Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee already had an aim in mind. As soon as their mentors announced it was free time, they rushed to the tables of mouth-watering dishes.

Chui Yim, who had just succeeded in cultivating bronze skin, was seriously deficient in nutrition, and he hadn’t had the time to eat since Woo Nim dragged him over immediately after he finished! How was a starving teen supposed to control himself in front of a plethora of food?

Kam Chin Kee never had much interest in food, but after Lam Ming Sum’s arrival at the palace, he was introduced to many delicious dishes and started having high expectations. Soon afterwards, he moved in with Chui Yim and wondered if food was indeed as enjoyable as Chui Yim made it seem. After his experiences with both teenagers, Kam Chin Kee became a glutton like Chui Yim.

G-food was more than just the flavours, it was the best supplement for cultivators considering that no side effects came with it. The saying “every medicine comes with side effects” was accurate and applicable to all types of cultivation elixirs, even products of famous alchemists. Therefore, Ping Chi did not recommend that Chui Yim consume any elixirs before the three-chambered state.

Only cultivators who reached that state were able to dissolve the side effects of elixirs with the unending lifeforce produced by their bodies naturally.

Mental state was crucial to gliphists, yet there weren’t many elixirs that aided mental state cultivation. Those that did cost a fortune, thus gliphists rarely consumed elixirs.

Kam Chin Kee was a gliphist, but at the same time, he was an assassin. This resulted in high requirements towards his body. The method he used during his battle with Duen Por Do – speeding behind the opponent to grab his neck – was a form of special movement that allowed his body to move in odd ways. Besides the skill required, a strong body was needed to achieve it.

Kam Chin Kee had picked up many similar tricks back from the Thousand Mechanism Sect, and they played a major role in his combat ability. Despite reincarnating, Kam Chin Kee decided to keep these important self-defence skills.

This resulted in a funny scene. Amongst a wonderful party were two teens gobbling down food as if they were badly starved for years. These hungry ghosts became the center of attention and received countless stares of disdain, but this did not stop them.

Chui Yim’s Northern classmates dared not walk around freely, they only sat behind Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun quietly. Due to their special status, they dared not act freely like Chui Yim as the possibility of them being captured in the name of spying on Evergreen Palace if they wandered around alone was high. They might even be locked up forever because of that!

On the contrary, the Southerners were dying for these Northern disciples to wander around. This was the best chance for them to take down these talents with a good excuse!

They knew well where they stood, but Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee’s carefree actions made their eyes sore.

“Miss Woo, Mister Cheuk, aren’t their vulgar actions tarnishing Cloud Palace’s reputation?” Wai-Chi Chun whispered to his mentors unhappily. He beat around the bush, yet his meaning was clear. Even Mung Si frowned at Wai-Chi Chun’s words.

“Vulgar? What’s vulgar?” Cheuk Kwun turned to him, his answer leaving Wai-Chi Chun dumbfounded.

“Them gobbling down food like nobody’s business…” Wai-Chi Chun replied after a short pause. “During such a high-class event, they should behave in a proper manner…”

“Why do we have to behave in a ‘proper manner’?” Cheuk Kwun asked.

Wai-Chi Chin wondered if Cheuk Kwun was secretly unhappy with him.

“Is eating and drinking what we like a vulgar action? And behaving like you, tattling on them in such an indirect way, is proper manners.

“When I said to not embarrass Cloud Palace, I meant for all of you to not fool around. Whatever you’re currently doing right now, standing here quietly, is correct. It shows that you understood me. However, Chui Yim and Kam Chin Kee aren’t wrong either.

“They are simply being themselves, and this is not vulgar.”

Cheuk Kwun’s words left Wai-Chi Chun in a daze, and Woo Nim took a meaningful glance at Cheuk Kwun silently before turning her gaze back to the boys who were being themselves.

“I say, when’s the last time you ate?” Chor Shing Chit’s eyes twitched as he walked over. He might not have had any official status, but the Chor Clan was one of the big four clans, and as the son of Clan Leader Chor Chun Ping, he was invited to this celebration as his plus one.

“Ah, Chor boy! Come take a seat and have a bite,” Chui Yim said as he munched on a pig trotter, acting like he was the host.

“Slow down! There’s no need to gobble so ferociously.” Chor Shing Chit pulled Chui Yim anxiously. “Many important figures are watching.”

Chui Yim only sneered at his words. “So what? I’m an important figure too.”

Chor Shing Chit shook his head helplessly. Chui Yim was right. Even putting aside his age, as a double great master, he was qualified to attend this party. But he’s still a teenager, and there will definitely be some elders who have some comments.

Kam Chin Kee on the side wiped his lips clean and laughed. “People get jealous when you’re outstanding, so why bother with what they think?”

“Excuse me, please… I want to taste this dish,” an elderly man said to Chui Yim, who was stunned by the old man standing next to him with a plate.

“Oh, of course! Sir, you have great taste! This dish is delicious!” Chui Yim ignored Kam Chin Kee and Chor Shing Chit and spoke to the man.

“Hehe, is that so? Let me have a bite…

“Mm! It’s so good!”

“Haha, I told you so!” Chui Yim replied proudly.

Their conversation attracted Chor Shing Chit’s attention and left him shocked. “Sir Kwan?!”

“Sir Kwan is here?”


“How can that be? Sir Kwan has not attended a public event for ages… Oh lord… it’s indeed Sir Kwan!”

The elderly man was Kwan Mok Man, the most famous, honest, and upright official, and the current imperial preceptor of Evergreen Palace whom Lam Zaa had to address as teacher.

However, Kwan Mok Man did not have the talent to cultivate, thus he was in his senior years. Lam Chun also did his best to lengthen his mentor’s life with precious ingredients.

It had been ages since Kwan Mok Man participated in an official event, and everyone looked at him with great admiration and greeted him with respect as soon as they saw him.

“There’s no need to pay attention to me. It’s National Day, the day the emperor celebrates with us commoners. Thus, I’m here to enjoy the day.” Kwan Mok Man only wore a simple grey robe, and his lips were coated with grease from food, yet nobody found it inappropriate. He lived a secluded life and had already donated most of his income to the needy. The man Kwan Mok Man was sincerely admired and respected by many.

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