“Junior will heed Senior’s words.” Suet Sing Fuk bowed, and the ice-cold aura around him surged, gliph strings spinning around him.

Swallow Snowstorm!

Every teen ranked on the Blue Skies Rank was a capable cultivator. Swallow Snowstorm was similar to Kong Yau’s Celestial Starmap – making use of the powerful impact of a gliph, but with the agility of a swallow, moving without a trace to make it difficult for opponents to guess its next move.

Suet Sing Fuk was now as good as a two-chambered glipher!

“Are you done?” Yim Mo Chiu glared at him with her phoenix-like eyes, her white robe dancing in the wind without any movement from her. “Since you wanted fairness, I’ll give it to you. Now, I’ll suppress my power to the one-chambered state!”

One-chambered state? Who is she kidding? How could that phenomenal energliph movement that scared them witless be of the one-chambered state?

Facing the second teacher, Suet Sing Fuk felt the most pressure among them all. The swallows around him spun and intertwined. This was a change that could be seen in gliphists after they had created their personal gliph; many changes would be built upon the original gliph.

“Swallow Boundary!”

The swallows flew around Suet Sing Fuk to form a blue space, shielding the teen behind themselves.

Yim Mo Chiu took action and strode towards Suet Sing Fuk.

One, two, three steps.

As she moved, her energliph solidified and extended, pressing down on Suet Sing Fuk like a huge mountain!


The distance between both of them was about ten steps away, and the blue space had been seriously damaged and was breaking down. Suet Sing Fuk turned pale in an instant.

Boom! The second teacher took her fourth step.

The swallow snowstorm broke apart and returned to heaven and earth, disappearing from their sights. Yim Mo Chiu was surprised to see that Suet Sing Fuk managed to last this long.

“Kiddo has more arrogance than capability.” Her words might not sound nice, but she was in fact acknowledging Suet Sing Fuk’s capability.

However, that was the end. When Yim Mo Chiu landed her fifth step, Suet Sing Fuk vomited blood like he was badly injured and disappeared into thin air.

Yim Mo Chiu did not even spare him another glance and returned to her original position. “Next.”

The teenagers finally realised what she meant by six steps, but they did not understand why Suet Sing Fuk ended up injured as Yim Mo Chiu’s energliph was targeted at Suet Sing Fuk, thus the others couldn’t feel it.





Yim Mo Chiu scanned the place like a ferocious beast. “Next.”

The participants were confused yet fearful when they saw the first three participants being disqualified after being badly injured. Yim Mo Chiu’s energliph was still too powerful and sharp, but everyone that was left behind at this point was the best amongst their generation. They wouldn’t simply give up.

“Greetings, Second Teacher.”

It was Lam Zaa. “Lam Zaa is here to learn from the mighty second teacher.”

“Stop with your nonsense and step forward!” Yim Mo Chiu glared at him, leaving the rest with jaws dropped. They understood that status did not play a part in the enrollment, but Lam Zaa was still the crown prince, and yet she was speaking to him in such a manner…

Emotionless, Lam Zaa stepped forward clenching his fist. He was the only one who knew how he barely made it through the previous stage. As the crown prince of the Lam Dynasty, he received tons of resources, many more than others. All g-elixirs and g-food were within his reach. He nearly vomited after drinking the soup, but thanks to the Hundred Streams body, he managed to withstand and make it through.

The name Hundred Streams meant the cultivator was an “ocean” that all streams led to. If energliph was described as water, Lam Zaa would be an ocean, and his body had been nurtured by all the streams to slowly remove the toxins from his body. He would definitely have been disqualified if he were to participate in the enrollment without having entered the Citrine Ghost Lake.

Thus, he would never give up!

First step!


Lam Zaa finally understood how the participants ended up injured. However, having the Hundred Streams body, energliph surged around him automatically.

The second and third step!

Boom boom!

The invisible aura from the Hundred Streams body met Yim Mo Chiu’s scary energliph directly!

Yim Mo Chiu sighed and took two more steps forward.

It was the fifth step!

Lam Zaa was thrown back two steps, but he was still as determined as before, and the energliph around him was still going strong. Very soon, Yim Mo Chiu’s momentum slowed down when she took the sixth step.

The energliph around Lam Zaa shrunk right at this instant, which was an action to solidify the energliph.

The energliph area that spanned across a few meters turned into a shield!


Lam Zaa moved back by two steps again, but he was still able to maintain his composure. “Indeed the second teacher. I greatly admire your skill.”

Yim Mo Chiu took a glance at him and said no more. “Pass. Next!”

However, the others were looking at him seriously.

The Hundred Streams body was ranked third on the Heaven Rank in the Heaven-Earth-Human Rank. It was named the most powerful defensive body type, and just awakening this body form would give one a hundred years of lifespan, and Lam Zaa was clearly able to take Yim Mo Chiu’s attacks well.

Lam Zaa was not fearful of straight-on attacks. It was actually the first three stages regarding mentality and inner growth that scared him the most since he improved mostly due to his special body form.

However, Lam Zaa’s pass didn’t mean anything. Yam Chui Ying managed to pass the first three stages, proving his strong mentality and growth, but in front of the second teacher’s scary energliph, he was disqualified after being seriously injured.

One by one, the participants were disqualified. Wong Chow Yip, Chor Kwong Laan, On Kuet, Ha Yu Bing, and Northerners like Tsui Sin, Or Shan Tat, and many more.

Ping Ching looked at Chui Yim helplessly before she disappeared into thin air. She, who was proficient in alchemy and gliphism, had no advantage in this stage.

Now, only Mung Si, Kam Chin Kee, Lee Bak, Kong Yau, and Lam Zaa had made it through out of more than twenty participants. There were still a few left, and nobody dared to belittle them.

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