Lam Chun’s voice resonated through the Hall of Affairs. Even the precious gems on the ceiling flickered.

Kam Chin Kee stepped up as told.

He was no stranger to the Evergreen Palace. Even though he considered it a prison, he did spend twelve years of his life here.

Calmly, Kam Chin Kee did as told, but it was unknown if he was actually as composed as he seemed.

Lam Chun looked at Kam Chin Kee expressionlessly, slight pity swimming in his deep orbs. In fact, he was the first person to notice how special Kam Chin Kee was.

It all started when Kam Chin Kee requested to enter the Sacred Scripture Pavilion.

Occupied with countless affairs daily, Lam Chun paid little attention to Kam Chin Kee, who seemed like an oddball boy that always locked himself in his room. Lam Chun perceived this as naturally being introverted and overlooked the child. However, Kam Chin Kee’s request to enter the Sacred Scripture Pavilion captured his attention.

Lam Chun sent someone to observe Kam Chin Kee and found out that Kam Chin Kee was actually reading instead of pretending. Not only that, Lam Chun was surprised by Kam Chin Kee’s reading choices.

Kam Chin Kee did not rush for the secret styles of skills unlike what Lam Chun expected. Since the Sacred Scripture Pavilion was an imperial library, it stored secrets of the Imperial Clan that the Big Three would never have access to despite the Big Three libraries having more extensive collections.

Yet Kam Chin Kee selected his books quite thoroughly and ignored these secret collections. Lam Chun realized he only read books about the world; the boy was expanding his knowledge of the world.

While other youths his age attended primary institutions to learn about basic gliphism and battle skills, Kam Chin Kee spent his time in the Sacred Scripture Pavilion learning from books about this world.

After a year, Kam Chin Kee finished the books about the world and moved on to gliphism, but he only picked books on basic gliphism.

Lam Chun was amazed by his slow but steady actions that were contrary to a curious boy.

However, it was too late. By the time Lam Chun was aware he was no ordinary boy, Kam Chin Kee was prepared to leave the palace.

And he grew rapidly, like a carp who turned into a dragon within a short period of time.

The Kam Chin Kee standing in front of him currently shone brightly as the victor of the group competition. Equipped with his puppetry skills that were new to this world – skills that were adequate enough to even start his own sect – and his strong combat ability, Kam Chin Kee was a strong contender for Cloud Palace enrollment.

Even if he failed, this outstanding teen would definitely be scouted by the Big Three, Eight Institutions, and other clans, including Northern organizations. With his potential, he would unquestionably end up as a hundred-gliphic gliphist at minimum even in the worst-case scenario.

But if he maintained his current growth… He’d be a new powerful force in the South. What a pity…

Thoughts bombarded Lam Chun’s mind, but he remained composed. “Performing with flying colours, Kam Chin Kee managed to clinch victory in the group competition. To encourage young cultivators, I hereby present a prize to Kam Chin Kee.”

Lam Chun pulled an emerald-green jade badge out of his sleeves. The entirely emerald-coloured badge was undoubtedly costly, and the word “ghost” carved on the jade was what captured the attention of most.

“This is a citrine ghost jade. Anyone that possesses this jade can enter the forbidden area of Evergreen Palace, the Citrine Ghost Lake, for their life-changing opportunity.”

Everyone present was shocked, and the teenagers who were aware of what the Citrine Ghost Lake stared at Kam Chin Kee in envy! Even Mung Si sighed in pity. She would not have helped Kam Chin Kee win if she knew this would be the prize.

The famous Citrine Ghost Lake was extremely important to cultivators. Just look at Lam Zaa; he became one of the most powerful gliphers of his generation overnight after acquiring the Hundred Streams Body by entering the Citrine Ghost Lake. Other than monsters like Chui Yim and Lee Bak, no other participants were able to handle him that day.

Special body forms came as a great help when a cultivator was still weak, but they still worked well even after the cultivator grew; the On Clan’s Kirin Arm passed down through the generations was well-known to be great for battles even if it wasn’t ranked.

This was the importance of getting a chance to enter the Citrine Ghost Lake. In the entire world, such a place was one-of-a-kind, just like the Chamber Refining Cave of Blazing Skies Mountain.

Every part of this place was a plain benefit, and less than ten were allowed to enter the Citrine Ghost Lake in a year. Northerners had to pay a high price to do so…

Some four-chambered elites were staring at the badge in Kam Chin Kee’s hand with great jealousy.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.” With a calm reply, Kam Chin Kee bowed and left, leaving all the envious men who were much older than him awkward. We’re acting like greedy tigers while the kid doesn’t even seem to care… He must be unaware of the value that jade possesses. That must be it.

Successfully finding an excuse for themselves, the elderly men sighed and felt better.

After the ceremony, there was nothing else to do with the disciples. Their prize was a tour of the Evergreen Palace, but Lam Chun would not be so dumb as to allow them to tour the entire palace freely when there were Northerners amongst them. The disciples were brought directly from the Hall of Affairs to the Imperial Garden, which was bustling with activities. It was spring all year round in the garden, and flowers bloomed beautifully.

The garden was even larger than the Metallic Blood War Gate arena they’d been to previously! Long tables were placed on the grass with plate after plate of delicacies. The aroma made everyone drool hungrily.

In his yellow robe, Lam Chun made a speech first. “It’s National Day today, and to celebrate it with my fellow Southerners, I prepared this scrumptious meal.” Not only did he treat those present in the palace, he also gave out food to everyone in the South, literally.

Everybody raised their cups for this joyous occasion. The clan leaders who hated each other normally put their unhappiness aside for today and enjoyed the celebration.

Currently, the Cloud Palace outer sect disciples were standing in a corner being briefed by Woo Nim and Cheuk Kwun. “It’s free time now, but remember, you are currently representing the outer sect and will be responsible for any trouble you cause.”

The class couldn’t help but be reminded of Woo Hung who was expelled.

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