“It’s been a long time, Brother Chui.”

A teenage girl walked up to Chui Yim, staring at him with shiny doe eyes. She emitted a strong aroma of pills as a gentle breeze graced her.

It had been a year, and Chui Yim had definitely changed a lot. He was still the pale refreshing boy, but slightly brash now.

He has now become a man, Ping Ching thought to herself before starting gently, “Little Ching will participate in this Cloud Palace enrollment too. Be careful, Brother Chui, if you perform badly, you’ll be Little Ching’s joke.”

Chui Yim turned around with eyes popping out. The next instant, he was pinching Ping Ching’s ears! “You’ve grown well, even learning to make such comments!”

Others around them were in disbelief at the scene. Ping Ching was a beauty, one of the most attractive within her generation, and if comparisons had to be made, she would be on par with Mung Si and Kong Yau. Yet Chui Yim, a country bumpkin, was pinching the gorgeous girl’s earlobes!

However, Ping Ching only giggled at Chui Yim’s actions, not finding offence to it. At the same time, other teenage boys were glaring daggers at Chui Yim.

Mung Si, in the crowd waiting for the enrollment to take place, had dark eyes when she accidentally glanced at the duo. But just like a proud phoenix, she kept her composure and head up.

“What audacity you have, gangster! Let go of Miss Ping!”

This shout attracted the attention of Chui Yim, Ping Ching, Tse Yu Bak, Kam Chin Kee who was spectating from the side, and many others!

A teenager with a fan walked over with a small group of servants trailing behind him. “Miss Ping, are you alright?” he said angrily. But before Ping Ching could respond, he turned to Chui Yim in disgust and continued, “The person with the surname of Chui, don’t think you’re able to harass girls just because Lady Luck got you onto the Blue Skies Rank.

“We are currently right under the emperor.” The teen turned to Evergreen Palace. “Not somewhere you can mess around.”

“Lee Bat Fan, what are you up to?” Chui Yim’s head hurt.

The angry teenager was none other than the Lee Clan’s Lee Bat Fan.

Chui Yim was getting annoyed at how there were constantly people finding trouble with him. After Woo Hung was kicked out, now it’s Lee Bat Fan’s turn?

“Hmph, this time around, I will let you understand the huge difference, one that you will never be able to overcome, between you and the clans!”

Kam Chin Kee, who was on the side, chuckled seeing Lee Bat Fan. “I see that your confidence comes from successfully breaking through the innate chamber.”

Indeed, Lee Bat Fan became a single-gliphic gliphist within this period of time, officially becoming a gliphist just in time for the enrollment. He believed that this was a sign that he would successfully make it into Cloud Palace!

“Hah, you’re still sharp.” Lee Bat Fan sneered before turning to Ping Ching politely. Her beauty captured the heart of the Lee Clan young master. “Miss Ping, I’m the Lee Clan’s Lee Bat Fan. Please stay away from this gangster, and we can take care of each other during the trial later on.”

“Oh?” Ping Ching turned to Lee Bat Fan. “Then can you please make way? You are blocking me and Brother Chui,” she said in all seriousness.

“Hahaha.” Chui Yim failed to hold in his laughter. Face as red as a brick, Lee Bat Fan glared at Chui Yim and left with a wave of his sleeve.

After a long wait, there were finally people who came out of the temple. It was Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun, the class teachers of the outer sect.

Most people treated all members of Cloud Palace with respect as even an assistant was not a role that anyone could take up. As serious as always, Woo Nim walked to the front and bowed.

Most teenagers returned the greeting. Only a few arrogant teens like Hong Zheng Chen, Duen Por Do, and Fok Fung remained still.

“All participants get ready to head into the trial venue. Mister Cheuk will activate the teleportation gliph formation to send all of you off.

“As for family members and the rest, please head in for a cup of tea after the participants leave to spectate. However, we have limited space so try to only send one representative each.”

With that, Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun left.

The surrounding teens exchanged glances. Seeing their eyes overflowing with battle intent, they followed after the Cloud Palace members closely.

“Er… Brother Chui has left.” A dirty teenager in the crowd who almost ran forward stopped in her tracks when she saw Ping Ching next to Chui Yim. After some hesitation, she stayed still.

“Your Highness, why didn’t you go? Didn’t you want to cheer for little friend Chui?” The middle-aged man behind her sighed. They were naturally Kan Hang and Lam Ming Sum.

Lam Ming Sum sulked. She looked at beautiful Ping Ching and said nothing.

Before Lam Zaa left with the crowd, someone called him. “Little Zaa, all the best.”

“Erm…” This voice attracted the attention of everyone instantly.

Lam Zaa might have been one of the participants like anyone else, but he was still the crown prince, and yet this person addressed him as Little Zaa…? Emperor Lam wasn’t present today; it was said that he and Chancellor Chui were busy taking care of the flood that occurred in the eastern part of the South.

All the important figures turned to the person subconsciously only to realize that it was a stranger, but one with the signature blue hair of the Lam Clan. They were the only clan with blue hair in the entire world.

“You are…?” Lam Zaa looked at him, confused.

“It’s normal if you’ve forgotten me.” The middle aged man flashed him a gentle smile. “You were just a baby when we first met, but I even hugged you back then.”

Some managed to recall who the middle-aged man was with his words, and the fastest amongst them was Wong Pak.

“It’s the Duke of Southary – Duke Lam Chi. Your humble servant greets…”

“Please get up.” Lam Chi stepped forward to hold Wong Pak up, not letting him bow. “I decided to take this chance, the Cloud Palace enrollment, to pay South Imperial City a visit since it’s been so long since I’ve returned.”

Immediately, everyone who had knowledge about the Lam Dynasty knew who he was. Lam Chi, the current Emperor Lam’s younger brother.

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