“You can forge?” somebody asked.

Kam Chin Kee and Man Yee Ho were walking towards the workshop, and surprisingly, it was the quiet Man Yee Ho who spoke.

Even Kam Chin Kee was shocked.

Yeung Tin Hun and Man Yee Ho arrived about two months ago, and ever since then, Kam Chin Kee got Man Yee Ho to discuss gliphism with him. Through their discussion, Kam Chin Kee was amazed to learn that Man Yee Ho hadn’t broken through his innate chamber yet and could already draw gliph strings with all his fingers at lightning speed that even Kam Chin Kee envied! 

Kam Chin Kee did not intend to teach Man Yee Ho his puppetry skills, but honestly, the teen boy was perfect to be a puppeteer and had brilliant skills that left Kam Chin Kee in awe; he had the capability of a peak single-gliphic gliphist despite not yet breaking through!

Since Man Yee Ho was an introverted teenager with few words, Kam Chin Kee communicated with him by questioning him, to which Man Yee Ho would usually take a long pause to ponder before drawing a gliph as an answer.

As a large organization, Imperial Sunset Palace had its unique characteristics regarding the study of gliphism. Despite being the same field of study, it was adopted and taught differently in both the South and the North.

Southerners viewed gliphism as a profound area of study whilst Northerners only cared about applying gliphism methods quickly and powerfully.

The difference was mainly due to cultural differences; the South prioritized education while Northerners had to fight for survival. Thus, the latter would rather spend time improving their ability to defend themselves than to research an area of study.

Both methods were fine and had their pros.

Southerners might be caught up with the theoretical parts, but they had a deeper understanding regarding gliphism compared to the North, who seemed to execute moves on the field better. Northerners were able to perform stronger attacks, but their lack of understanding could easily lead them to a bottleneck in the future.

That was what happened when one only cared about moving forward without understanding an area fully.

Only when one passed all obstacles would they realize that they were all valuable lessons and experiences.

As Kam Chin Kee and Man Yee Ho exchanged knowledge, they improved rapidly, and Kam Chin Kee admired the other more and more as time passed. He’s such a genius!

Today after their long discussion, Kam Chin Kee suggested that both of them should take a walk to relax.

Surprised by the scene of Chui Yim and Yeung Tin Hun discussing peacefully, the duo decided to join them out of curiosity.

“You can forge?” Man Yee Ho asked Chui Yim.

Chui Yim turned to Kam Chin Kee oddly. Well, if a very introverted person started a conversation out of nowhere, anyone would be weirded out. “Yeah, I’m currently at the great master state. Why? Is there something you want me to make? But aren’t you a gliphist?”

“Mhmm…” Man Yee Ho took a long pause, as if trying to search for the appropriate words to express his feelings. “I’m… kind of special.”

Chui Yim nearly vomited blood after anticipating Man Yee Ho’s words after such a long pause and being met with that.

On the other hand, Yeung Tin Hun obviously understood him.

“He’s… kind of like both a glipher and gliphist? Not just a gliphist.” Yeung Tin Hun explained roughly, and Chui Yim did not probe further as he respected the other’s privacy. Everyone has their secrets, just like me. I’m also both a glipher and gliphist, but Man Yee Ho’s main path is gliphist while mine is glipher.

“So what do you wish to forge?”

Just like previously, Man Yee Ho took a long time to ponder and only answered when Chui Yim started losing his patience. “Anything.”

Exasperated, Chui Yim turned to Yeung Tin Hun for his explanation, which the other did immediately.

“He can use any weapon. Blade, spear, staff… anything’s fine. But he needs a huge amount.”

“Huge? How much is huge?” Chui Yim was slightly taken aback.

“Humongous,” Man Yee Ho answered seriously. “An extremely huge amount.”

Night fell.

The night sky today was like a serenade of black with only a few touches of glowing stars to light up the world.

In the workshop was a gorgeous teen girl. Her clean white robe was currently sprawled on the ground, revealing her smooth white shoulders that made Chui Yim’s heart race despite not being his first time seeing them.

Every time, Chui Yim would forcefully calm down by reminding himself “Are you a beast?! She’s just a little girl!”, but he forgot that he was technically thirteen years old too.

The treatment was smoother than expected.

Despite the energy dissociation worsening as Mung Si’s cultivation increased, Chui Yim’s Heaven’s Flame heart was powerful. It devoured everything, and even the fierce dissociation energy couldn’t harm his body.

Chui Yim even gained a greater understanding regarding his body.

After the inter-school competition, he learnt from Lee Bak about the Nine-Tailed Fox gliph poison of the Wai-Chi Clan. The poison was obviously useless against him, which reminded him of the corpse poison and chilly energy of Yellow Spring Lady that entered his body in Southern Ping that similarly had no effect on him. Chui Yim inferred that it should be his heart that could deal with these poisons.

Thus, Chui Yim gained confidence in hunting down the dissociation energy and was currently hunting it down on large scale without injuring Mung Si.

About two months later, the dissociation energy in Mung Si’s body had decreased by half.

Chui Yim sat cross-legged and spoke after a pause. “We’re at the last lap. The dissociation energy in you is terrifying, it even sort of has a mind of its own just like the blood spectres in the Metallic Blood Giant Tower. There’s no intelligence, but there’s a survival instinct.

“Under my strong treatment, you will feel a huge decrease in your dissociation energy.”

Mung Si, back facing him, nodded slightly.

During these two months, Mung Si clearly felt that the condition that was always bothering her, especially the uncomfortable feeling during noon, had decreased greatly. Mung Si was over the moon to be freed from it despite it resulting in her combat capability devolving. However, she was able to cultivate better.

“But because it has this instinct, it was able to identify that it might be eliminated if the treatment continues. Organs are differently attributed, and the heart is fire attributed, which is the same as the dissociation energy. Thus, it subconsciously hid near your heart chamber to survive on the slight amount of energy it could absorb.

“Which makes this complicated,” Chui Yim said after a short pause. “If we stop treatment, the condition might worsen again by absorbing the energliph you cultivate since it’s hidden near the heart chamber.

“But if we do a full treatment, it will be dangerous because I’ll have to bring my energliph deep into your heart chamber to totally eliminate it, and any carelessness on my part might cost you your life.”

Chui Yim was very honest. He was an avid learner, and after learning from Chui Tin, he was very honest about the diagnosis. “The decision lies with you.”

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