All the tribe members were utterly surprised to hear Hung Zhin. They didn’t know that the great elder’s throne was a treasure too!

Hung Zhin stood up, giving the seat to Skinny Tiger with a complicated look. “From today onwards, you are the great elder.”

“I will definitely live up to your expectations, bring our tribe out of the dark, and regain our glory from a thousand years ago!” Skinny Tiger replied calmly, his expression hidden by his mask.

With that, the weak Hung Zhin went off silently. But most of the tribe failed to notice his sickly body as their gazes were on Skinny Tiger sitting on the throne. Humans tended to focus on the future and throw the past behind them within no time.

Under Ling Fei’s help, Hung Zhin left with his “son.” Meanwhile, Siu Fu watched all of this unfold like it was unrelated to him.

In a secret room with an old cushion and a single candle:

Hung Zhin sat on the cushion, candlelight reflecting on his wrinkled face with a hint of gentleness before death. Pulling open his shirt, a terrifying mark was revealed.

Compared to before, the mark was scarier to look at. Maybe it sensed Hung Zhin’s vitality slipping away, but the strong blood intent intensified the pain Hung Zhin felt. However, he heaved a sigh of relief when he felt the pain that had accompanied him for more than a century. It was as if his late friend was still with him.

“Huet Zhin, I’m at fault for the fact that you’ll have to suffer and be ordered around after your death, is me ending my life in the same manner enough to make it up for you?” Hung Zhin wore a complex yet determined look at the same time.

Bloody War Strike was made to counter necrogliphism naturally, and Chor Huet Zhin was the only person who knew how to perform this technique. Thus, Chor Huet Zhin’s corpse naturally hindered the tribe, and Hung Zhin had no choice if he wished for Siu Fu to have a smooth future.

“If the yellow springs or reincarnation are actual things, I’ll definitely wait for you and return everything that I owe you,” Hung Zhin muttered, voice getting lower.

The terrifying palm mark on his chest trembled hard as if it was trying to break through. At the same time, Hung Zhin’s body started to shatter and slowly turn into a pool of black water on the ground.

The terrifying punch mark on his left ribs emitted a scary blood light at the same time.

Boom! Hung Zhin exploded like a bomb!

The candlelight was put out at the same time.

When his life ended, the candlelight dimmed too.

When Skinny Tiger sat on the throne, he felt how special it was. The throne was connected to the Black Promise Tower, thus he constantly felt death energy surging into his body through the throne and helping him gain strength. This throne was a precious treasure for all necrocultivators!

“Skinny Tiger! Now that Great Elder has left, give me the throne and I’ll spare your life!” Sun Choi Bo said coldly. In necrogliphism, “Great Elder” was just another word for absolute authority and cultivation resources. It was a position that many craved.

Speaking of Skinny Tiger, he only broke through to the four-chambered state a few years ago and started cultivating the Nine Levels of Hell under Hung Zhin’s guard. 

The Nine Levels of Hell seemed to be equivalent to the four-chambered state, but necrocultivators experienced huge changes in their capability beyond the bestial and plantae faction cultivators’ experience when they moved up a level in the Nine Levels of Hell.

Sun Choi Bo had cultivated the Nine Levels of Hell for decades and had already deemed himself to be hopeless in reaching the fourth level. But with the resources I could get as the great elder… it isn’t truly impossible.

The thought of this fueled him up as he glared at Skinny Tiger coldly.

Skinny Tiger looked down without a word, but Sun Choi Bo had already stepped up, his cold voice ringing across the area, “I gave you a chance.”

As Sun Choi Bo moved, the sound of chains followed. Floating pitch-black chains as well as the dead he used as ingredients were seen moving with him…


Everyone felt a powerful gush. When they realized what was going on, Skinny Tiger was holding Sun Choi Bo up in the air by his neck.

Skinny Tiger tilted his head slightly, and the only thing that filled Sun Choi Bo’s orbs was the tiger mask that no longer seemed funny but left chills running down his spine. The other tribe members might not have understood what was going on, but he, as a necrocultivator in the third level of hell, did.

Just before he could summon the dead, Skinny Tiger’s scary aura reached him and crushed the spirits following behind him as well as the chains of his Deadly Palm gliph!

This stance…

Is he in the fourth or fifth level!?

Sun Choi Bo didn’t know. All he knew was that Skinny Tiger, who always took the others’ malicious intent expressionlessly, was currently a monster, and he finally figured out that Skinny Tiger wasn’t choosing to suffer in silence. On the contrary, he simply chose to ignore them.

No lion would pay attention to hyenas unless they launched an attack first. Then, the lion would kill mercilessly.

Was Skinny Tiger the lion or hyena? There wasn’t a need to ask, the answer was more than obvious.

The elites dropped to the ground instantly to worship their new great elder.

“Greetings, Great Elder!”

Skinny Tiger threw Sun Choi Bo to the ground casually and spoke coldly, “I will announce my first order as the great elder.

“Three months from now will be the start of our first internal competition, the Necrocultivator Competition, and it will be open to all. Based on the results of this competition, tribe members will be categorized into four levels: White Bones, Human Corpse, Earthly Spirit, and Heavenly Spirit. Different levels will receive different treatment in the tribe as well as the rights to Cultivation Style Pavilion. Members of a certain level will only be allowed to browse and choose from their designated areas.

“As for the Treasure Pavilion, tribe members who reach a certain level can exchange meritorious deeds for a chance to pick a treasure. Collecting different treasures or styles from the outside world will be considered meritorious deeds.

“The competition will be held every six months and will decide if a member will advance or be demoted to another level.”

There was no doubt that Skinny Tiger, who had just become the great elder, had prepared this a long time ago, and his words were fatally attractive to the members. In the past, without significant contributions or breaking through a state, they would never have the chance to enter the Cultivation Style Pavilion or Treasure Pavilion. Now, despite being separated into four levels, it was no different from opening the pavilions to all members, and the different levels would push members to work hard. Furthermore, they would now voluntarily make their way out to hunt for treasures because of the meritorious deed system. Skinny Tiger could be said to be pushing the tribe toward a better future!

Suddenly, an elderly man stood up. “Great Elder, please reconsider your choice!”

This elder was a mediocre cultivator who had stayed at the three-chambered state for decades and was currently counting his days, but he was Hung Zhin’s advisor and always assisted him. He immediately stepped out hearing Skinny Tiger’s great changes for the tribe.

“Great Elder, the tribe’s existence is unwanted by the rest of the world, and we’ve spent more than a thousand years building up the Treasure Pavilion and the Cultivation Style Pavilion. The tiny amount we have in storage is insufficient for us to splurge like this! Furthermore, a careless action might lead cultivators of the other two factions to discover us, and they definitely won’t spare us, leading to an irreversible negative impact!

“Please rethink your choices, mighty Great Elder!”

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