Fok Fung stepped forward coldly without an expression on his face like he always did. He did not even greet Yim Mo Chiu! Similarly, Yim Mo Chiu did not hesitate to take three steps.

Kam Chin Kee, who had already passed this round, watched at the side with great interest. Playing the defender role with his powerful puppets was his forte, so this was a simple stage with thrilling characteristics for Kam Chin Kee.

After watching the second teacher’s actions repeatedly, Kam Chin Kee roughly got the gist of it.

The ordinary-looking steps had a mystical pattern that produced a suppressive force that subdued the other party. The pattern built on itself, which was why the force increased as she stepped forward.

When Yim Mo Chiu took the third step, the dominant energliph tried to subdue Fok Fung, but calmly, a terrifying sword aura rose from the teenage boy.

It was Sword Tomb. Accompanied by countless swords, Fok Fung was the tomb himself and was born to be a lone star.

Scary energliph was forcefully stopped under the great sword aura. Yim Mo Chiu wore a surprised expression and took two more steps rapidly.


Fok Fung’s expression changed for the first time, and he reached for the wooden sword on his waist, pulling it out slightly.

This was his gliphility, Stance. The messy sword intent that was all around the place congealed into a formidable power to block this scary pressure once again!

On the other hand, Yim Mo Chiu didn’t plan to go easy on Fok Fung and immediately made the sixth step. The force overlapped by six steps went for Fok Fung, who also pulled out his sword. Under the teenager’s control, the sword tomb formed an invisible and horrifying sword aura.

Breaking through the weakness! The next second, Fok Fung’s sword aura pierced through the air and left a huge hole in the straw hut’s roof!

Did he just forcefully pierce a hole through Yim Mo Chiu’s scary force with his sharp sword aura?

Duen Por Do’s face changed when he watched Fok Fung pass the stage. He similarly had a great passion for swords and mainly used swords too. As cultivators of similar style, they would naturally be compared. Initially, Duen Por Do looked down on Fok Fung, who he deemed as someone who only relied on his Sword Tomb body and was nothing himself.

But now, watching Fok Fung perform his gliphility, Duen Por Do caught that Fok Fung’s sword aura had merged with him. The other party had a clear understanding and control of his sword aura.

As the saying goes, laymen watch for fun while experts focus on the essence. Not just Duen Por Do, even Mung Si, Kam Chin Kee, and the rest could tell that Fok Fung’s performance was beyond simply making use of his special body form.

He had to understand his sword and learn to control his energliph as well as the Sword Tomb body’s sword aura to excel in this move. His improvement since the inter-school exchange was drastic!

The terrifying pressure sent Siu Suet flying off with serious injuries before disappearing into thin air. Ha Yu Bing hurried to her the instant she dropped down on the outer sect’s field, but unwillingness was evident in her eyes.

When Yim Mo Chiu landed her fifth step, Siu Suet’s arrow disappeared under the strong pressure, and it was just like she was being drowned in a mighty wave.

Despite being a glipher, Siu Suet used a bow as her weapon and wasn’t good in short-range fights. Making use of speed, arrows, and movement to distract the enemy at long range while looking for a chance to launch a deadly attack was what she was better at.

But Yim Mo Chiu’s pressure subdued her from all sides, leaving Siu Suet nowhere to move. It was just like she was pinned to the ground.

Trying to escape or look for a chance? Dream on. She would have to go up against Yim Mo Chiu directly.

Man Yee Ho sat in front of Yim Mo Chiu expressionlessly. Unlike the frosty and distant Fok Fung, Ma Yee Ho was actually calm. It seemed like there was nothing in the world that could affect him.

All participants wore serious expressions on their faces when Man Yee Ho exited the crowd. The name Man Yee Ho was no stranger to them, but his face and ability were since the teen rarely appeared in front of the world or even Imperial Sunset Palace members.

He only lurked around Spiky Tree Woods and Man Ching Hung’s residence. The world only knew that such a person existed and that he would be wearing a bright red robe, which represented his identity as Imperial Sunset Palace’s ruler-to-be.

How capable he was and what his personal gliph was remained a mystery to the world, but the world trusted that Cloud Palace had their reasons for ranking him third, and this would be the chance for them to peak at Man Yee Ho’s capability.

Similarly, Yim Mo Chiu didn’t care. Be it this mysterious teen or even the Lam Dynasty crown prince, it didn’t stop her from taking the same one step.


Man Yee Ho flicked his fingers hidden beneath his robes.


A sword and a spear appeared from thin air, defending Man Yee Ho and dispersing Yim Mo Chiu’s force.

Mung Si frowned at the sight of the abnormal gliph. Did he just turn energliph into weapons? That’s unheard of from Imperial Sunset Palace. But his energliph movement was crystal clear; that’s the fifth-grade style passed down in Imperial Sunset Palace – Heaven Pure Sun style!

Or is that his personal gliph? But who has weapons as their personal gliph? Or is it made out of two personal gliphs?

But soon, Yim Mo Chiu got rid of their confusion. When the second teacher took her third step, a spike and a blade glowing in the signature orange of the Heaven Pure Sun style defended Man Yee Ho from the force. What kind of gliph is this? It’s in the form of four weapons?

When Yim Mo Chiu took the fifth step, there were already more than ten weapons in front of Man Yee Ho. Those that wanted to make out what Man Yee Ho’s personal gliph was had given up. How could ten different gliphs be his personal gliph? But the way Man Yee Ho activated them so confidently and unhurriedly made it feel like it was his personal gliph and that these gliphs were connected to his mental state!

Man Yee Ho took the attacks simply, but Yim Mo Chiu took her sixth step.

Boom! Terrifying pressure came down on him, and even Man Yee Ho’s face changed as moved his fingers beneath his robe rapidly.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh…

Numerous gliph weapons appeared in the air, and gliph strings flew out and took form immediately too. These blades that landed against the terrifying energliph movement broke like eggs against a rock!


At the end, the blade gliphs were destroyed, leaving only the platter sound. In the blink of an eye, about twenty weapon gliphs were destroyed, and Yim Mo Chiu’s sixth step energliph movement came to Man Yee Ho. Yet he was still calm as if he did not feel anything.

Hu… The terrifying movement was only a breeze now.

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