seriously injured!

Even Kong Yau and Mung Si were not confident that they would be able to deduce the situation so accurately. How scary was Man Yee Ho?

The rest did not even manage to find out his personal gliph or any characteristics about him other than his precise deduction ability after he passed the stage. He was indeed a mysterious teenager!

He was ranked third on the Blues Skies Rank, but even Mung Si would not rely on the ranking to determine one’s true capability as there were too many factors like gliphs, energliph, condition, and many more that affected a cultivator’s performance during a fight.

Geographical location, weather, and many other factors were critical too. Mung Si would be an idiot, which she clearly wasn’t, if she were to belittle the rest because of her high rank.

Duen Por Do was under great stress.

Fok Fung, who had already passed the stage, was focusing on his performance. Fok Fung was aware that Duen Por Do understood swordsmanship as well as he did, and he did not dare to say that he would defeat the other without his Sword Tomb body. However… Fok Fung didn’t think that Duen Por Do would survive the second teacher’s sixth step.

Duen Por Do had rapid and sharp attacks, breaking the power of Yim Mo Chiu’s fifth step forcefully, but he was already in a sorry figure, and his hand that wielded the sword was trembling.

Yim Mo Chiu clearly did not have the intention to let him take a break as she took the last step.


Duen Por Do instantly lost all ability to think in front of this dreadful energliph.

To use gliphilities or skills? No. Only the familiar swordsmanship he had practiced more than a thousand times and his will to survive.

Duen Por Do was one to attack fast. Unlike Fok Fung, who was one with his terrifying sword aura, Duen Por Do’s attacks fit the world’s understanding of fast sword attacks, and he was even faster than Fok Fung.

However, he slowed down at this moment. Or rather, that was what it seemed like in the eyes of the spectators. It was as if he was holding a heavy sword that weighed several tons – slow yet steady at the same time. Fok Fung’s eyes lit up instantly at this scene!

Duen Por Do sent the terrifying energliph away with this slow sword.

He passed!

At this point, there were only nine that had passed this stage: Mung Si, Kam Chin Kee, Lee Bak, Kong Yau, Lam Zaa, Man Yee Ho, Duen Por Do, Fok Fung, and Hung Ching Sun!

There were still two people who had yet to take up the challenge, which were Chui Yim and Yeung Tin Hun!

Yeung Tin Hun took a glance at Chui Yim, who was in deep thought as if replaying Duen Por Do’s actions.

He was the son of Four Seasons Heaven’s clan leader, Yeung Ha. Yeung Ha was a famous five-chambered state cultivator that was believed by many to be the best glipher in the world due to his blade skills despite entering the five-chambered state later than Man Ching Hung. Under the ruling of Yeung Ha and his brothers, Four Seasons Heaven had entered its second golden age.

There were even rumours that Four Seasons Heaven no longer wanted to stay lowkey and planned to flip the world upside down. Thus, as Yeung Ha’s son, Yeung Tin Hun had lots of attention on him. Adding on that he was a double innate chamber and ranked highly on the Blue Skies Rank, he stood in the spotlight since a young age, but he was never fearful nor was he arrogant.

Being a monster that reincarnated, his mental state was unlike ordinary teens who were easily affected.

Nothing could stop him after he had made up his mind.

He was currently dressed in red, but a different red from Man Yee Ho. His robe was the color of blazing fire, which made him look just like a fireball.

Pulling along his red sash, he stood in front of Yim Mo Chiu.

But Yim Mo Chiu paid no attention to him. To her, she was just getting her task done. Anyone that passed would stay while those that did not would be disqualified, as simple as that.

She didn’t care about who the participant was. Thus, she took another step, and pressure came like a tornado!

A silver shadow shone like a piercing light through the crowd. When they reopened their eyes, the pressure had disappeared, and Yeung Tin Hun was now wielding a silver spear.

He was ready to take the challenge with his red robe and silver spear!

Boom boom!

The second teacher took two more steps!

Yeung Tin Hun attacked with his spear again as the energliph moved along the gliph pattern of his spear.

It was the Divine Speed gliph!

This powerful gliph not circulated among the world made Yeung Tin Hun’s spear look like a silver shadow in the eyes of all! He seemed to only launch one attack when it was in fact dozens of attacks!

Attacking at a high speed, he congealed the impact of about twenty attacks into one and pierced through the third step of Yim Mo Chiu. However, he did not stop there and actually went for Yim Mo Chiu, leaving the participants in disbelief.

How daring is he? We were struggling just to survive the second teacher’s one-chambered state aura, yet he dared to challenge her?

But Yim Mo Chiu remained unaffected as she took the fourth step. However, the sharp Kam Chin Kee observed that her fourth step this time around was different from her previous movements. Be it where she landed, the positioning, or the footwork itself.

For this step, her feet curved out slightly…


Yeung Tin Hun’s attack seemed to be directed by an invisible force and flew towards a certain direction!

Indeed! Kam Chin Kee gasped to himself. It was just a guess, but Kam Chin Kee figured out that every step of these six steps should be a secret style or gliphility of the second teacher!

Just as Kam Chin Kee was deep in thought, the challenge continued.

Yim Mo Chiu’s fourth step did not cause any huge impact, but her fifth and sixth step that landed at the same time did.

For the fifth step, her slender right foot moved forward lightly, while for the sixth step she dragged her right foot that had just landed lightly before coming to a stop.

The obvious change in her movements allowed other participants to notice the change too. However, they were not affected. Only Yeung Tin Hun’s face fell instantly! Pressure stopped coming from all directions, but when Yim Mo Chiu landed her fifth step, horrifying energliph shot to the sky like a spear… incorrect, blade… not exactly… sword… not that suitable. Yeung Tin Hun did not even know how to describe the feeling of an extremely sharp mountain peak that seemed like it could make a hole in the skies as it shot up towards him from the ground!

When Yim Mo Chiu dragged her feet forward, Yeung Tin Hun seemed to see the energliph mountain peak solidifying and turning to aim at him! When Yim Mo Chiu landed her step, Yeung Tin Hun’s hair stood on end. This was something he never once felt before!

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